• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Star Wars: The Other Young Jedi Knights


It seems AMG missed his normal update schedule. I for one am extremely disappointed. I will have to punish him by scowling at my monitor while impatiently waiting for him to post a double-length update to make ammends for this egregious breach of protocol.

Impatiently yours,

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Tamlyn said:
It seems AMG missed his normal update schedule. I for one am extremely disappointed. I will have to punish him by scowling at my monitor while impatiently waiting for him to post a double-length update to make ammends for this egregious breach of protocol.

Impatiently yours,
Hehehe. And I was just getting ready to post my excuse. So...here it is.

No update today(and I missed the one earlier in the week...um, oops). However, I'll be putting up a longer update to attempt to make up for the both of them tomorrow(Friday). Just haven't been in the right mood for things, especially today. Also, that's why my other story hour is actually getting a second update today instead. So...scoot on over there until tomorrow. :)

Chapter 20: Ground Pounders

Cira awoke to the blurriness that always accompanied the opening of eyes after unconsciousness. It was one of the mandatory laws of the galaxy that vision was to be blurry after that. But when her natural stubbornness and general annoyance broke through, she found herself looking up at the brown(and slightly greenish) ceiling that had to be in the Great Temple. Her ears began to refocus and soon picked up far too many voices at once, none of them even making an attempt to break through the general din.

But then she caught sight of Master Hamner, who looked much worse for wear considering how he’d looked last time they had seen the Jedi Master. He had definitely been through a fight...or four. But he seemed to take notice of her returning to the moment and quickly stepped over and next to the small cot she found herself laying on. In his usual firm voice, Master Hamner said, “Its good to see you awake. Now how long do you plan to take up space down here?”

“Huh...?” Cira blinked a few times before turning both ways to really take in the area. The entire room, what had once been a giant storage section, was filled with cots similar to the one she was in. Most of them were occupied by students in various stages of health, though there were even some with dark-tunic-clad Shadow Academy students who were still unconscious...but tied down just to be safe. From the general feel of chaos, Cira figured she could only have been out for an hour at most.

“Twenty minutes,” Master Hamner answered her unspoken question while doing his best to help her to sit up straight, “We’ve one what we could as quickly as possible. As you can see, things are a bit tight in here so it isn’t perfect. The broken bone in your arm has been set and should be okay if you be careful, but don’t push it. Same goes for your leg. Keep the weight off of it out there. The Force was able to help with the rest of it.”

Cira was no fool. She knew what was going to happen next, and knew that she was ready for it despite the fact that she wasn’t completely aware of just everything yet. And that brought up a vital question, “Where are the others?”

“Cowan just finished clearing the upper levels of the Temple, but the bombers have been destroyed so we’re safe for now,” the Jedi Master said as Cira slowly got to her feet and tested her leg. To her surprise, he sighed, “There’s been no sign of Esah or Gant since they brought the first group of students down here.”

“They’re not...”

“Its impossible to tell right now,” Master Hamner admitted, though quietly. His voice then returned to its usual hardness and he gently patted her on the back, “Lightsaber’s on your belt. Get up there and help finish this.”

There was no arguing with that. And besides, she had now figured out just how to walk without causing any pain. Her arm was going to make things difficult, but she knew that working out just how to not re-break it wouldn’t take too much trouble. If something started to hurt, sense said to stop. So she was in the turbolift in a few more moments with a couple other patched up students. They all exchanged silent glances, none of them knowing what to expect when they got up to the hangar.

And then the turbolift stopped. There was the longest of seconds where nothing happened...and then the door hissed open. It revealed a scene that was not all that much different from how any of them had left it when they’d been dragged down. The few ships left were pushed to the side and out of the way to give a good view of the open hangar door far on the opposite side from the wall where all the turbolifts were. Towards the hangar, red lances of blaster bolts arced back and forth. Different coloured lightsaber blades could be seen here and there, and bright flashes of white showed where two of the blades were meeting.

