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Star Wars: Rebels with Style Part I


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"I've been studying starship tactics, not ground-based. Some of that translates, but not a lot." She said. "Having said that, do you think he'd fall for the helpful civillian routine?"

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"If it doesn't and his com is out, it at least gets us close enough to take him out," Lia concedes. She begins to head towards the stormtrooper in question, concealing her blaster as best she can.

"Excuse me," she calls out to the white-armored soldier, her hands clear and open. "What happened? Is there anything we can do to help?"


First Post
"I should probably add that if some of the equipment built into your helmet is broken, I can probably fix it." Istara said, hoping that would make Lia's statement more convincing.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Deurr finally gathers himself from the floor. He hurt like hell but he was basically okay. "We try the elevator then. Just a short sprint. They won't even have time to react before we're out."

Lia and Istara:

"Everything is fine," the Stormtrooper said swiftly, waving his hand at both of you to back away, "Just stand back. Once the airspeeder sets down everyone here will be questioned and you'll be allowed to go about your business..."

At that point, the speeder from above finally did set down. Its large cargo hold looked like it could carry a great many troopers, but it took its time getting down and, interestingly enough, set down so that its rear engines were facing where you and the lone Stormtrooper were. He turned away from you again after motioning for you to back up once more, and you could hear his voice more quietly, clearly not talking to you, "What was that again? Dammit, work."


It had been barely a day since the Black Rancors were ambushed. Since then, you'd done whatever you could to track down any other Alliance members, but it seemed like everyone else you had known or recognized in the cell was no where to be found within Curamelle at all. Thankfully, you hadn't been targeted by the Imperials, but the city was so crawling with them that it was hard to not be paranoid all of the time.

Just a few hours ago, though, you started to pick up signals on an Alliance frequency. You couldn't actually listen to the words being spoken, nor respond to anything due to encryption, but you were able to track down the source. They were coming from down in the lower levels of the city, the spaceport, and you even narrowed it down to the exact docking bay...and then, four levels up, there was an explosion.

Within moments, the area was locked down and Imperials were everywhere. Well, six Stormtroopers, but a speeder was already coming down from above with more, most likely. The people around you were generally trying not to be trouble, doing as they were told and staying out of the way. But you still continued to pick up more transmission on the Alliance frequency...and it wasn't hard to figure out the source.

Off on the north section of the blocked off area between two and a half docking bays, you could see two human females approaching a lone Stormtrooper and talking to him, but he just waved them away. Still, the transmissions were coming from right where they were...sure, there were others all around, but everyone else was minding their own business. Few normal citizens on Corulag would confront a Stormtrooper like that, even just to talk.

And then the speeder set down, putting itself in an odd position that made the Stormtrooper and the two humans in a blind spot of it while it was powering down.


Sya looked at you and then back through the breaks in the crates, "I guess you're okay, then..." but rather than argue like most humans seemed to like to do, she sat up, though kept low, and said, "There are two levels...we're on the bottom floor, so just get it moving up the second we're in...I'm right with you when you're ready."

Now, you could see more of the area. Even though you still had the cover of the crates, you could pick out about five Stormtroopers in a very large warehouse-like building. There were crates and boxes everywhere, and you were fairly sure only one or two even had direct line of sight towards you or the lift tube that was just a short sprint away. In fact, it looked like the two were moving slightly, patrolling maybe, and weren't even really watching the area very well...most of their attention seemed to be in other rooms and away from your end of the hangar...


As always, the Imperials decided to be difficult at the worst of times. You had barely had time to arrive at your father's hangar, where apparently you were supposed to be getting some old pieces or art your mother wanted, but just after you'd arrived the Imperials barged right in. As the place was empty, your father didn't worry about security in Curamelle as he put his full trust in the Empire's troops, that meant you were immediately having to deal with questions that made no sense.

Eventually, though, you were able to convince them you were who you said you were, and then the Imperial troops scattered across the entire hangar, saying that it was to be used for important business and for you to get your things and leave immediately. The commander, an older officer with a scar across his chin, didn't just throw you out as you'd expected, deciding to let you do what you had come to do first. Apparently he knew your parents...or he said he did, a few times.

