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Star Wars: Rebels with Style


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Kay, listens to the replies cooly, affecting the behavior of the imperial intelligence officer that had been assigned to her CorSec section, a particularly superior and smug woman named Adrial Stroog. An ugly name for an ugly woman.

"Actually I believe it is possible that they may know, they were in the Data Center working to destroy the data and were carrying computer equipment. My orders are to transport all computer equpment and those found with it up to the fleet as quickly as possible. If your orders are to interrogate them, but they do not say where this must occur I would suggest you join me." she says, her hands clasped behind her back, out of view. She clicks the comm unit 3 times to let the ship crew know they needed help and hoped they'd target the ATST first as the biggest threat. With the confusion maybe they could break the prisoners free, or at least give them a chance to run.

"As you wish," she says, starting to turn back to the rest of her team.

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"I've been ordered to watch over these prisoners so that we can take them to the fleet ourselves," Lia replies with the cover story that Kay was spinning to the Imperials at that very second. "They managed to destroy the com station before we were able to get any info out of it. I'm sorry for not saying sooner," she quickly adds. "It's usually her," she says, pointing to Kay, "who answers the majority of the questions."

Interior Group:

Kay: Before you could get more than a few steps away, one of the Imperials said simply, "There has been a slight change in procedure, Commander. Lord Vader has ordered that all prisoners be taken to the Executor. I would advice you not to stay long, however."

"And do you require any assistance in taking the computer equipment to a shuttle?" the other asked, sounding surprisingly helpful compared to his previous words, "Two Stormtroopers seems hardly enough to do the job effectively and I can authorize you to take command of a full squad."

Others: The officer was silent for a moment, looking carefully at Lia and obviously trying to find something. He didn't seem to find whatever it was he was looking for, however, and just shrugged, "Sending in the damned bureaucrats to command soldiers everywhere and all they seem to be good at is losing good men. All but the two of you lost in that explosion?"


First Post
Istara watched the proceedings, her nerves on edge. She had thought Kay's plan a good one, or at least worth trying. And now it seemed on the edge of falling apart. The handful of them could seize a shuttle. An Imperial Star Destroyer was another matter entirely.

K2 knew the signal to launch her blaster back into her hands, and Istara was almost ready to give it. There might be little chance of fighting their way out from here, but once they were on the Executor there would be none. And she had few illusions of how well she would stand up to an interogation droid, which would mean her father would be in prison at best by the time the Imperials were done, and the Kandorian Heavy Industries pipeline of weapons to the rebellion would be gone with him. Better to be killed here and now than let that happen.


First Post
"Lord Vader?...No we would't want to keep him waitng." Kay says nervously, about what she figured an imperial officer might do if there was a possibility that Vader would be displeased with her. She did give the pair a slight 'see, I was right' look, but let it fade quickly.

"That will not be neccessary. Between my stormtroopers and the flight crew there should be no issues." she says, her voice hardening a bit as she continues. "If you have them properly bound. Blasters do have stun settings, and Storm troopers do seem to enjoy shooting Rebels, perhaps I will indulge them." the last was said loud enough for the 3 prisoners to overhear.

Drawing her blaster, she points it on the prisoners and gestures them towards the Lambda shuttle her own guards are closest to. Her voice cracking like a whip. "Move, now."


First Post
Vader?! Lia hears in the distance, fear gripping inside of her. Just a few months ago...

"We lost good people inside there," Lia replies to the troopers question, her voice shaking somewhat. Hopefully, she thinks, the Stormtrooper will think it's just the feeling any soldier gets when he watches his brothers in arms killed.

"Yes, sir!" Lia replies when Kay orders them to move the prisoners towards the Lambda shuttle.

Interior Group:

Just as Kay finished speaking, there was a beeping sound from the shorter of the two Imperials. He quickly retrieved a comlink from his breast pocket and, upon hitting the activation switch, was greeted with a voice that was not trying to stay quiet, "Sir, you'll want to get in here! We've captured a rebel matching the description of one of the men you were looking for."

"Hold him there." the Imperial then switched off the comlink and looked to his taller associate and said one word, "Dodonna."

Something unsaid went between the two men before the shorter officer immediately headed into the hangar at a brisk pace. As he left, the other Imperial seemed to completely forget what had happened and kicked the Duros in the back, "On your feet! All of you!" as they slowly complied, eyes on Kay's blaster, the Imperial looked to her, "I will accompany you to the Executor, Commander."

Without waiting for a response, his own blaster aimed at the backs of the three prisoners, the Imperial walked slowly behind them as they were guided to the rest of the group. Behind him, the head of the AT-ST slowly moved to follow, though the vehicle itself remained in place.

Upon seeing the approach of Kay, the Imperial, and the other prisoners, the troopers that had been speaking with Lia immediately back away. The uniformed man even lowered his rifle, and it was easy to tell he didn't want to be near the man that was following behind the three Alliance prisoners.


In what was becoming a boring, almost frustrating silence within the ship, a new sound joined in with the usual humming of the computers and equipment. It was a rapid, low beeping sound that was usually characteristic of sensors.

Right on cue, after checking the readout on the display, Kyne said, "Garret, I think we've got a problem. It looks like there's a squadron of TIEs patrolling this way. I don't think they'll see us if we stay down like this, but they'll give us hell if we're trying to get off this rock."


First Post
Kay hides her shock at the sudden change of attitude by the imperial and feels her gut plunge at the name Dodanna, he was a general, the one who was theoretically in command of Yavin, and kay herself.

The corellian woman marches in step with the intelligence officer towards the Lambda shuttle. Once the Officer's prisoners are aboard, she gestures her own team up, standing on the ramp and tapping the door til all of her people are in and then hits the control to close and seal the shuttle.

Once the ship is sealed the former security officer moves up next to the Imperial officer, still holding her pistol on her 'prisoners'. She would wait until they had taken and help was further away for the imperials. Then she'd shift her aim and put a stunbolt right in the supercilious twit's spine. Overall things had worked out better than she had thought possible, between her team and the other 3 rebels they should definitely be able to take the ship before they reached the Executor and would even capture a highly placed Intelligence asset to boot.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Looks like she has some real skills in talking, Deurr thought to himself as he saw the human getting the prisoners for herself. Though the man who followed didn't look to be very friendly. Deurr moves his hands nervously in the binders, being carefull not to let them fall off.

Voidrunner's Codex

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