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STAR WARS - The Arc Raider Legacy (Updated 01/01/2005)


First Post
A Noble Cause (Part 1)

The ship suddenly lurched from hyperspace. Jedi Master Segwin Drathis, standing at the bridge of the small Verpine designed transport, stared out through the view port and towards the blue-green planet which spun slowly before them. A tall Verpine dressed in military garb approached Drathis.

"Master Drathis. We have arrived at Dal-Kinsal, capital of the Araxian Technocratic Alliance."

"Thank you Captain. Please advise the Councillor of our arrival", the wizened Arcadian replied.

"Of course".

With that, the Verpine Captain walked back to his command chair.

It was at that point that the Jedi Master felt something wash over him; something cold, and malice. The Master closed his white pupil-less eyes for a moment and allowed the Force to speak with him. It was an unusual sensation as though he could see the disturbance, but his fingers were just out of its reach. The feeling eluded him. Was it from the planet, or was it from something much larger that was going occur? Suddenly the door behind him rushed open and the familiar sounds of his Padawan, Iela Wa-Uun, entered the room.


Drathis raised his hand, and almost on cue, the young Padawan stopped mid sentence. After a short pause, Master Drathis opened his eyes, gave a slight sigh, and turned towards his Padawan. Segwin knew how special his Padawan was, even though she was still young and naive. He also knew that Iela's Padawanship had only been given to him in a caretaker capacity, mainly because the Jedi Council was genuinely scared of her. What that was, he didn't know, and until this time, had never considered asking. When the Council had given him this mission, they alluded to the fact that Iela had some connection to this sector of space. It was no coincidence that this mission had been given to him though, and that Iela was involved. He had forseen it. Unfortunately, even considering his unique gift in being able to accurately foresee future events, he still could not tell which path his young apprentice's life would take, only that she was destined for great power. Perhaps it was this that the council feared.

"Iela. You slept well?"

"Yes Master", said the young Padawan. "But it was not our arrival that woke me, but a terrible dream".

"I see. Nightmares and dreams are the force telling us how to shape our experiences so we may better understand them my young apprentice".

"Yes Master". Iela appeared bewildered by her Master's comments.

"It could however be something else, as I sensed that this area of space is shrouded by the Dark Side. As soon as we entered the system I feel a disturbance in the force."

The young Padawan's brow creased as her Master's words hinted at something sinister.

"Should I be concerned?"

"No. Just be cautious. We have a Verpine Ambassador to protect after all".

Iela was not the best at sensing others thoughts, but she could tell well enough, that her Master was troubled or at the very worst, was hiding something from her.

Sensing the uneasiness of his Padawan, Segwin quickly changed the subject.

"Well, perhaps we should see how the Councillor is progressing".

The two Jedi then exited the bridge and made their way to Councillor Rev Nepraii's chamber.


"Yes, yes Kai. I know its crooked", claimed the young Verpine Diplomat to her droid companion, "but you know how much I hate this formal attire".

The door to the Councillor's chamber chimed.

"Who is it now?" questioned the Councillor.

"Its Master Drathis Councillor. We are approaching the planet. Are you are ready to depart".

The Verpine having the utmost respect for the Jedi quickly moved to the door.

"Of course Master Drathis. Sorry to keep you waiting". The door to the councillor's chamber snapped open to reveal the Verpine in the midst of dressing in a somewhat formal uniform. Segwin and Iela looked on as the Verpine's attire resembled a cross between that of a Republic Senator, and that of a member of a technical crew. The young Padawan broke the silence.

"As ready as a Verpine will ever be".

The Verpine's antennae twitched. "What? Its the pants isn't it?"


The ship quickly travelled through the atmosphere and to the surface of the planet. The capital city of Leit-Sek was adorned with some of the most exquisite buildings in the galaxy, rivalling such worlds as Naboo and Zuntic. Many of the city's white and brown buildings had huge spires making the city more like a oversized birthday cake rather than an expansive metropolis. Nestled in the middle of the city was the largest of the buildings - the Presidential Palace.

The Verpine designed transport quickly flitted between the spires making its way to the palace itself. Eventually, the ship came to rest on a platform specifically designed to accommodate the needs of the Palace, more so those distinguished guests who had been invited to the Araxian Technocratic Alliance's gala dinner. As the landing jets hissed, the ramp of the ship lowered, and four figures emerged namely that of the two Jedi, the Verpine Councillor, and her droid aide Kai.

"I despise these functions Master Drathis", claimed the Verpine Councillor as it pulled at the uniform colar. "Why we can't just do this via holonet is beyond me. I suppose it’s just the Human way of doing things. All this pomp and ceremony".

The Arcadian Jedi nodded his head in agreement, while looking over at his human Padawan who seemed preoccupied looking around at the palace walls and the city beyond. Suddenly, a hover droid appeared from a door in the side of the palace, and made its way towards the group.

