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Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker Trailer


It's find an edgy name and stick Darth in front of it. Darth Bane, Talone, Stryfe, Wyrlock. Z, Xs and Latin is also popular eg Caedus, Zannah etc.

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
re: Palpatine's laughter

I think I would rather have a Foundation-like scene* where one of the current characters finds an old recording of Palpatine foretelling the future - because he has looked ahead with the Force - and concludes with something like "Now, child, you know what you must do. -cackling laughter-" His prediction is mostly spot-on but the differences (because 'always in motion the future is') suggest how to avoid the doom he foretells.

* In Asimov's original trilogy, look for a chapter that is set at the Second Foundation's time vault and includes a hologram that begins by saying "I am Hari Seldon!"


I was there until the laugh. We don’t need Palpatine back. He adds nothing. His story is over.
This is going to be more Abrams nostalgia-as-a-crutch BS...

I’m still going to see this in theaters, but it will be on week three. Unless I get busy, then I might wait to PPV.



I was there until the laugh. We don’t need Palpatine back. He adds nothing. His story is over.
This is going to be more Abrams nostalgia-as-a-crutch BS...

I’m still going to see this in theaters, but it will be on week three. Unless I get busy, then I might wait to PPV.

I hear you, although let's face it: that's what Abrams does best. Has he brought forth anything vaguely original? Furthermore, at this point it might a matter of choosing the best of not-great options, as far as who the final (and "real") villain really is. Kylo Ren simply isn't convincing, and I think is more evocative as a troubled (and possibly redeemed?) soul. Snoke would have been more interesting if he hadn't simply been a caricature of Pure Evil, and also had some grounding in the Star Wars universe. Plus, an actual actor vs. CGI over Gollum.

I don't love bringing Palpatine back, but I must admit to being curious as to how they're going to connect the dots. At the very least it implies that there are more revelations to come, beyond "Snoke was some random evil dude from far away who could use the force, manipulated Kylo Ren, and now we have to deal with Kylo Ren."


Dances with Gnolls
Anyone have thoughts on how much time will have passed between VIII and IX??

I am going to guess... at least a year.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Let's be honest, by and large they're downright silly. Star Wars doesn't exactly excel in the naming department - especially on the dark side of things. Darth Plagueis might be the worst of all, but some honorable mentions include Snoke, Darth Maul (kewl, but silly), Captain Phasma. Even Darth Sidious is kinda silly.

I don’t think Phasma is a particularly silly name, and Captain is just a rank.

As for the Darths, at least these are chosen names, which represent their self perception and give a window into what sort of antagonist they are.

Vader is fun, bc it’s a somewhat violent sounding name, almost imposing on its own, especially when it’s “Lord Vader”, and Vader uses his imposing size and the constant threat of sudden violence to cow people and terrify enemies.

Maul is definately a name an angry angry violent berseker of a young man chose for himself. It’s perfect.

Tyrranus is so dumb I hate it, and the character is a total waste of Christopher Lee, but it also fits as a name chosen by Duuku. (Which is a bad name. I’d want a new one, too!)

then we get Darth Sidius. They took insidious and make it focus harder of the snakey “s” sounds. I mean, again, a lovely name to have as a very private joke with yourself as you infiltrate and rot from within the core the greatest institution that has ever existed, inventing catastrophic war while brokering peace. No wonder he’s so smug all the time!

But Palagius or whatever is still a dumb name.


First Post
Sidious made me think that the system behind Sith names is: Find a word starting with In, and then delete the In.

- Darth Vader = Invader
- Darth Sidious = Insidious

Logical Consequence:
- Darth Voluntary
- Darh Terim
- Darth Able
- Darth Articulate
- Darth Caved
- Darth Dent
- Darth Oculation
- Darth Side
- Darth Tractable
- Darth Continent

Unfortunately, Darth Maul and Plaegius suggest this is not canon. What a shame.

I'm assuming Darth Dent's story began when he escaped the destruction of Alderaan by hitchhiking aboard the Death Star.

I hear you, although let's face it: that's what Abrams does best. Has he brought forth anything vaguely original?
No. That's why I was disappointed he was back as director. But I was hopeful he'd try harder and bring his A-game.
Rey rebuilds the destroyed lightsaber exactly like it was.
And Kylo is back in his lame performance-hiding helmet.
And we're returning to a planet we've seen before. Or two.
And now the villain seems to be recycled.

I was giving him the benefit of the doubt but now my expectations are loooooow.

Furthermore, at this point it might a matter of choosing the best of not-great options, as far as who the final (and "real") villain really is. Kylo Ren simply isn't convincing, and I think is more evocative as a troubled (and possibly redeemed?) soul.
Which makes Palpatine returning more of a problem.
This was Ren's movie. He was the big bad. It was his time to shine, restoring him as a menacing threat and a worthy villain. But having to share the spotlight as villain with Palpatine just makes it harder for him stand out.

I don't want to see him redeemed. Because we saw that already with Anakin. We've done that story.
And ending the film with him alive doesn't end the Skywalker saga. He needs to die and the bloodline needs to end. There needs to be finality.

Snoke would have been more interesting if he hadn't simply been a caricature of Pure Evil, and also had some grounding in the Star Wars universe. Plus, an actual actor vs. CGI over Gollum.
Snoke would have been more interesting if he wasn't just "The Emperor Redux". Making him CGI was at least something different.
The most interesting and original thing Snoke could have done was die suddenly.

I don't love bringing Palpatine back, but I must admit to being curious as to how they're going to connect the dots.
There are cool things they could do.

It'd be interesting to have Palpatine be a Force Ghost, whispering evil suggestions and guidance to Kylo in a twisted reflection of Luke and Ben.
But I seriously doubt they'll go that route.

(But it'd be neat to have a Force Ghost battle between Luke and Palpatine. Possibly with Anakin there too. Having the protagonists of all three trilogies duel it out with a Kylo Ren infused with Ghost Palpatine would be a lovely end to the Saga. But that also feels like cheap fan service.)

At the very least it implies that there are more revelations to come, beyond "Snoke was some random evil dude from far away who could use the force, manipulated Kylo Ren, and now we have to deal with Kylo Ren."
I don't mind that simplicity. Because there's still the Knights of Ren and possibly rebuilding the Jedi or something new. And defeating the First Order. This should focus on wrapping up the plot threads, and not adding more.

I thought The Last Jedi set-up a decent conflict, with the Resistance shattered and going to ground. The First Order largely unopposed, but vulnerable due to the inevitably power struggle between Hux and Ren.


Did Lucas?

If you’re looking for originality, Star Wars is not your huckleberry.

I’d try indie cinema! :)

Disagree on this. By "originality" I don't mean mere clever novelty. The original series was plenty original in terms of how it brought imaginative worlds to the screen. When Star Wars came out there was nothing quite like it. Sure, it was based on Joseph Campbell's ideas, but even that was something fresh and new.

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