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Pathfinder 1E Stabbing eyes, slicing off hands, and fun stuff like that

Are there PF mechanics for delimbing and maiming that don't require high-level magic? Something, say, a 10th level crime boss could have? I'm coming from a 4e mindset, so I'm thinking of stuff like finishing moves ("If this attack reduces you to 0 HP or below, he digs your eye out with his knife, rendering you permanently blind in that eye.")

Heck, are there rules for being down an eye?

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Heck, are there rules for being down an eye?

Astonishingly, no. Not even the cyclops monster entry notes any special weakness from this.

At the very least, I would halve all range increments for that character, and impose a -2 penalty on all vision-related Perception checks (-4 if the object being viewed is at 30 feet or greater distance). I'd also make it so that being threatened by 3+ enemies results in being flanked, regardless of positioning, to account for reduced visual angle.

The above are realistic penalties. For a more cinematic game (or for a character who has trained himself to adjust to the disability by spending a feat or by being one-eyed since many years ago), drop everything except the range increment penalty.


First Post
"Permanently blind" = "until cure blindness is cast".

Removal of the eye would mean holding out for a Regeneration spell.


Well, if it's an action that you're thinking requires the victim to be 0 HP or less, then why not just make it require a coup-de-grace action or use the same mechanic? Full-round action, results in the eye being dug out.


Well, like I said, coup-de-grace already requires a helpless opponent. A victim at 0 hp or fewer would certain fit the requirements for it. I don't know of any PF rules specifically governing dismemberment or organ removal, but I think likening it to a coup-de-grace would be close enough for government work.


First Post
I'd say keep it simple and don't let it bypass positive HP, which exist to prevent crippling injury.

Finishing strike: Take -4 to hit and describe what limb you want to sever or break. If the attack's damage takes the foe to 0 or fewer HP, you succeed, otherwise the attack only inflicts damage as usual. Eyes and genitals require a -8 to hit penalty in most situations.

Useful against orcs and other foes who keep swinging while dying, otherwise it is just for cathartic showing off.
Ultimate Combat has a variant rule that may be of use - Called Shots
What rules? The Called shot entry looks like it was missing a paragraph or a table.
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