The fight hadn’t moved one meter. Or rather, it could have, but it was right back where Cira had left it. But it was easy to notice the one major difference. There were much more red lightsabers than those of any other colour. The Jedi students had not had intense training in combat...there had been some, but obviously not enough from the number of injured. While the numbers may had been in their favor before, the advantage had switched. Which meant just charging in and swinging the lightsaber wasn’t going to push this fight back one bit.

Cira’s hand lashed out and grabbed the shoulder of one of the other students with her as they ran straight for the fight. Immediately upon stopping the young student, a male Duros of roughly the same age as her, she nodded off to the side, “We need to get around and flank them.”

The Duros nodded his large, dark-blue head before also grabbing another student. In a moment, three of them were heading around to attempt to outflank who knew how many of the Shadow Academy’s troops. None of the three of them were Corellian. In fact, Cira was the only human among the three...but there was a mutual decision that odds were best ignored in what they were going to attempt. Sometimes, it was just best to act and trust in the Force.

Maybe all that training wasn’t going to waste, after all.

* * * *​

Not everyone was on the line and attempting to hold the hangar. Cowan had fallen in with a group who had come up with a similar plan to Cira’s. However, they weren’t going to be heading around to flank at all. Instead, the idea was to stop the shuttles that were still bringing down fresh attackers. Unlike with Cira, there was actually a sizable group heading out into the forest where the shuttles had been seen landing and taking off again. Sizable being a dozen, including Cowan. Most were human, but they were a very diverse group in both age and training. But what really mattered was the determination and listening to the Force...and that was something all of them shared, lightsaber or not.

“Shuttle coming down!” a green-skinned Rodian student, one of the older ones and nearly done with his training, called back to them. He had taken point, and was actually very well camouflaged in his brown tunic. It was amazing how the green and the brown made him fade into the forest around them.

Cowan nodded, knowing the Rodian(who’s name was escaping him at the moment) would see, then motioned for two of the younger students, a brother and sister from Coruscant, to follow him around. There was not a stated plan on how to attack the shuttles, but everyone seemed to be individually coming to something that would likely do the job.

Ahead of them was the small clearing where some of the shuttles were setting down and unloading the troops...and some supplies, according to the rodent-like Chandra-Fan among the students who had scouted even farther ahead thanks to his small size. The supplies was the worrying part. And Cowan could see a few crates next to one of the shuttles that was already down.

“I see three,” the brother whispered.

Cowan nodded, “When everyone’s ready, we’ll go for the nearest. You two grab those crates and get them back here and out of the way.”

Normally, Cowan would have expected an argument from this. These were, essentially, two kids...probably barely sixteen years old. Stereotype said they should be desperate for adventure and action. But these two young humans were caught up in something else, and their Jedi training helped to steer them to the correct course of action. Both nodded together.

And so they waited for an undetermined signal. They would simply know it. The fourth shuttle found a spot and slowly finished its descent. There was a small thump as its landing struts set down on the ground, and then a hiss of the ship that indicated it to be as old as design as it looked. Imperial but somehow looking older and more cobbled together than any Imperial commander would ever have allowed. But then something happened. Something...clicked. That was it. The signal.

As one, the ten students charged out of the clearing and straight for the four shuttles. It didn’t matter that only four of them had lightsabers, and that only another two had blasters. Unarmed or not, they were all still Jedi, and they were not going to let their home be destroyed.

Chapter 21: Retreat

Even with the active repulsor unit, the ground approached very quickly. Well...no...the trees approached first. It wasn’t exactly the most pleasant of landings, but in a matter of seconds, Esah and Gant crashed through the upper level of branches, cursing the whole way through, before reaching the ground with a very abrupt thud. Emergency repulsor units had their name for a reason. They were small, rough, and really only should be used in those emergencies where ejection seats with much better safety systems just weren’t possible. They were also about twenty years out of date.

“You are insane!” Gant growled from his position on the ground, sprawled out against a tree and trying to pry the unit off of his back. The landing had definitely not been a pretty one.

Despite the fact that Esah had landed on her face, there was a muffled sound that was almost laughter coming from the Mon Calamari. After pulling herself up off the ground, she looked over her shoulder to Gant and grinned widely, “It worked, didn’t it?”

