D&D 5E [SPOILERS] Enhancing Tomb of Annihilation


[MENTION=6863518]dropbear8mybaby[/MENTION] - I really like this thread and the others like it. However all the great ideas get buried within all the posts. Can we please make this a Wiki thread and have the first post collect the best suggestions from the thread, perhaps collected under chapter headings?

Thanks! :)

I don't actually know what that entails. Does it mean I have to do all the work? I hate work.

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Lowcountry Low Roller
I don't actually know what that entails. Does it mean I have to do all the work? I hate work.

Ha, fortunately for you it’s just a button click. Back on the first page you (and only you) will see a button to “make this a wiki thread”. Click that and the rest should happen organically.


Ha, fortunately for you it’s just a button click. Back on the first page you (and only you) will see a button to “make this a wiki thread”. Click that and the rest should happen organically.

Yah, done it already. Feel free to do all the work for me to make this thread really useful so that I get all the credit since I'm the OP :D


ToA, page 144: "The tomb guardian is a flesh golem clad in plate armor (AC 17)."

PHB, page 145: "Heavy armor doesn't let you add your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class, but it also doesn't penalize you if your Dexterity modifier is negative."

I have a feeling someone forgot that rule and gave the tomb guardian a -1 penalty to its AC because of its 9 Dex. I reckon the tomb guardian's AC should be 18.

Giving it such a massive increase in AC should probably raise its CR as well.


Lowcountry Low Roller
OK - it's done.

The first post now has a collection of links to posts within this thread grouped by chapter and topic. I think it looks really helpful (and will mean cool things aren't buried by time). It also reveals that there's a lot more opportunity to "enhance" the adventure. The Tomb has hardly anything for example...

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Something I'm having a little trouble with is figuring out what, if anything, the PCs need to gain an audience with a merchant prince in order to get.

Ekene-Afa: Many of her items are for sale in the markets, like canoes and raincatchers. Would it be fair to assume that the PCs would need to deal directly with her in order to purchase any of her magic items?

Ifan Talro'a: He has "dozens of merchants" who sell his beasts for him. It seems like one needn't meet with Ifan at all, unless you're a Zhent wanting to buy a flying snake.

Jessamine: I'm guessing her herbs and plants can be purchased at the markets, but you'll need to see her in person to buy any poisons or sanctions.

Jobal: He doesn't seem to sell anything as such, and I can't really see any reason for the PCs to seek him out personally, since the guides advertise their services around the city.

Kwayothé: It seems like one would be able to purchase everything she controls in the markets. No need to see her directly at all (unless you're up for a bit of S&M).

Wakanga: He seems like the only one who does absolutely need to be dealt with directly, since he mostly deals in knowledge, as well as potions and scrolls.

Zhanthi: Most of her stuff should be purchasable through the markets. There doesn't seem to be a need to see her directly either.

Given all that, there doesn't seem to be much point in using the black market. There aren't many things that can't be purchased at standard prices on the open market, and there doesn't appear to be anything you can only get via the black market, so I can't see why anyone would bother trying to track down the black markets, especially since everything will cost at least 3x as much as the standard price.

Am I missing something, or is the black market only useful in situations where you can't buy an item through legitimate means, for whatever reason? (Like if you can't get an audience with the relevant merchant prince or if you've offended said prince and they've blacklisted you.)
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