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[Star Wars] Help me plan an adventure on Ossus (or 'I demand ideas...please?')


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Ok, so, I just went through what I thought was going to be two sessions worth of stuff in one session, so I need to plan the final 'leg' in a somewhat shorter timeframe. FYI, this campaign is taking a somewhat...liberal...interpretation of what happened a bit before the Rise of the Empire era...

Here's the background:

It's 200 years before the Battle of Yavin, and things are not looking good for the Jedi. You see, after the Sith were 'destroyed' in the Valley of the Jedi, the Order began to stagnate. Eventually, this got to the point that several masters left the Order to start their own distinct sects/factions and recruit force-sensitive members to help with their goals.

This weakened the Order, and allowed darksider (but not Sith) cults and cadres to form all over the Galaxy. Many started with Masters and Knights who left the Order and ultimately succumbed to the dark side, and began recruiting followers to help with their twisted goals.

At first, the Jedi Order did its best to combat these darksiders, and succeeded in destroying many of the more overt groups, but the smaller, stealthier cults proved deadly to the Jedi who were sent after them. As more and more Jedi were killed--or turned to the dark side--the Order decided to take a less active approach.

The cults began to grow, but began fighting one another, destroying most of the smaller groups. Unfortunately, the survivors were all the stronger.

At the start of the campaign, the Order has begun sending members against the cults again, with mixed results.

So, we've got a general mess of things in the Galaxy, with plenty of dark jedi (or at least brainwashed thugs with lightsabers) to tangle with, and lots of opportunity for adventure.

Now, here's the composition of the group (all level 7)...

Morgan Kar, a human guardian/weapon master who was acting as a double agent within a darkside cult for a while; he's a sort of loose cannon, and the only reason the Jedi don't punish/banish him is because he's turned out to be so useful.

Taaran Kai, a zabrak 'fallen jedi'/soldier; he lost his legs when he and two of the other PCs (as padawans) as well as their master (by the name of Iurra; she'll be important later), and some other Jedi, were ambushed by darksiders; Taaran and the other PCs were the only ones to escape, and they were promoted to 'honorary knight', but he wasn't. He was bitter for it, and left the order to hunt down darksiders on his own, as well as doing some bounty hunting and mercenary work. He's good at flying, shooting, and sabering. Oh, and he's got perfectly good mechanical legs; he doesn't need the other party members to carry him.

Ayla Rynn, a human guardian who specializes in using the force for combat, was one of Iurra's two other padawans. She's definately the smartest member of the group, and whizz with computers and mechanical things. She wears one of those cool flight helmets, like, with the chin-strap and the goggles, and she has blood-red hair.

Motow Kogge, an ithorian consular, is a good friend of Ayla and Callon, and has gone on many missions with them. He specializes in healing and negotiation, but he's not bad with a saber.

Callon Kordyr (my character, when Morgan's player is in the GM's seat), a human guardian who specializes in saber combat (but not to the extent that Morgan does), as well as being 'good enough' at other things like piloting, mind tricks, and healing. He was also a padawan to Iurra, and he's an all-around nice guy; he saved the group from certain death at least twice in the first adventure (I rolled lots of 20s in that session...). Oh, and he's very optomistic and calm, if sometimes sarcastic.


Ok, so, here's the current situation...

The PCs found out that Iurra wasn't killed, but escaped...however, she hasn't contacted the order at all in the few years since the 'incident' where she was lost. After doing some research, they figured out that it was because there were darksider agents within the Order (which the PCs revealed in the opening adventure).

So, they tracked down the planet she had escaped from, and managed to find her flight trajectory (after powering up the computer in the deserted facility), and found that she went to Tatooine. So, they went to Tatooine, and managed to figure out that she had sold her ship and gotten a different ship. So, they 'Jedied' their way into the Mos Eisley port authority's records, and figured out where she had gone from there.

Meanwhile, they tangled with Maress, an evil darkside chick (imagine the 'Mysterious Woman' character from Sky Captain, plus an orange lightsaber) and her minions (brainwashed thugs with lightsabers, plus a couple dark jedi). Eventually, she met 'peacefully' with the PCs and basically told them that they were 'getting into matters that her superiors would prefer they not', and basically threatened them. Ayla charged at her, but she only laughed and knocked Ayla down, then walked off into the night.

So, they piled into the group's ship and flew off towards Ossus, where they had discovered Iurra had gone from Tatooine. Callon arrived with them in orbit right as we finished the session.


So, here's the stuff the players don't know:

  • Iurra knows something that's so important to keep secret that she hasn't even let the council know that she's alive. I haven't figured out what yet, but it's gonna be something she learned on Ossus that spurred a search that's spanned two years on the outer rim.
  • Maress' superiors are some [Bad Guys] that are trying to find whatever Iurra is looking for.
Now, here's what I've decided the adventure on Ossus is going to have to involve...
  • Searching the ruins of the Great Library
  • Carnivorous wildlife
  • A holocron (?)