Gant was shaking his eyeless skull, “I thought you Mon Calamari were supposed to be more intelligent than most species.”

“Oh, we are,” Esah’s smile somehow grew as she got to her feet and dusted her tunic off, “Of course, its always the brightest that go mad the fasted.”

If Gant had eyes, they would have rolled sky high. Despite this lack, though, somehow the feeling projected itself through the Force very clearly. Finally getting the straps detached from one another, Gant relieved himself of the repulsor unit and got to his feet, “Remind me to never fly with you again.”

Esah laughed and patted his shoulder with a webbed hand, “You know you enjoyed it. Besides, its not like you have eyes to create a fear of heights. Now come on, lets get back to everyone.”

As she turned and headed off, Gant grumbled under his breath, “I still have depth perception, thank you.”

Thankfully, when Gant turned to follow and nearly walked into a tree Esah was far enough ahead that she didn’t take any notice. That sure would have killed any credibility. But after that near miss, he made sure to keep his ‘sight’ focused more so than it had been before. This was definitely no time to walk into anything. They quickly made their way back to the main Temple complex, which wasn’t actually all that far from where they’d landed...if ‘land’ was really the correct term. Hit would probably have been better.

But the soon reached the clearing that surrounded the Great Temple and found it much as it been left...except the white armored Stormtroopers and black-clad Shadow Academy students were no longer at the edge of the hangar. There were more and more coming in, but for the moment, they’d been pushed back. The two students exchanged a quick(and odd, as only one of them had eyes) glance before deciding they’d better help out. But before they could move in, they caught sight of a group of students coming from the side of the Temple...and one of them...

“Cira!” Esah called out, getting the other’s attention in such a way that the human’s head nearly snapped off as it spun to find the source of the voice.

All of the students stopped as Cira slowed her pace and jogged forward, “We’re going to flank them as best as we can. There’s only five of us so two more could really help out.”

“Of course,” Gant answered with a short nod.

As they joined the small group and headed in, no one spoke. All of them were silent for the same reason. They were losing this fight. They weren’t trained in combat as these Shadow Academy students were...and so far, they had only been surviving through superior numbers. But now that was failing. More kept coming...more and more. But what could they do but fight? There weren’t enough ships for all of them to run, and they’d be killed if they simply stood there and tried to hide.

All of the Jedi students knew that this was that moment Master Skywalker had always told them about. They were going to have to trust in the Force. Their lives were in the hands of the Force and all they could do was to allow it to guide them...even if it took them to their deaths.

None of them had time for another thought, because they were plunged straight into the fight. Lightsabers blazed, blaster bolts struck past, and cries of all kinds echoed around them. What actually happened was different every student and lost on all of them. All they really saw was exactly what was in front of them...and some fell. Many fell. It felt like an eternity in the center of that brawl...and then something happened.

At first, none of the Jedi were sure just what it was. But then brains began to catch up with the moment and quickly processed the information. It was a sound. Like a...cry. But there were words. It was Basic, but none of them could manage to make out exactly what was being said.

But their attackers did. In a matter of seconds, they were falling back...still fighting, yes, but falling back. One step at a time, faster with each step. Retreating back from the Temple...what had happened?! They were leaving! Running! They were gone!

Few of the students actually watched as one of the Solo kids fought the leader of the attack force and defeated him. Even fewer saw him get away...no one saw him call for the retreat.

Chapter 22: Luck:

Two stormtroopers managed to step out of the shuttle that had just set down in time to call out in surprise before two of the students that had lightsabers cut them down. Cowan had only long enough to see that much before he had to turn back to make sure the two younger students that were with him had grabbed the crates of what were likely supplies. They were starting back for the trees now, but more troops and even a few of the Shadow Academy students were disembarking from the various shuttles that were sitting in the clearing.