Amazingly enough, you were left generally alone. The artwork for you mother was on the second floor of the place, above the old warehouse that stored mostly old family junk and in a nice, unoccupied office that sat with a view of the entire hangar below. And right where you expected, the old art sat on the wall waiting for you to lug them all the way back to the estate like a pack animal.

But you caught sight of a blinking red light on the desk. You'd been here before and never seen that blink, and it was definitely the security cameras. The whole office was actually a security station where your father, well anyone there, could keep an eye on the area if need be. Apparently the Imperials didn't know, as you were alone.

Sitting at the desk, it took a simple push of a button to bring up a holo display. Right away, you saw the Imperials in various sections of the hangar, not as much looking for something as wandering around aimlessly...and then you saw something in the warehouse. Two humanoids, an armoured one and one that looked like a human female, hiding behind some crates and out of sight. They were looking at the turbolift just a few meters away, the one that would bring them up to the hallway just outside the office you were in. How they got there, you didn't know, but they looked to be hiding from the Imperials...

Not only that, but right away you noticed something else. Somehow the turbolift had been locked. The Imperials must have locked the place down at some point from another location. But if those two whoever-they-weres went for it, they would be stuck out in the open rather than finding a hiding place. And they were looking for one...somehow, you were sure of that.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Deurr nods at Sya and takes a last look at the troopers. When it seems like the best moment to take their chances he nudges Sya and dashes towards the elevator...


Guest 11456

Tebbo Keeg : Duros Soldier 6

Tebbo tried to move to a position where he could have a clear shot at the lone trooper. Those two women must be with the alliance. No one else would be bold enough to approach a trooper. If he could just take out the trooper. He looked around for a good position. He definitely didn't want the imperials coming after him.


First Post
(hee...sorry for delay, I asked a question in the OOC thread, but I guess I'll just narrate it out here and see how it goes. :))

Summer's eyebrows draw together slightly as she frowns at what she's seeing on the display. Instantly the stupid chore her mother had sent her on vanishes from her mind. A powerful sense of deja vu settles over her as she hurriedly starts looking the controls over. Had she done this before? Was this the first time? Summer felt lightheaded and a little dizzy...sort of like at a carnival ride where you had just gotten to the top of a huge dip, and cart slowed down as you looked into the abyss before you and you realized in a second you would be falling and there was nothing you could do about it now.

But she could, right? She could not help. She could let them rush to their own imminent capture. She had that choice!

Except she didn't. The screams from the sky echoed in her sleep, and her dreams were thick with their futile pleas for mercy and their ghostly, spectral faces crowding thick around her. If she did nothing, would their faces join that choir? She thought they would. Standing by and letting it happen was no more possible than reaching the top of a hill, and simply flying away. The force pulling her now was stronger than gravity and just as deterministic.


(Use Computer +9 to try to override the lockdown on the elevator. If her assessment is that doing that is beyond her ability (she'll use a Force Point if possible and it would be helpful), then she'll try to find out if communication with them is possible...either by tapping into their commlinks, or if there's an intercom near them that wouldn't attract Imperial attention. :))


First Post
Lia and Istara:

"Everything is fine," the Stormtrooper said swiftly, waving his hand at both of you to back away, "Just stand back. Once the airspeeder sets down everyone here will be questioned and you'll be allowed to go about your business..."

At that point, the speeder from above finally did set down. Its large cargo hold looked like it could carry a great many troopers, but it took its time getting down and, interestingly enough, set down so that its rear engines were facing where you and the lone Stormtrooper were. He turned away from you again after motioning for you to back up once more, and you could hear his voice more quietly, clearly not talking to you, "What was that again? Dammit, work."

Unless that airspeeder isn't full of Stormtroopers, I really don't want to be here. Istara thought. There's no getting past him now. And I have no intention of getting involved in a firefight on a core world if I can avoid it.

She looks at her map of the area to see if she can find an alternate route to the hangar.


First Post
Lia's immediate thought is to pull her blaster pistol and fire upon the lone Stormtrooper, but she stops as she and Istara realize at around the same time that it would be far too risky to open fire on an Imperial on such a crowded place. Yet the landspeeder stilled pecked away at her mind. Perhaps something she had overheard once.

Voidrunner's Codex

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