stare trek 3 news


Random Star Trek-y thoughts...

I'm okay with Justin Lin directing nuTrek 3. I'm only familiar with his Fast 6, but it was a charming, thoroughly entertaining film in a series I previously had no interest in nor affection for.

A part of me is happy an Asian-American will be directing the Trek film coming out in a 50th anniversary year. Because I'm an Asian/Pacific Islander-American who has loved Star Trek since early childhood.

I'd really like to see a new TV series. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd kinda like a prestige nuTNG, for Netflix or HBO. I'd love to see what a good creative team working in that context would do with something like the Klingon Civil War plot line. I've been watching the TNG Blu-rays -- with my wife, who's been a good sport, since SF isn't her thing -- and while I enjoy them, they're... a bit schlocky compared to more contemporary serial TV drama.

Give me 10 episodes a season like GoT with the freedom to be daring w/the material and I'd be very happy.

You might be interested in "Prelude to Axanar" and the Axanar film, soon to be released, that focuses on the Federation/Klingon war that covers the time between "ST: Enterprise" and the original series.

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