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Star Wars (d6): The Gunfighter, the Bounty Hunter, and the Feral Kid

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Gradi Hadi waited for the Utha's Pride hatch to slide open and quickly walked across the umbilical, laughing as he walked into the familiar cargo hold. Ahead, at the end of the narrow hallway at the far side of the hold sat Utha in his pilot's chair, the Isalis crystal gleaming in his hand.

“Isalis mada Hadi, Utha genko!” he said, sauntering across the hold like he owned it. Anticipation turned quickly to alarm when two humans with blasters appeared in the hallway, stepping out of the side rooms and opening fire.

Gradi leapt to the side, on bolt nearly missing his head while the other blew a hole in the umbilical that attached the two ships. As he scrambled to his feet, a strange thrum came from the air vent above him and he glanced up just in time to see a blade of pure golden energy slice through the vent, a tiny human screaming as it fell straight towards him.

He rolled to the side as the lightsaber cut a shallow groove in the deckplates, then sprang to his feet again, nearly catching a hurtling bit of trash to the face as it flew from deeper in the ship towards the breach. He rolled to the side as one of the humans fired again, the bolt again flying wide, and fumbled for his own blaster. Behind him, he heard the sound of the airlock door clang shut and brought his blaster up almost to have his hand taken off by the lightsaber.

Another bolt flew past his head as he backpedaled away from the kid and he glanced over to see one of the humans cursing and trying to pull a bit of previously air born junk from the barrel of his blaster while the other lined up another shot.

He brought his own blaster up to take a quick shot in reply, but the ship lurched and he staggered – right into the lightsaber blade.


Ishmael grunted as he and Blondie dropped the one-legged Rodian corpse in front of the Rings Corporation Ltd. kiosk. Christian got on the computer again and brought up the bounty board, tapping the Claim Bounty button that appeared on the screen. Instantly, a small panel opened in the wall next to the kiosk, a small flitter droid drifting out. It floated over the Rodian, a wide beam of light scanning the corpse from head to toe and back again.

It floated there for a second as if waiting for something, then a small arm deployed from a hole in its side and made a circling gesture, then pointed at the Rodian. Ishmael blinked a couple times, then got it, flipping the Rodian over onto his back.

After doing another full-body scan, the droid floated back to its panel and a second later, 500 credits sat in Blondie's hand.

At almost the same time, Utha came skipping back from the Inner Ring access shaft, another handful of credits in his hand.

“Your 10%, after paying the Isalis Security's 10% for escorting us here, is 183 credits,” Utha said.

“I still don't think we should have had to pay them,” Ishmael said. “Aren't we security enough?”

“They would have found me and done horribles to me if we hadn't,” Utha said, shaking his head rapidly as he extended their share of the credits. “Believe Utha, it's better this way.”

“Here's your 10% of our bounty, as promised,” Blondie said.

The exchange complete, they parted ways with the little miner, heading back Dockside to lay low for a week, just in case. Unless, of course, another job came up sooner...


And, here our session ends. With it, ends the Story Hour... for now. I gave my buddy his character sheet when he left to go back home, so we'll play with him over Skype some time in the future. When that happens, I'll continue with their adventures.
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
So, we played another (short) session tonight. Only had two players, but we might end up getting as many as 4-5 at a later date.

Oh, and d6 Star Wars combat is dangerous.


Session 2 - Babes in Gangland

Blondie pulled himself out of the sleeping tube, growling at it as it made an annoying buzzing sound it made to let him know that his credits had expired. Christian was snarling at his with his unactivated lightsaber in hand.

Ishmael was snoring through his. Blondie tried to wake the bounty hunter up, but he swatted him away, grumbling under his breath.

“All right kid, let's go, I have a plan.”

He pushed his way through the crowds, heading towards a gang hideout he'd spotted the day before. He sent the kid off to find them something to eat and leaned against a wall, staring at Airlock 5 and the Gamorrean and the two humans lounging around outside.

