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Star Wars - Rebellion


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"I enjoy doing imitations, but my two-part voice would give away the ruse, I'm afraid. Izon and Leo's plan sounds best," Oraltor offers.

With that, the Ithorian heads off into the bushes with Ryn, counting on his native familiarity with the wilderness to keep himself out of sight.

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Ryn smiles at Oraltor as they run. "Don't worry, buddy, I didn't mean you. You're in the stealth force for this one... you just keep that head down, and we'll be fine."

[edit: the helmet is still in the possession of the person who last had it, which I think is Andre. Oh, and does Oraltor have a blaster rifle now?]
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Calven gave Izon and Leo an measured look. "I think you two have it covered, then?" He turned to track Ryn and Oraltor's departure, and the frown wrinkled the skin around his eyes. "I don't like those odds, though, even with the edge of surprise it was close enough before. I'm going to tail those two... make sure I can provide support effectively this time. You coming, Andre?"


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"Do we have to kill them? They have not done anything to us so why do we automatically have to kill them? Why can't we just lure them out and let somebody sneak in behind them and take the ship while we are ducking the ones we lured away?" Andre asks obviously not wanting to use the blster he has with him.


"I see where you're coming from, kid, but these are stormtroopers not civilians. These are the trained killers who don't think twice about gunning down anybody too free, too outspoken or just too alien for the New Order to accept. If we were dealing with the Imperial Army, things would be different, but they will never stop, never surrender. If we don't take them out, they will likely call more of the same down on us, and that could mean some very bad things for that musician girl, and for the Rebellion." He clapped Andre on the back gently, a gesture of cameraderie that came quite unexpectedly to the academic. "Sometimes, the galaxy's a tough place, Andre. Not much we can do about it, either, to be frank."
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"Well I guess I don't have to like it. There was something my father told me once that I believed at the time. He thought he was a Jedi, he was not though, but he got himself killed anyway. I will try and remember it." Andre gets up reluctantly and starts off the way Ryn went.

OOC: I gave the helmet to Leo after successfully slicing it.
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OOC: Okay guys, I'm ready to post but I want whoever is going to actually do the talking to the Stormtroopers to post what they are going to say. What is said and how it is said is going to make a difference in the effectiveness of the plan. Leo has connected to the correct frequency so whoever is doing the talking, take it away. Then I'll determine how successful it is and post.


Izon turns to the droid and motions. "Well, go ahead and make the call, I'm better suited on the front lines anyway." With that, he heads off with Ryn not wanting the kid to get into too much trouble without him.


Ryn looks behind him to see what's happening with the rest, and nearly trips over a rock, astonished to see Calven, and then Izon running after him. "Stay down! They'll see us!", he whines fringer-Luke-style into his comlink.

"I guess the plan has changed, 'Raltor. Now we're the main attack force. So much for the element of surprise...", Ryn says to the Ithorian while running, pointing behind him.

Finally, Ryn gets to a part of the ridge that still has visual concealment, about 100-120m east of Andre and Leo. Hiding behind a large rock, Ryn stays on the ridge. He will attempt to [Hide] while picking his way down to blaster range, using hand signals to indicate that Oraltor should follow him and stay down.


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After checking to make sure everybody's in position, and after deciding the best way to do an impression of an imperial stormtrooper, Leo initiates his distress call.

"Mayday, mayday, we've got an emergency situation here! After investigating a disturbance, we've been ambushed by natives, apparently rebellion sympathizers, approximately three clicks northeast of our former position! We have one man down, possibly dead, and we are currently in a secured position. I'm requesting immediate aid. I repeat, we have one man down, and are outnumbered two to one. We are requesting immediate support!"

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