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Star Wars: Rebels with Style

Interior Group:

The shuttle's interior wasn't as cramped as it could have been. The passenger area was lined with benches that were currently unoccupied. In fact, heading up the boarding ramp and into the main hold revealed that the entire rear section of the shuttle was empty.

Looking back across the boarding ramp to the cockpit, though, revealed two black-uniformed pilots. One of them was looking over the back of his chair at the newcomers, but said nothing. He would have obviously seen you approaching so it wouldn't have been a surprise to see anyone boarding.

"Pilot, take us to the Executor immediately," the Imperial escorting his own prisoners ordered without even bothering to look back to the cockpit. His focus remained one the prisoners save for one quick glance at Kay after she had sealed the boarding ramp behind them.

In a short few moments, the shuttle was slowly rising off of the ground, only truly noticeable because the door to the cockpit was open and it was possible to see out the viewport as the treeline slowly dropped out of view.

OOC:[sblock]Old WEG map of the shuttle's interior is attached for reference.

Any change of plans with the two pilots now, or are you guys ready for Kay to just stun the Imp and jump the others? :cool:[/sblock]


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First Post
Istara was careful to make sure her droid could see where she was; the clothes she wore were not well-suited for concealing weapons or security gear, so all had gone into K2's storage units. The blaster, in fact, had gone in a compartment she hadn't know was there, which would let it launch her blaster to her at some range.

She was on edge though, waiting for Kay to signal it was time to make their move.


First Post
As soon as she saw the shuttle lifting through the viewscreen and head up through the trees Kay acted. Moving like a coiled sand panther from her homeworld, Kay exploded into motion bringing her heavy blaster pistol up to the officer's ear she unleashed a stun bolt right at the middle of it. Not even bothering to check the result of the surprise attack she dashed forward towards the door to the cockpit, intending to get through before the pilots could close it, trusting in the other 7 rebels to finish the officer.

(OOC: If its a surprise attack all she can do is attack, PBS in effect so +8 to hit, 3D8+7 stun damage. Kay will spend a force point on the attack to help make sure she will hit, I don't have my book on me to know all of the bonusesand penalties that might apply.)


First Post
Istara makes what would seem a resigned gesture, closing her eyes and bowing her head, but K2 recognizes it for the signal it was, and launches her blaster to her. Disposing of the false bindings while catching her weapon was a bit more difficult than she'd thought it would be, but she managed. Having set her blaster to stun before she loaded it into the droid, she fired at the nearest 'real' imperial.

catch blaster; use FP if necessary (1d20+2=8, 1d6=5) (FP used)

atk; dmg (1d20+5=22, 3d6+5=12)


First Post
OOC: Possum, the 2D8 in the book for stun is incorrect. The real stun damage of a weapon is = to the regular damage except for the stun baton. The real damage is 3D8+3.


First Post
My apologies, as I don't have my books in front of me, but would it be possible to drop the heavy rifle in front of Deurr, and then draw my concealed pistol as I head towards the cockpit? I figure two pilots and two guns to intimidate the pilots up there. :) If it's ok, then I'll edit my actions in. If not, I'll do as much as I can. Stupid business travel making me forgo my books.

Interior Group:

Combat Info:[sblock]Alrighty. Yet again you guys are getting the jump on unsuspecting Imperials so you get another surprise round. Though the exact lettering of the rules could probably leave it up to debate, the Imperial and the pilots definitely aren't 'aware' that you guys are opponents. :)

Sooo...Initiative. Istara 10. Lia 29. Kay 30. Viria 5. Deurr 19. Yes, two 20s and two 1s were involved in that. I really don't know what's up with these dice. Puts us at Kay, Lia, Deurr, Istara, then Viria.

Kay's stun shot against the Officer is a 25 and is a hit without any need for a Force Point. 23 stun damage...that's enough to drop him two steps on the condition track and does 11 damage to him.

That brings up Lia. Her attack also hits and does 7 damage.

Deurr...need an action for him.

Istara does need to use a force point to catch the blaster. DC 10 is a safe bet for catching it. So that +5 puts it over the top. Though I have to say that catching the weapon would be analogous to drawing one, at least taking up a swift action so that's all she can do for the surprise round.

Viria CAN drop her rifle in front of Deurr, but that's all she can do for the surprise round since you only get a single action of any kind.

So...before we move farther, an action for Deurr and clarification on Viria's.[/sblock]

Before the Imperial could take notice, two blasters shifted their aim right at him. In quick succession, both Kay and Lia easily hit the tall human, who stumbled back a step before somehow managing to retain his balance and stay on his feet. There was a sickly look on his face, though, and it definitely looked like a simple gust of wind might be able to drop him down to the deck plates.

The sound of the shots were obviously noticed by the pilots, one of whom spun around and looked to see a Stormtrooper firing on a superior officer. Though the three Alliance prisoners looked just as surprised, they also looked ready to act, especially upon seeing Istara's break out of her bindings and catch the blaster tossed to her from the R2-unit. It was suddenly very easy to tell that they weren't necessarily surrounded by enemies.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
In a swift sweeping motion Deurr sheds the binders and leaps at the officer who had already taken two bolts. Time to finish this he thinks starting to pound the man with his fists.

OOC: Unarmed +5, 1d4+4. I'm doing quite meager damage but not much else to do :heh:

Voidrunner's Codex

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