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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
I lost count of the number of times that I saw the same Redshirt, played by David L. Ross, die on a mission. Armin Shimmerman played several aliens, with different appliances on his face, in Next Generation. Combs already played two different characters in DS9, Inspector Brunt (FCA) and Weyoun. Suzie Plakson played a doctor, a Vulcan science officer, a Q, and the half Klingon K'Ehleyr in TNG alone. Reusing actors, with different rubber bits, is a Star Trek tradition :ROFLMAO:

Not so much in major roles across series, which is what has been suggested.

I can’t think of it happening in any CBS Access show yet - am I wrong?

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I should have known how this thread would have gone, I had hoped for just a conversation about the show.

I normally don't like recasting old characters. I'm SO much more interested in NEW characters in the same setting.

That said, I so absolutely loved Pike, Spock, and No.1 in Disco2. They did everything right that I felt was wrong in Disco1 (while keeping things that I liked about it).

The very idea that we could have that cast, plus add some new faces... love it. Even that title... Solid Gold.

Strange New Worlds? YES PLEASE.


Just to go back to the notion of canon for a second.

My issue with canon is two fold. One, if the justification for something is solely based on "It's what came before" and not anything else, then that justification needs to be shown the door. If the concept cannot stand on its own two legs without someone shouting "TRADITION!!", then that idea isn't worth anything.

The second issue with canon is that it basically becomes a blunt club to shut down any creativity. If we are not allowed to change ideas over time, then what's the point of continuing any IP? And the blunt club is so obviously tied into the person's own personal preference. "I hate this old idea and this new idea is FANTASTIC, but, we can't do it because of canon" is an argument you will never, ever hear uttered.

It's ALWAYS, "This idea steps on my feelings about how the IP should be, so, because it's new and different, CANON!!!! Burn the new idea".

So, yeah, count me in the same group as @Umbran of being completely and utterly dismissive of any canon arguments.


I heard (but have not seen direct examples) of Armin Shimmerman having to have some... delicate conversations about being a Jewish actor playing a greedy alien.

I did a little searching on this and could only find one real reference, t a statement made at Star Trek: Mission New York.

“In America, people ask ‘Do the Ferengi represent Jews?’ In England, they ask ‘Do the Ferengi represent the Irish?’ In Australia, they ask if the Ferengi represent the Chinese,” Shimerman said. “The Ferengi represent the outcast… it’s the person who lives among us that we don’t fully understand.”

Editied to add source



Mod Squad
Staff member
A cameo? Definitely! But not a new role. I think Combs had a tweet basically throwing cold water on the idea.

Upon someone tweeting him about the concept of his playing Dr. Boyce, he replied, "Thank you. Nice thought, but the chasm between what fans want and what the studios want make the chances of it happening slim to none.... and Slim left town. "

I'll admit that this seems a little strange, given that I strongly expect that Strange New Worlds exists on the basis of fan response to these characters on Discovery. The issue may be as much one of budget as anything else - any recognizable actor from Trek working on more Trek would be asking more money, and their three headliners are not cheap.

it will also be hard (but not impossible - time travel, etc.) to shoehorn in TNG actors given the timeframe.

I would not expect Councellor Troi-Ryker or Commnder Data to show up, no. On the other hand, Frakes is already in the stable of directors for the CBS All Access Trek shows. You can probably bet good money he'll be working on Strange New Worlds - I expect it'll be right up his alley, and he has a predilection in some of his other work for drawing in actors he's worked with before.

Of course, that may mean that we see Librarians or Leverage cast on SNW...

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
With respect, both major and minor roles have been suggested.

Well, Picard has a nice stack of returns, and will likely have more in its second season.

I apologize if I was unclear; I don't think we have seen any prior actors return to significant new roles in the new series (such as Combs playing Dr. Boyce); of course Picard has had actors reprising past roles.


Interestingly, we wind up jumping straight over the period where Picard was himself an admiral...

I have to wonder if someone could work that out as an interesting novel or TV show - Star Trek: Admirals.

I'm not sure I'd be interested in a show about Admiral Picard. I'm not sure they could do more evolution of his character than they have done with ST: Picard. I actually found it an interesting advancement in regards to him and his life as portrayed, and I think they did a good job with the short brief of showing how he was as an admiral.

I think I'd be more interested with Riker getting a promotion and seeing a show on Admiral Riker (or with an Admiral LaForge...I'd love to see an update to Laforge).

That idea of course could still be incorporated into a show that is called Star Trek: Admirals, I suppose.

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