And then there was a cry. Cowan spun around to watch a red lightsaber blade cut through both of the young students in one long sweep. The two collapsed to the ground, the crates of supplies crashing down with them. Standing there, grinning disturbingly, was a human girl, probably a year or two younger than he was, clad in the black of the Shadow Academy’s students. She was almost...laughing after having killed two kids. Cowan stared, finding himself frozen and unable to even lift the hilt of the lightsaber that he held so tightly in his hand.

A quick, panicked glance over his shoulder showed that their surprise assault on the shuttles was not going nearly as well as any of them had hoped. White armored troops were fighting their way off of the shuttle, easily gunning down the unarmed students and not really even having much trouble with the two left that did have lightsabers. And that was when Cowan realized that it was just himself and the two others who held lightsabers. All of the others were...dead. Dead?! It’d barely been two minutes! And yet...

A heavy whirring noise jolted Cowan’s attention back to the attacker ahead of him, and his eyes spun around to see that the girl had spun her red lightsaber blade up and into a ready position. Oh gods...she was going to kill him! And...and he couldn’t move!! No! This wasn’t how it was supposed to be! Before, he’d been fine!! But...but Cira had been there...and she’d acted first anyway. Now...now...

The Shadow Academy student was already starting for him, but then there was another sound behind him. And...being in the state he was, Cowan was dumb enough to turn his head to look. His eyes caught sight of one of the last two students already on the ground, and then a barrage of blaster bolts taking down the other. Which meant he was alone...alone and...

Something made Cowan move. Maybe it was the Force...but more likely it was a built in need to survive. Probably a little of both, at least. The cause didn’t really matter, though. But just as the girl with her bright red lightsaber charged in and swung it to cleave of his head, Cowan ducked and rolled past her. Immediately, panic seemed to take over his actions. Cowan did not get to his feet, ignite the lightsaber he still held tightly in his hand, and fight back. He probably should have...like the rest of the students he’d been with. But he didn’t.

As quickly as he could manage, Cowan scrambled up from his roll and back to his feet and ran. Blaster bolts and curses followed him, but Cowan managed to get to the tree line and continue running as fast as he could back towards the Great Temple. Not long through the trees, he quickly realized that he wasn’t actually being followed...but, of course, that didn’t slow him. It was five long minutes of running through the thick forest to get to the clearing in front of the Great Temple, and the second that he stepped out through the tree line, Cowan found himself face to face with at least fifteen blasters.

“Hold it!” the voice was familiar, and it didn’t take long for Cowan to catch sight of the tall, eyeless Gant stepping up from behind the group of New Republic troopers who were lowering their weapons now. Following the tall Miraluka were both Esah and Cira...and none of them really looked all that great. But they were all alive, and from the looks of things, the fight here was over.

Esah’s large mouth smiled broadly as she stepped over to Cowan, “It is good to see you are alright.”

Cowan sighed, but very quietly asked, “What happened...?”

“The fleet got here early,” Cira said, casually nodding up to the blue sky above, “And one of those Solo kids fought back the leader of the ground troops. Show offs, if you ask me.”

Cowan couldn’t help but nod at that. No matter how strong in the Force those kids were, they really had a habit of making things difficult around the Academy. At least the Hapan Princess that was here kept a low profile...but those damned Solo twins got so much attention that things could easily get distracted from all the other students and things that needed being done.

“They’re...running...?” Cowan eventually asked quietly, trying to edge around the escape he’d just made on his own.

Gant nodded, a motion he was still getting used to doing, but had found it helpful to get points across, “Yes. Its over now.”

“We won...?” Cowan pushed for it, though he was really just reaching for a hopeful thought in the shame of running that was still drowning him.

“If you could call this winning,” Cira was the one who answered as they finally started back towards the Great Temple. All around them, the ground was littered with bodies, “We got lucky, Cowan.”

Slowly falling into step with the others, Cowan tried to do what a ‘good’ student would do, “Master Skywalker says that there’s no such things as luck.”

That made Cira stop, and she carefully turned around to glare at straight at Cowan, “I’m not Master Skywalker. And trust me, bacta boy, this was luck.”

((Sorry for the long delays on updates. Holidays get hectic around here...also, these next couple of weeks could be a bit rough as its the last of the semester so I've got a huge amount of papers and stuff to do. Will still try to get updates on time, but they may be a day late or so.))