They wore thick red coveralls over black baggy clothing, the Gamorrean and a shaved-headed human sitting on rounded crates playing Sabbac. A heavy vibro-axe leaned against the Gamorrean's crate while the human had a blaster pistol tucked into his coveralls. The last human lounged against the Airlock itself, flipping a vibroblade as he stared idly at the passing crowd.

“Chu don't wancha mess wich datcha ones,” said a hunched, rough-skinned, slit-eyed alien with a pack larger than it was on its back.

“I don't want to mess with them? Why's that?”

“Echa do owns all datcha between Airloch 2 and Airloch 7c-cha. Doncha do somacha dah.”

“What do you mean, they don't do much? With control over that much of the Outer Ring, you think they'd have to.”

The alien shrugged its pack on its back and made a strange growl. “Echa gang, but echa gang doncha do wacha da odda gangses do. Jush wander and hangsh atcha Lock 5.”

“Strange. Why have a gang if you don't do anything? Do the other gangs in the area have a problem with them?”

“Somcha, des gangs aftah all. But Lock 5 gang doncha do much, so odda gangses doncha like, but Lock 5 also gocha 12-15 in do gang, so ocha gangses doncha mess wicha em, even ifa deys gocha sucha nice bit ocha Ring.”

“So, let me get this straight, there's twelve guys in a gang that does nothing but lounge around, but no one messes with them or goes for their turf?”

The alien nodded slowly then grunted. “Ech!” the alien said with a flicking gesture in the gang's direction as it shrugged its pack again and moved off into the bustle of the Ring.

Christian returned with a bowl full of what looked like dead worms soaked in mucus and held it up to Blondie. Blondie stared at it for a second, then shook his head.

“Follow my lead,” he said, walking towards the gang as Christian gobbled down whatever it was in the bowl.

As they approached, the human playing Sabbac set down his cards and raised his chin towards Blondie. The Gamorrean turned and snorted, resting its hand on the end of the vibro-axe.

“We want to see your boss,” Blondie said, singling out the one with the vibro-blade as the leader. "Let's not make this complicated."
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Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Inside the airlock was the charred remains of a ship. Blondie remembered someone mentioning that the ship had become a permanent fixture after half the ship “somehow” exploded, fusing the ship to the side of the station. The Lock 5 gang had pressurized it and taken it over, but it still had the look and smell of a the burnt wreck it was.

He took one step into the hallway beyond the airlock, turning smoothly and stepping behind the bulkhead on the far side as blaster fire flashed against the hull around him. He leaned around and took a quick shot down the long hallway, his bolt passing through his attacker's leg and hitting something explosive behind the man.

Christian darted ahead of him, lightsaber tip sparking off the deckplates and leaving little slagged groves as the kid sprinted forward to finish off the blackened, groaning foe.

At the end of the hallway was what was probably once a wide common room, now full of scattered debris and choking, acrid smoke. Three other passageways branched out from it, shouts, curses, and the sound of feet pounding on grated metal coming from each.

Christian stared up at him, the kid's eyes wild, as Blondie lit a cigar on a bit of burning debris. Blondie nodded at the passageway across the hall and they began to jog across. They were exposed in the dead center of the room as all the gangers reached it at once, two opening up with their blasters as a tall, spindly-armed alien charged them with another vibro-axe.

Blondie returned fire as Christian leapt into the air and planted his lightsaber in the center of the spindly alien's head, hitting the deck already sprinting towards one of the passageways. Blondie swung his weapon towards the other, but the ganger was faster. Searing pain shot through Blondie's leg and he went down.

The last thing he saw before he succumbed to the pain was Christian swinging his lightsaber wildly, getting it caught in walls and slicing it into the deck, struggling to free it as both gangers turned their blasters on him...


Like I said, short. Not sure exactly what the plan was, but I'm pretty sure it didn't work, unless the plan was to get shot by a gang.
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