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[Spoiler] What happened to your Meepo?


Meepo was left behind and never heard from again.

Erky, on the other hand, was a major player (NPC) in the whole campaign.

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Meepo went with the party to see the queen, who after some negotiations tasked them with eliminating the goblins. Meepo was sent with the party as a "reward" (really a way of getting rid of the still-unpopular kobald; he wasn't expected to survive). But the dice were on his side; every attack against Meepo missed and he turned out to be a deadly shot with the light crossbow the party were able to provide him. So the little 2 hp bugger with no levels as such (3.0 rules) was the only one unscathed after they got the dragon back and finished off the goblins, at which point the much-impressed queen made him her chief bodyguard. (I figured he'd gained a level off the last fight he participated in, probably in Rogue but possibly Fighter - I never had to find out).

(He had inadvertantly led the party to believe that he and the dragon were on friendly terms, and he didn't bother correcting them. Imagine their surprise when the dragon made a point of attacking Meepo first. Fortunately, it rolled only 3 damage with its breath weapon and Meepo, almost uniquely out of those in its area of effect, made his save - 1 point of damage! (The only damage he took.))


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Meepo is still traveling with my group, though we've been on hiatus due to a birth. You can read about his exploits in my story hour (see sig). The campaign is soon to resume.


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My players turned him into kobold paste with one swing of a mace without even bothering to wonder if Meepo was any different from any other kobold.


When I ran Sunless Citadel, the party was inexperienced, paranoid and bloodthirsty. They chased off Erky, but somehow sort of trusted Meepo, but left him to die at the hands (um, breath and bite?) of Calcryx.

Of course, many levels later, the partys arch-nemesis Devis the bard joined forces with Calcryx and an evil drow wizard and went about finding and raising some other party foes. They then went on a multi-planar journey to gain power and experience, until they could come back and challenge the party. Meepo became a rogue/some broken prestige class from Path of Shadow, but was unceremoniusly killed again.

But because Meepo was one of the first named NPCs ever encountered, and then part of the villainous group that cast a shadow over numerous higher levels of the campaign, Meepo is one of the more talked about and remembered NPCs at our game too.

Everyone loves Meepo. Even when he's trying to kill you.


Ran my kids (8 and 10) through SC last summer ... Meepo was mauled by Calcryx, all the while screaming, "Nice dragon! Sit! SIT!!" I think they managed to save his life & bring him, with the dragon, back to the kobold queen ...

When I GMed it at a game store to help bring awareness of the D&D ruleset to the local gamer community - I played him as a little silly, a little obnoxius, a little big cowardly, and a little lovable. The players ended up taking care of him, helping him with the dragon and queen, and taking him with them through the rest.

Then the gameshop owners younger son wanted to play, and I knew he had a short attention span (the game store owner was one of my best friends, which is how I got the job there in the first place) and had the right personallity, so I let him play Meepo. All the other players though it was cute, and so kept helping him out.
The son kept playing, and kept Meepo for his PC. Multiclassed Fighter, Sorcerer (mainly a level or two in fighter for the low level survivability factor).

The game lasted about two other adventures, till about 5th level. Meepo stayed the whole time.


I believe Meepo suffered the ignomious fate of being the victim of a Cleave attack...he was the only one in range, and if you have an extra Cleave attack you might as well take it.


They handed Calcryx, subdued by 4 hp, to Meepo in a sack. The thing woke up, clawed its way out of the sack, and insta-froze Meepo before he was halfway back to the kobold queen.

After playing Shadows of Undrentide, I sorta regretted that. Deekin opened my eyes to possibilities!

-The Gneech :cool:

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