Chapter 23: Aftermath

It didn’t take long for the adrenaline rush of the battle to fade into pure exhaustion. Even the older students an the Jedi Masters that resided at the Academy had the tired, beaten look to them...despite the fact that they’d fought off the attack. Luck? Well, many of the younger students that had put aside their egos would agree to that...but the older students knew it wasn’t luck. But it had still be close. Far, far too close.

Thankfully, the TIE bombers had been taken out early enough that the Great Temple hadn’t been completely leveled. In fact, only the top few levels had been destroyed, and the repairs were already starting. It would take some time, but eventually things would return to normal...on the surface, at least. None of the students would be the same, though. For most, it had been their first encounter with death outside of holodramas and stories told by their parents. It was...shocking, to say the least, and thankfully there were enough senior Jedi that it wasn’t too difficult to deal with the students still that had been hit the worst.

The bodies that had littered the area had been cleared immediately. That had been the first concern of all of the Masters, knowing not only the sanitary problems the corpses would cause, but also the dangers of the young students seeing their dead friends. And it was hard to find a student who hadn’t lost a friend.

Of course, as usual, the Solo kids and their friends were getting all the credit and the praise. It was...annoying to a point, but at the same time it was nice to not be stuck in the spotlight. Master Hamner was doing his best to help all of the clean up efforts, but had tracked down Gant, Esah, Cira, and Cowan a few hours after the fighting stopped.

The five of them now stood at one of the smaller temples to the south that bordered one of the many lakes that dotted the endless forests of the small moon. They had all been relatively quiet, as there was so much to think about that the four of them were too busy trying to work things out to actually speak up.

After looking out across the pristine lake for a short while, Master Hamner turned around and said, “You all did very well today.”

“We did?” Cira asked, the first to question this obviously off-base compliment. While she wasn’t a typical Imperial in the way that most people thought of them in the galaxy, she was definitely a cynic...and somehow, that just went with the whole Imperial upbringing perfectly.

But Master Hamner simply nodded, a neutral expression still etched on his hard features, “Yes, Cira, you did. All of you...no matter what you may be thinking to the contrary.”

At that, the Jedi Master’s eyes fell on Cowan, who managed to make a surprised expression before staring down at the dirt. Everyone gave him a look, but then the moment passed and they all looked back to Master Hamner, who stopped toeing around the point, “We protected the Academy, but this fight is not over. You all proved yourselves out there. You acted like true Jedi by acting through the will of the Force instead of through your emotions. Now that we are forced to deal with less space to house all of the students in, we have been looking at alternate training exercises...and besides, you’ve all reached a point where you can learn much more outside the Academy than cooped up here waiting on a Master to help guide you.”

Silence. All of them were waiting for the next part. That sounded like the speech that would end with all of them being knighted. It had to be! Why else send students off on their own without a Master to make sure things went well? That was how it always had been!

But they got a surprise, “You are not ready to be Jedi Knights yet, however. It...puts us in a difficult position, but we trust the four of you. And there is a task that must be done that we believe you would all be well suited for.”

Another silence. This one was permeated by a sense of surprise and disappointment. But it didn’t take long for Gant to push those away and focus. Once that had been done, he took the hint displayed by the fact that Master Hamner wasn’t saying anything else and began to reach out with the Force. He focused more...harder...then let go and simply allowed the Force to bring what he searched for to him. That worked.

If Gant had eyes, this was the point where they’d have opened. Instead, he just said, “You want us to find out how the Shadow Academy got a foothold here on Yavin IV without us knowing about it.”

A rare, broad smile formed on Master Hamner’s face and he nodded, “Very good, Gant, very good.”

“You didn’t make it very difficult,” Cira said quietly, having picked it out just a second after Gant had.

The Jedi Master nodded, “True, but that’s not important. You will all be provided with a small starship, but I suggest giving us some time and starting here...talk with one of the Masters before you follow any leads off planet, though. For your protection, Esah, you will be provided with a lightsaber. Of course, this does not excuse any of you, including you Gant, from finding the necessary components to construct your personal lightsaber.”

