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Star Wars: Rebels with Style

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"Duerr, take this from me will ya?" Viria tosses her heavy repeating blaster to the unarmed Duerr. Please don't break it...
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Combat Info:[sblock]Deurr's attack against the officer is a 13. No good there. Next is Viria tossing him the blaster, which is her action...as for how Deurr reacts to being in melee and having a blaster tossed at him. Well, I won't make assumptions. :)

That's the end of the surprise round, and now the others are getting involved. Initiative for the others...Imperial gets a 23. Pilots get 24. Rebel captives get a 22. Makes our new order: Kay, Lia, Pilots, Imperial, Captives, Deurr, Istara, and then Viria.

So...Kay DOES make it into the cockpit easily enough. The 21 is a hit and he takes 14 damage...also, its enough to beat his massive damage threshold so he drops 2 on the condition track. For reference, he'll be Pilot 1.

Lia's next. Since Deurr's in melee with the Imperial, that's a -5 penalty to the attack roll which makes it a 20. It still manages to hit him, thanks to the previous stuns. But, damage wise, he only takes 7 and there are no other effects.

That brings us to the two pilots. Pilot 1 draws his blaster and fires back at Kay. He gets a 25 and that's a hit. Kay takes just 6 damage, though. Brings her down to 34hp. Pilot 2 is busy flying the ship and using the comm...no fighting for him.

Imperial is next. He's using the Assault Tactics talent on Kay and succeeds at the Knowledge(tactics) check. Until his next turn, attacks on her do an extra 1d6 damage. He then takes a step back, putting him against the bulkhead, and draws his blaster.

Captives next...they're working together to try to get out of the binders. Not having any luck, however.

Back to Deurr...as a heads up, if he actually does want to catch that blaster rather than trying to pummel the poor Imperial, its just a DC 10 Dex check.[/sblock]

Before either of the pilots could seal off the cockpit, Kay was in. It wasn't as cramped as usual, since the four other seats were empty, but there still wasn't too much room to maneuver. Still, it was easy to line up a shot with the pilot that had turned around and put a stun bolt right into him. The impact of the bolt caused the man to jerk back into the chair though he remained at least semi-conscious.

He was, however, conscious enough to find his own blaster pistol and fire a shaky shot back at Kay. The red blaster bolt went up across her right shoulder, not directly hitting but grazing her enough that it still burned badly before hitting some consoles behind her and raining down a shower of sparks.

The other pilot looked over his shoulder a moment with panic on his face, but his hands were moving from the controls to his side. Hitting a switch, he quickly starting yelling, "This is Vortex, we're under attack! Rebels have boarded us and are trying to take control of the ship! Request assistance immediately!"

Lia, despite the fact that Deurr was providing problems by taking a swing at the Imperial in the hold, managed to line up another shot of her own. Shooting right over Deurr, her stun bolt caught the Imperial in the upper torso, getting an uncomfortable sounding grunt out of the winded man.

Despite the fact that the Imperial looked terrible from the multiple stun blasts, he barked an order that echoed easily into the nearby cockpit, "Stop screaming and seal off the cockpit! Shoot that woman!"

As he spoke, he stumbled back into the wall of the bulkhead, now very much cornered. Still, he drew his blaster from its holster and raised it in a weary hand to the nearby form of Deurr.

Behind all of the action, the other captives started struggling with their binders. Between them, they seemed to be trying to work with one another to get the Duros' binders unlocked by fumbling horribly with the locking mechanism. As they worked, the young woman, Ines, spoke up, "A little help!"


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Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
Behind all of the action, the other captives started struggling with their binders. Between them, they seemed to be trying to work with one another to get the Duros' binders unlocked by fumbling horribly with the locking mechanism. As they worked, the young woman, Ines, spoke up, "A little help!"

"You heard her, K2." Istara says while lining up her shot. She didn't think it was a good idea to put her blaster down just yet.

The droid beeped at her, but she hadn't built in any combat modifications beyond the spring-loaded storage bay. So it rolled over to help.


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Kay winced in pain, as the blaster bolt creased her shoulder, but gritted her teeth through the pain, it was like Sergeant Matthews said back in boot, you can whine later, after you survive when it'll be good for picking up nurses. The nurses part of the advice didn't really apply, but the first part definitely did.

"A little help up here!" she calls out to the rest of the team and captives as she lines up a second shot on the first pilot.

Attack: 22, Damage = 19 stun


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"Take care of him," Lia shouts, pointing her blaster rifle at the somehow still conscious officer. She takes off towards the still open door, hoping to get in before Kay is left inside the cockpit alone.


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The doctor hurriedly grabs the blaster pistol concealed at the small of her back, flicks the selector to stun and takes a shot at the nearest imperial.

Move action to draw her pistol, swift to set it to stun, and a standard to try and shoot someone who is still resisting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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