And...I thought I'd pillage the knowledge of my fellow ENWorlders for answers to stuff like...well, what's Iurra looking for? What do the [Bad Guys] want to do?

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Demon Queen of Templates
well, what's Iurra looking for?

Here are some ideas:

1. Since we know that the Sith *weren't* exterminated, she is looking for the last few survivors, perhaps a wizened master hidden away on some lost world (i.e. a Sith version of Yoda, if you will).

2. Borrow ideas from other Lucas movies. Iurra has heard of a great artifact or ancient weapon of the Sith or some other mysterious alien race that promises to make an army that has it unstoppable.

3. The knowledge of a well-hidden back door or glitch in the Republic's banking system that would let one slice in with little or no difficulty and make off with billions of untraceable credits.

What do the [Bad Guys] want to do?

Get control over whatever you select from question 1. Or, better yet, they want to STOP Iurra from finding it because ... and here is the twist ...

in some bizarre way they are the *good guys* too. They are dark siders, but they know that a secret like that in the wrong hands could spell the doom of everyone, light or dark. They know that it exists, but nothing more. They want to stop anyone that wants to find it because if the secret got out, it would be devastating to the entire galaxy. Knowing it exists is one thing ... knowing where it is can be dangerous. And of course they can't tell the PCs that because they know that just knowing about it would make them so curious that they would want to find it, too.
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1. Hmm, well, something I forgot to mention earlier is that Yoda is off looking for the Sith himself, and that's part of why everything is going to hell in a handbasket for the Jedi. That gives me an idea, however (i.e. Iurra thinks she's discovered something really bad, and she's gone looking for Yoda...more on this idea later).

2. Often used? Yes. Overused? I like to think no because it's such a good plot device. I'm starting to think that this might somehow be connected to what 'only Yoda would know how to deal with'...maybe there's a gigantic 'sith dreadnaught' hidden inside some nebula, and with it the Bad Guys could bring the republic to its knees?

3. Not 'epic light vs. dark' enough for my liking...maybe I'll use that in a future campaign, but it seems to, well, mundane. I think it would work better for a campaign with more smuggler/soldier/mercenary sorts of characters, and less Jedi. In short, a good idea, but not what I'm looking for.

Ok, now as for the villains being 'good guys' sort of...hmmm...that's a very interesting idea...

So, here's the structure I've come up with...

1. There are two dark-side factions; the one that Maress is part of (and they want to keep the Big Bad Thing hidden; lets call them 'Orange'), and the one that Iurra escaped from (and they want the Big Bad Thing; let's call them 'Yellow').

2. Iurra, while imprisoned, figured out that her captors were looking for the BBT, as well as knowing that there are 'enemy' agents within the Jedi Order at the time. She decides that A. She needs to find Yoda (because he'll know what to do), and B. She needs to find the BBT (which is ultimately a foolish thing, but hey, she was the youngest Master in the Order at the time of her 'death,' so she's a bit young and foolish).

3. To find Yoda, she's decided that she needs to track down an old Jedi artifact that acted as a sort of 'telepathy amplifier', which she hoped would be on Ossus...but it wasn't. So, she's been searching the Outer Rim for the artifact, while also asking around for the BBT. This alerted Orange to her, and now she's also trying to evade their pursuit.

4. Orange doesn't want anyone to find the BBT because they're not "Rule the Galaxy with an Iron Fist" dark jedi, but "Live in luxury at the expense of others" dark jedi, so they'd like to keep the status quo. Yellow is definately of the "RtGwaIF" variety, and is in the process of searching for the BBT.

5. The PCs only know that A. Maress will try to kill them if they keep 'meddling' in a very nebulous area that they think probably involves Iurra, B. Iurra is looking for a 'Telepathy Enhancer' and C. Yellow is up to no good.


First Post
DnDChick said:
2. Borrow ideas from other Lucas movies. Iurra has heard of a great artifact or ancient weapon of the Sith or some other mysterious alien race that promises to make an army that has it unstoppable.
Yep, that's Indiana Jones in a nutshell :lol:. Not a bad thing though, as I'd gladly pay to see another of those movies :)

Anyway, an idea I had was that maybe the "Big Bad Thing" was a factory or manufacturing device, kind of like the Star Forge from Knights of the Old Republic. Since you said that Orange is the kind of "Live in the Lap of Luxury At the Expense of Others" darksiders, I could see them being sort of like war profiteers, and Yellow is just plain war.

Another interesting plot twist would be to have the "telepathy enhancer" turn out to be a person, rather than an artifact. You can really mess with the players' collective heads that way. This opens up the possibility of actually having to chase "enhancer" across the galaxy.

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