They all nodded, and Gant thanked the Jedi Master for not pushing the subject of the weapon. It was nice to be beyond that point finally. Master Hamner then retrieved a small box from his robe and handed it to Esah, who just happened to be standing the closest to him, “Sensor equipment a few other things to help you get started. The sooner you’re able to figure out how this happened, the better we’ll all be,” and then, he bowed, “May the Force be with you.”

Then Master Hamner left. The four of them stood there in a new silence. This was a very important task...and it had been intrusted to, of all people, them?! Not that any of them(well, save maybe Cowan) believed they couldn’t do it, but it was just so...so sudden. They weren’t even Knights! But...but he’d just left! And they were stuck with it. All of them could imagine the Jedi Master walking off with a smug look on his face. He was too good at this. And besides, this was important...

“I believe he expects us to get started now,” Gant said slowly, finally breaking the silence.

Cira grinned and nodded, “Not very subtle, is he?”

“Not many Humans are, in my experience,” Esah laughed in her unique, Mon Calamari laugh that sounded more like someone drowning than a real laugh. It definitely was a sound one had to hear many times to understand as laughter.

“Yes, well, we try to keep up appearances,” joked Cira as she fell into step with the others as they got their bearings and started for one of the camps they’d found, “Right, Cowan?”

“...sure...” he was quiet, depressed sounding, and all together managed to kill the fun right there. He’d been like that since the end of the fighting, and none of them really wanted to get into the whys...at least not right now. Sometimes, it really was obvious that he was a spoiled little rich kid. And it was annoying enough that they were just going to have to let him get over it himself instead of pushing him and making it worse. But, at least it would keep things interesting.

Chapter 24: Encampment

It wasn’t too terribly hard to find the small camp that Esah and Gant had found not a day earlier. Not only did they remember the way there, but it wasn’t as if it’d been years and years. It had been...hours. If that, even. It felt like so much longer...but it had only been hours. A few hours of pure chaos, sure, but that was still just a few hours. The fighting felt like it had been days, maybe even years after that small discovery of the camp.

“Its empty,” Esah announced, stepping into the camp area that was stuck in between a rather thick section of the jungle. The others all looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. Even Gant, without any eyes, managed the look.

It was hard not to notice the place was empty. By the Force, it looked like whoever had been here left in such a hurry that they probably left their trousers behind. The fact that there was at least one pair of black trousers scattered on the ground amongst the general amount of junk only went to support this idea.

Cira followed Esah over a few of the smaller tree branches and had a careful look at the mess surrounding them, “There’s a few weapons scattered around...someone was definitely in a hurry.”

“I expect these crates contain food,” Gant said, walking around to one of the few tents still standing and carefully inspecting the crates that stood next to it with his hands. It was an...interesting thing to watch, to say the least. His hands seemed to just be supplementing the vision through the Force, adding those little extra information that his sensor-like vision might miss.

Slowly, the Mon Calamari woman made her way over to look at the crates, picking a few of the up to look at the ones beneath, “Medical supplies...spare parts...” she made a watery noise that was most likely a sigh and looked up at the canopy of the jungle above them, “I can understand cutting and running but I could have sworn they had enough ships to take all this.”

“Did they have enough time, though?” Gant asked, slowly finding his way over to another of the tents that was splattered on the ground and looking through the junk that it was covering up.

“They should have,” Cira’s voice was muffled from behind both a large tree and another of the tents, which she was currently inside and digging through. After a rustling noise, her black-haired head appeared out from under the tent, “All of a sudden retreating that quickly just seems...well, stupid.”

They all agreed with that, especially after finding out that the New Republic fleet that had arrived was not really a fleet at all. Two small cruisers and a few support ships with just two squadrons of starfighters was not, by any definition, a fleet. To call it one was insulting to fleets, especially like the Shadow Academy’s that was reported to have been above Yavin IV. Not only did they have a mobile space station that served as a training facility and the main base of the so-called Second Imperium, but they had at least ten squadrons of fighters and at least a dozen cruisers...not counting support ships. It didn’t make any sense.