"Councillor Nepraii. You have been designated to reside in suite 34A. Accomodation has been provided for your companions in an adjoining suite. If you will follow me".

With that the droid spun around and started making its way back towards the palace.

"That would be a model Hokernex HS-224-K, a model that was superseded a few years back. And from the way it spoke, the software it's using is about 4 years out of date."

Segwin could sense there was trouble in the councillors words.

"Is there a problem?"

"Vastly outdated technology Master Drathis. This planet's economy is in dire jeopardy"

Iela touched Segwin on the arm.

"Master, look."

Segwin turned and saw his young Padawan pointing towards the lower levels of the palace. Hundreds of brown coloured, heavily armed battle droids could be seen assembling on the streets of the city. Scattered in amongst the battle droids were about ten droidekas.

"Seems strange to have that many droids for security purposes. There is something amiss here Iela".

"Would you care for me to look into it Master?" questionsed the young Padawan eagerness in her voice. Segwin could sense the anticipation from his learner.

"Not for the moment Padawan. But keep your wits about you, I sense you'll be needing them soon enough".

The four then followed the droid into the palace as the door snapped shut behind them...
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First Post
A Noble Cause (Part 2)

"You want me to do what?", exclaimed Stim, as he fell back into his chair.

"An easy job for you Mr Sellack", responded the bloated Herglic. "You come highly recommended".

Stim Sellack, a well known mercenary for hire round these parts surveyed the landscape of the Herglic's joules, pondering how much something like this Forak Nebula was worth - and wondering if it was really worth getting him and his crew's hide blown into the Outer Rim for.

"Well lets just say me and my crew get a bit - you know - anxious when we're asked to steal a priceless artefact from an impenetrable vault contained in a building opposite the Government Palace which at the time will be crawling with half the planet's battle droids and security contingent."

"So you cannot do the job. Belloq would be most upset". The Herglic sneered in Stim's direction and started to reach over to take back the cred chip.

Stim knew he owed enough to Belloq the Hutt for the purchase of his beaten up Ghtroc Freighter, the Arc Raider, to blow out the cargo hold of a Corellian Corvette, so with that he slid forward in an attempt to reach the cred chip before the Herglic did.

"Now, now, let’s not get hasty here. I didn't say we couldn't do the job. It’s just going to take some planning tis all. Might be worth a couple of thousand extra?"

Stim looked over at his co-pilot Selko Fema who was seated at the bar covering the entrance. He could tell she was worried, as he saw her eyes dart from one patron to the next. What was it about her that was so unusual? Stim suddenly realised he still hadn't finished dealing with the Herglic and so pretended to have a long thought between sentences.

"Of course we could just go back and tell Belloq that you've been fiddling the books. I'm sure he'd be impressed."

Stim cast his associate Aladan Wolf a smile. It was Aladan who had given him that titbit of information - what Stim would call an ace up his sleeve. He didn't trust Aladan all that much, after all he had been sent by Belloq to 'keep an eye on things', but he knew his skills with a calcupad, and a blaster were a good combination in any language.

The Herglic's eyes narrowed and it blubbery hide rippled as his blow hole twitched nervously.

"Hrrmm..you drive a hard bargain Mr Sellak. I gather a nice 3000 credits might do he trick?"

The Herglic reached into his pocket, and produced a bag of credits, slamming them down on the table.

"As well as getting a cool 10G from Belloq for the favour he owes you", Stim held back the anticipation in his voice, "Manaton, I'd say our business here is done."

With that the transaction was complete and the crew of the Arc Raider exited the bar.

The first to leave was Stim a tall muscular man who had travelled from one side of the galaxy to the next, mostly taking out ex-cons and spice dealers. Stim was an ex-Sector Ranger and knew the underside of this sector better than anyone.

Stim was closely followed by his new shadow, Aladan Wolf, a mercenary for hire and part time accountant to one of the most corrupt crime lords in the Araxian Sector - Belloq the Hutt.

Two persons exited the bar next namely Stim's friend and co-pilot Selko Fema, and Stim's second hired gun, Garrat Brax. Garrat was an unfortunate fellow, burned in a plasma fire very early in life on a wayward planet somewhere out in Wild Space where medical supplies and bacta were rare. Most who looked at Garrat became nauseous as his burns covered most of his body, leaving him a shell of a man, but a man with a keen eye with a blaster, and a knack for getting into places even the finest of thieves would be envious of.

Stim paused for a moment, turned and looked over his motley crew of thieves and mercenaries. The plan started as only a twinkle and suddenly hit him like a supernova. What if they conned their way into the Museum? No blasters fired. No alarms. Selko came closer to him.

"Stim. You right?"

"Selko - I've got a plan."
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