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Star Wars - seeking adventure ideas


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I am planning on running a SW game set six months before the Vong invade and start destroying the galaxy. I am trying to come up with a decent enough couple of adventures to get the group going, but not too tough where they die before they get to level 3. Anyone know if any good locations to get adventures from, or anyone just have any good suggestions or advice so I don't really screw up?

This will be my first attempt at running Star Wars.

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Epic Commoner
6 Months before the Vong attack, Well the New Republic is a good place start.

New Republic sends the party out with a diplomat to see if a distant system will join the New Republic. While there a Vong advanced scouting party attacks the planet.

My favorite Star Wars ideas, The Hutts. Lets say you have cool Indiana Jones type temple artifact stealing idea bouncing around in your head. Well some Hutt wants an artifact that some New Rupublic archeoligists have discovered, and he sends the party after it. When I have an idea I want to play 9 times out of 10 a Hutt will hire the party. Sometimes its the same Hutt. The are picky and moody and can be freinds one day and hate you the next. The way I see how a Hutt thinks, "What have you done for me, today?"

The old stand by, Sith or Jedi temple uncovered. I would go with Jedi temple in the New Republic era. Great way to get those low level jedi force training abilities and the crytals required to craft there own lightsabers.

Smuggling runs. I need this box delivered from Point A to point B fast and undetected. Unfortunatly it was stolen from group C and they want it back.

If your group is Tech Specialist heavey, a sub space node in deep space is damaged. The New Republic hires the part out. They got a ship, the expertise and we don't have the man power to spare. Why is it down? Many reasons why, Mynocks, Pirates, information brokers, corprations, the Vong.

Hope these help


In my opinion, one of the best resources for adventure inspiration is the old Marvel comics. And now that Dark Horse has been releasing collections of them they're very easy to find.

I recommend starting with Volume Two if you've never read the comics before. They can be very campy but a lot of fun.

Darrin Drader

I ran a campaign for a while with the 6 months before the invasion premise. Basically I had 2 jedi along with a couple scoundrels (one a twi'lek dancer and the other a dude named Trillan). Then I started throwing some dark side force users into the mix under the tutelage of Darth Malign (not a real Sith, but he was passing himself off as one while he searched for a holocron that held their secrets). He had seduced a few of the jedi's weaker students over to the dark side, and he had worked out an arrangement with the Vong to help them begin their invasion. In addition, it was decided up front that Trillan is a Jango clone, which is something he found out about when he met up with an aged Boba Fett who passed on the legacy of the Mandalorian armor to him. Things were going well, but eventually a couple players dropped out before they ever faced the Vong.


First Post
I think to start I'm going to have the players make characters that are 'neutral' in affiliation. Perhaps they could be members of a large organization, like the New Repulic.

One adventure idea I have is that they could be hired to escort a new Holovid Star to a location where she is going to start filming her new Holovid movie but something happens while in transit and the players realize that not all is as it seems.

I'm just having a hard time coming up with a good reason as to how the group gets a ship...how they met...ya know, the hard stuff that helps start campaigns off so they don't disintegrate into a deep, black void. Any suggestions would be great.


Epic Commoner
It s hard to give you an idea about how they met when we don't what classes they are going to be.

So what are the players playing?

Escoting Holovid star is a good idea.


EarthsShadow said:
One adventure idea I have is that they could be hired to escort a new Holovid Star to a location where she is going to start filming her new Holovid movie but something happens while in transit and the players realize that not all is as it seems.

I'm just having a hard time coming up with a good reason as to how the group gets a ship...how they met...ya know, the hard stuff that helps start campaigns off so they don't disintegrate into a deep, black void. Any suggestions would be great.

Let's see if we can expand on your idea:

One (or more) of the characters works for a crime lord (the Hutts, a seedy Twi'lek merchant, or whatever fits in best), but not by choice. He's borrowed a hefty sum to buy a used freighter in search of his destiny. Until he pays back that 25,000 credit debt (don't forget about the 50% interest for late payments), he's in the hands of the crime lord.

Our crime lord's girl, the Holovid Star (let's call her Crystal Angel), is filming a new vid on some backworld den of sin. While the crime lord deals with "business", he wants the PC to escort Ms. Angel - on time and with no funny business.

This whole deal is further complicated by the past relationship between the PC and Crystal Angel.

Introduce another PC by making her Crystal Angel's bodyguard.

Introduce another PC by giving him some reason to get off planet, or to the same location Crystal Angel's shoot is at. He can book transport with the rest of the PCs - people who won't ask too many questions. This character's motivations can be mysterious and full of intrigue. He can be fleeing gambling debts, some kind of crime, or something similar.

It's always good to start off with some kind of action, but since the group isn't yet together you'd either have to focus on one character or do a "fast-forward" into the future where the group has already met.

In hyperspace, give the group a chance to interact and role-play. When things get slow, have the hyperdrive suddenly kick out. A power coil burnt out, the last one on the ship. They'll need to stop by the nearest station for refits and repairs. The seedy spaceport Borgo Prime, a hollowed-out asteriod, is the only stop nearby.

Once they reach Borgo Prime, Crystal Angel disappears. Oh great. And there are signs of sabotage on the hyperdrive.

What's going on?

-Crystal Angel could be carrying sensitive information about the crime lord and his business. Maybe she'll share this with her ex. Maybe not. She sabotaged the ship to get away from the crime lord - but that would not endear the PCs to the crime lord... Said information could contain something about a "lucritive trading partner from beyond the rim" - the Vong. The crime lord is hoping to undercut the Republic and side with the Vong. But even the crime lord does not know what that entails...
-Crystal Angel could be the deadly assasin Lady Death, working for the crime lord (or against him).
-Maybe Crystal Angel is a famous jewel theif, looking to score big right under the PC's noses by stealing the most precious jewel in all the sector.
-Maybe the PCs stumble upon some kind of ritual going on at Borgo Prime, masked by a yearly festival. This ritual is intended to release a Dark Jedi, hiding all these thousands of years.

Or maybe you don't want to have any ideas about the things going on. You could just introduce NPCs who say cryptic things, have the PCs get into fights with people they don't know (but who seem to be after the PCs/Crystal Angel), and see where the game goes. Listen to the PCs and try to pick up on their ideas.

Here's the address to my Star Wars web page. Features a galaxy map in flash (not barely completed, but still...) and some "stock encounters" that might give you some ideas.


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