“Maybe they planned to leave after a certain amount of time?” Cowan finally spoke up from his slow searching of another section.

Cira looked over in his direction and shrugged, “Maybe...still, they had the advantage in pretty much every aspect of the fight.”

There was an interesting noise from Esah’s direction that was not really describable beyond the fact that it was a noise and only Mon Calamari could ever dream to produce such a noise. It caused all eyes(well, all faces) to turn and look in her direction. She managed a weak smile on her blue face before laughing quietly, “Um...excuse me...” she paused a moment, rustled through some junk on the ground to get attention off of her, then produced a small datapad and held it up, “I think I’ve found something.”

No one actually left their places of searching, simply waiting for Esah to announce her findings beyond simply waving the datapad in the air. She seemed to pick up on this fairly quickly, finally pulling the small thing down and actually looking at it to see what it contained. Her fin-shaped hands had a bit of trouble with the smaller buttons, but after so many years she’d learned how to deal with those kind of problems.

“...it’s a log,” Esah finally said, very slowly and obviously distracted by reading the information that was now up in front of her. That got the others to stop what they were doing and sit up straight to look towards where the Mon Calamari was. Noticing she had their attention, Esah added some actual detail, “They were only here a week...doesn’t say how they arrived...something about another camp!”

She had a shocked look on her face and large eyes darted between each of her companions. Cira just shrugged and said flatly, “We know. We found it.”

If Gant had eyes, they’d have shifted very slowly towards both Cira and Cowan...which would have been an amazing feat, as the two of them were on opposite sides of the small encampment. Instead, though, the Miraluka shifted his vision in the Force, putting more focus into it to divide the focus between the two of them.

Cowan was the one who cracked first, “Would have told you...didn’t have time.”

Gant’s critical ‘look’ faded. Sometimes, he seemed to enjoy abusing his Force-vision and torturing the rest of them. He turned to face Esah again, though, and asked, “Anything else?”

“Nothing of interest, really...” Esah mumbled. She made an interesting sigh again and wave the datapad idly, “Whoever recorded this needs to be taught how to keep a log.”

“I’m sure they’d be happy to let you give them a lesson,” Cira said while she made her way over to Esah. The Mon Calamari got the hint and tossed the datapad over to her. Catching it, Cira looked it over casually, “Wow...even I can do better than this. They’re no record at all of any kind of supplies coming in...but they had to have done something. There’s a count of people and its changing far too much over each of the days...they were bringing people in.”

“But their’s no mention of how?” Cowan asked, biting his lip and suddenly forgetting all about any of his previous worries. Like the others, he was starting to get worried about that. It just didn’t feel...right.

Cira shook her head after another look over the datapad’s information, “Nothing...you don’t think...”

“...why not?” Gant finished slowly.

Esah was slowly starting to get to her feet, “But its all...all...” she waved her hands across the camp, “Its all a mess!”

At this point, Cira was starting to back to the rest of the jungle, “Exactly. No one keeps a log and leaves out such important information unless they want it to be found...and if they want it to be found there must be a reason...”

A trap. It had to be. It was too...too damned perfect. Slowly, they were all starting to make their way out of the camp. Esah managed two steps before she felt something different under her boot. It was...metal like some of the struts that were scattered around and had probably supported the tents that were now down across the ground...yet it gave way. Slowly, but surely, she felt her foot falling.

Esah’s eyes managed to go even wider when she realized why, but she wasn’t able to speak her words before there was a huge, deafening explosion.

Chapter 25: Casualties

“Anyone else alive...?” Cowan called out. The voice sounded disturbingly loud after the absolute silence that had followed the sudden explosion. At least he had rolled over from being face down so that his voice could actually be understood. All the problems he’d had up to this point had suddenly faded away the second the trap had been set off and he’d hit the ground face first. It felt like his back had taken a scorching and his leg had landed on a rock, but overall he was alive...which, considering how big the explosion had been, was a good start.

