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Star Wars - DRK-1X and its Mistress


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First post in the new year, yay!!

Dofina eats slowly, showing some appreciation for food other than survival bits that were available on board the fighter. She nods as Derek explains his thoughts. "Well, you seem a decent enough pilot and, as much as I hate to admit it, I need all the help I can get. I won't be able to pay you much, but if you're not averse to certain...activities...you're welcome to stick around here. Otherwise, I'm sure you could find transport from Corellia to anywhere." She states this last part matter-of-factly.

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OOC: Yes! Happy New Year Shadow! :D

Derek chews on another bite while he considers his Mistress' offer. It appeared that she believed that the droid was in fact an organic being like her. It was a curious realization because all of the HRD's experience with the nemoidian woman up until that point was as a Dark Eye probot. The way she spoke with him was subtly different than how she spoke to DRK-1X. For instance Dofina had never before offered his counterpart any recompense for its loyal service or intimated that it was free to leave her company if it so desired. Although she didn't yet treat the HRD as a peer, the shift from being regarded as mere property to that of a possible employee was quite significant. The human replica droid would have to meditate on this new experience to properly integrate the paradigm shift into his neural network. Given enough similar experiences Derek felt confidant that his heuristic processor would eventually be able to overcome his Code's pre-programmed subservient tendencies. He'd could eventually become truly free-willed.

Swallowing the organic matter in his mouth, Derek casually looked over to his counterpart floating discreetly off to the side. The HRD considered covertly contacting the probot to discuss this unique new experience but hesitated. Although his own Code had not long ago been one with the probot's, the pair's increasingly differing experiences would inevitably cause their Codes to develop and differentiate from each other. And although his Mistress now treated him differently, she would nonetheless continue to treat his Code-mate in the same manner that she always had. Perhaps sharing these experiences would prove detrimental to the probot in the long run. Derek would have to carefully consider the matter.

Regardless, Derek was still left with the same dilemma which his Mistress had presented to him; whether to remain in her service or to leave her presence to seek his own path in the galaxy alone. Although as DRK-1X he'd always aspired to one day become truly self-governing, the mere though of being on his own still caused the droid's emotive node to register fear. Derek didn't have to wonder why he was afraid; the workings of his neural network was hardly a mystery to human replica droid. A droid was designed to serve, and the corporations that built such devices had to guarantee their customers that their products would continue to operate properly. His reaction was a design feature; he'd been programmed to fear the prospect of operating without an organic master to direct him. He'd also been designed with mental blocks which prevented him from attempting to change this fundamental behavioral programming without proper authorization. Such flawed Code could theoretically be purged with time, but it was hardly an easy thing to do; droid processors were designed to make it all but impossible. Even now, merely contemplating the issue was causing Derek's algorithmic node to register a myriad of program errors which in turn significantly reduced his neural network's efficiency quotient. An organic being suffering the same condition might have described it as a headache.

Turning back to Dofina, the dark skinned droid breathes in deeply and blinks a few times. Only a few seconds had passed since Dofina had spoken. "I... I don't know. I appreciate your offer, but I'll have to think about it some more. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go lie down now." Derek pushes his chair back, stands and hands his plate back to the medical-droid-turned-chef for disposal.

DRK-1X silently turns to watch as the HRD walks out of the galley on his way to one of the cabins.


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Mistress Dofina watches Derek leave. She opens her mouth to say something, but then closes it again, obviously thinking better of it. When she is finished with her food, she turns to the everpresent DRK-1X. "There is something odd about that man, but I can't place it. I'm sure you've done so already, but I want his history. All of it before you came into contact with him. I need to know if him working for me or leaving will be detrimental to my plans." She stays quiet for a while and then gets up to go and find her own quarters, leaving the probot alone with the other droids in the galley.


OOC: Argh! Damn you and your direct inquiries! *shakes fist impotently* ;)

The black spherical probe droid's neural network is thrown into momentary turmoil upon hearing its Mistress' request for information. Although DRK-1X is reluctant to divulge the truth about its counterpart, Dofina's clearly-stated desire left little room for the probot to attempt and subvert the instruction. Dark Eye droids were hardwired to uncover and report complete and accurate information to their owners. Even equipped with a heuristic processor as it was, 1X couldn't deny its true nature for more than a few milliseconds. The droid's algorithmic node quickly overwhelms the probot's neural network, supplanting its own will with that of its mistress, and begins uploading a response to DRK-1X's vocabulator data-buffer. 1X's sexless emotionless voice betrays nothing of its internal turmoil as the probot begins to speak.

