Star Wars Saga/D&D 5th Hybrid [OOC/Rolls]


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Yes that is the one I meant. I edited the above link so it should be right now.

I think the battle on Alderaan was about 20 years before the game is set so he might be a bit old it is something he would have experienced as a young man. I am pretty sure that battle was very terrible but was fairly short lived...

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OK I got all excited and wrote up the first post already :) The IC thread is Here

Doing worry about having your character 100% complete yet Shayuri, I just wanted to get started. This is the time to introduce your characters to each other and to make any final requests or ask any final questions.


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OOC: Were we issued with something that marks us as representatives of the republic, GreenKarl?

Sure, probably a datapad legal contact that can be shared with another nearby datapad to prove legality. But as noted the planet is not 'part' of the Republic and while it is within its borders Czerka Corp is playing for time and ignoring all Republic officials on the planet so far...

Forged Fury

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[MENTION=6801242]GreenKarl[/MENTION] Can you change this back to a recruiting thread and open a new OOC? It would allow us to all post our characters at the top of a thread. Makes it easier to track down when we have to look for it.

Forged Fury

First Post
Cal will examine the maps provided and try to determine if there is any gear that he should consider requesting. Figure that might be a Survival check?

Survival: [roll0]

Other than whatever that may generate, Cal would consider asking for the following: electrobinoculars (1,000 Credits), power recharger (100 Credits), and a targeting scope for his carbine (100 Credits).

Persuasion: [roll1]

Once initial posts are completed, I'll post the above actions/requests in the IC based on the dice rolls.

ETA: Well, Cal isn't getting :):):):)...

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Gand's gear request, in order of want:

Datacards: any subject, with Sensor Operation or an updated Galactic Lore preferred since this is the Survey Corp and all :)

Jet pack (300 cr) Because: cool

Electronic Kit (250 cr)

Vibroblade (250 cr)

Electrobinoculars (1,000 Credits)

Gimme: 1D20 = [5] = 5. Meh.


First Post
Hmm I think you could get a couple of Galactic Lore datachips but you would need to be more specific. For a skill like that you could get a general history of the Republic, or different sectors or specific planets, etc.

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