There was a Cira-like groan a few meters off and around one of the now-burnt trees then the sound of some movement, “More or less.”

“There wasn’t any shrapnel,” sounded Gant, somehow still in his usual calm, controlled voice. Cowan could see the Miraluka carefully getting to his feet near where he’d been standing before.

“Just an incendiary...” Cira could now be seen leaning against the tree she’d dove to the ground next to. She and Gant looked about how Cowan felt, currently.

But he forced himself to his feet shakily and tried to ignore the dizziness, “This is a forest...I don’t think ‘just’ and ‘incendiary’ go very well together. Its amazing the whole thing didn’t catch fire.”

“There’s a few small fires over here,” Esah’s watery voice was quieter than the rest of theirs, but she didn’t sound to be dead. There was a pause, then the Mon Calamari spoke up again, “If...you wouldn’t mind...I could use a little help over here.”

Though the three of them started that direction, it was Cira who was closest and got there first. She arrived to find the entire left half of the Mon Calamari’s body was the same black colour that the ground and most of the trees were. Not only that, but her left leg looked...well...bad was the best way to describe it. At least Esah’s leg was still attached...

Immediately, Cira knelt down and tried to help Esah sit up some, “We need to get you back now.”

“Its okay...” Esah mumbled, waving her right(and still blue coloured) arm at the young human, “I’m okay.”

“Esah, your leg...”

She shook her head, “It doesn’t hurt.”

Cira had to take a moment to understand that, “It doesn’t hurt, or you can’t feel anything?”

“I believe that would be the same thing,” the answer came slow, but other than sounding tired, the Mon Calamari looked much worse off than she sounded.

As the other two of their companions arrived and assessed the situation(which didn’t take long, considering how Esah looked), Cira looked over her shoulder and said to the two others, “We need to get her back to the Temple now.”

Gant nodded, but it was Cowan who surprised them and said, “I’ll take her back. The two of you should probably keep looking around and find out what you can.”

All eyes(well, all senses) turned to Cowan and stared blankly. It was Esah who spoke up first, mumbling and nodding, “He’s right. We can’t abandon this just for a little burn. Besides, I think I can walk if Cowan can help me up.”

Nothing turned away from Cowan. After a moment, Cira said quietly, “You’re not walking on that leg.”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” Esah said with a mild glare this time, obviously getting annoyed by all the fuss. Yes, she was hurt, but there were worse things. It wasn’t like she was dead. Before anything else could be said, Cowan stepped over and did his best to help the Mon Calamari woman up to her feet...or rather, her foot. Her arm was draped over his shoulder and he did his best to hold her up. Esah’s right leg was doing alright at keeping her up as best as was possible, but Cowan was somehow able to support her weight. He wasn’t the strongest person on the planet, but he was managing.

“We’ll be fine,” Cowan eventually said, noting that Cira and Gant didn’t look to be too happy about this arrangement.

Esah glared again and nodded, “He’s right. Listen, we’ll contact you when we get back.”

And then, as one, the two slowly headed back towards the Great Temple.

Cira watched them disappear a few moments later and then finally turned to look at Gant. He was a little scorched, too, but that didn’t seem to be a problem. The cloth over his face, though, was now a much darker colour thanks to the scorching. Eventually, she said quietly, “What’s up with Cowan lately?”

“I do not know,” Gant answered right away, “But he does not seem willing to speak about it, whatever it is.”

“You think he’s running away?” she asked, idly turning and starting to give the burnt section of forest a good look over.

Gant shrugged and knelt down to sift through the destroyed trees and camp, “From something. I believe we will have to let him work it out himself, though. We should recover what we can from here and then head north...you said you and Cowan found something there, yes?”

“Definitely found something up there,” Cira said over her shoulder as she picked up a small, ruined datapad and sighed, “I don’t think we’ll find anything left here, though. That trap did a good job of burning pretty much everything but us.”

Gant nodded, despite the fact that Cira wasn’t looking his direction. He was so used to doing things like that for the benefit of the others that he sometimes didn’t even know they weren’t paying attention, “We will look anyway.”

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