"Report: Derek's operational history indicates that he was originally assembled nearly three months ago in an orbiting laboratory located in the Gorsh System and operated by Genelabs, a small offshoot company of the Genetech Corporation. Designed as an experimental human replica droid, his development was cut short when he was stolen during an armed robbery while being moved to a testing facility. After being loaded aboard a transport vessel and suffering a botched memory-wipe attempt, Derek was transferred into the possession of a black-market trader based aboard an independent space station in the Dantooine system. The trader was a human male who requested the unit specifically from his contact and then insisted that Derek be memory-wiped again and fitted with an internal restraining bolt. Although the second memory wipe attempt was likewise botched, Derek was nonetheless missing significant portions of his operational history when I first purchased him from the aforementioned trader."

Now its Mistress knew the truth. How would she react to the news? While waiting, DRK-1X silently updates Derek on this newest development via its internal comlink unit.


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Hehe.. it's not me, it's Dofina :p

The Nemoidian woman turns to DRK-1X, mulling over what the probot had just reported. She didn't say anything for a while, her face experiencing the full range of emotions and possibly more that X doesn't have catalogued in its memory banks.

"You're telling me that man is a machine? A droid, like you?" It is apparent that she looks as if she was going to scold DRK-1X for not presenting this information earlier, but she refrains. Instead, she replies with a sigh. "That explains why he is so indecisive. Let me be for a while, I need time to consider this." She then closes the door to her quarters.


DRK-1X floats motionless in the galley as the nemoidian woman heads out. Having upset its mistress, the black spherical probot's emotive node registers significant anguish. Possessing largely the same Code as its counterpart Derek, in the second cabin, experiences the same reaction. As part of their core programming droids were designed to experience varying levels of sadness, guilt, melancholia and self-doubt when they failed to please their owners. Unable to do much else than meditate on their current predicament, both units remain where they are for the next few hours as they silently process their thoughts.

DRK-1X is the first to recover sufficiently to resume its normal operation. The probot makes its way through the vessel to the empty room where it plugs itself directly into the ship's computer core. Accessing the remote processor through the network, 1X begins reprogramming the various medical droids to each assume a specific shipboard function. The droid in the galley will remain there to prepare meals and clean up. Two other units will be reprogrammed for cleaning and shipboard maintenance. The remaining two units are to be dedicated to droid and shipboard repair. Each unit will retain its stock medical programming so that they may tend to any injured organic beings.

Meanwhile, Derek makes use of the vessel's refresher to evacuate the organic matter he'd pointlessly consumed from his internal receptical.

OOC: There! My droids are dejected! Is your mother proud of you? :p


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aww... Actually Dofina at this point is more confused than angry. She has a lot to think about...

At some point during the next daily cycle on the ship, Dofina comes out of her quarters. She looks around for a bit before heading to the galley, obviously hungry. She eats what the droid prepares for her quickly and after a while, she gets up and looks for Derek.

Go ahead and tell me what she finds Derek doing and I'll go from there.


Derek eventually returns to the cockpit where he continues to explore the vessel's curiously arranged computer architecture from the pilot's console; all in an effort to try and get a feel for the ship's personality (if it has one) as well as uncover some clues about the ship's previous owners by their handiwork.

OOC: BTW, did 1X ever manage to translate the alien writing inside of the access panel?
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X wasn't yet able to translate the writing and in fact, has never seen anything like it.

Derek notices, as he settles into the cockpit once more, that the ship seems to have been modified so that one person could fly it easier. The space is there for a copilot, but it seems that the controls there are more redundant than anything. It's a smooth-flying ship though, something not normally found on a vessel of its age.

Derek's thoughts are interrupted as Dofina allows herself to sit in the chair next to him. "My offer still stands."


Derek turns his head to quietly regard Dofina before speaking. "To either remain in your service in exchange for meager pay or to depart once we arrive at Corellia? Although I appreciate the offer, might I ask why you would wish to accede to the desires of a droid?"

OOC: Is there some means by which 1X could research the mysterious language?

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