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Starting New FR Campaign, Need Advice


I'm starting a new campaign set in the Realms later this (or next week), and I'm looking for some advice or adventure ideas.
The rough outline of the campaign is as follows (my players either don't read English or don't visit these boards, so no spoilers for them here :D):
It revolves around the nefarious activity of the Firestorm Cabal, a group of genasi and humans with genie blood plotting to overthrow the Syl-Pasha and reinstate genie dominion over Calimshan. To achieve their goal, they must devise a way to remove the wards that bind Calim and Memnon to the Calimemnon Crystal, so they turn their eyes to elven high magic that had once created the gemstone in the first place. Enlisting allies from the Eldreth Veluuthra (a racist elven organization) and the church of Kossuth, the god of fire, the Cabal begins its campaign of terror.
Meanwhile, a beholder mage who has turned away from evil learns of their activity. He is one of the last to remember the beholder domination of Calimshan, and the though tempts him. Nevertheless, as for now he is concerned only with stopping the Cabal, so he summons up adventurers to his magical isle...

In the campaign, the PCs (starting with 6th level) will:
-Travel across deserts, forests, and jungle;
-Battle efreet and even more loathsome fiery outsiders;
-Dabble into political intrigue at the Calishite Court;
-Strike a deal with a baelnorn (good elven lich) who remembers the secrets of elven high magic;
-Visit the Peaks of Flame in Chult to find the legendary Fire Ruby;
-Sneak into the impregnable forest citadel of the evil elves;
-Vex the Efreeti Sultan in the City of Brass;
-And save Calimshan from destruction at the hands of two genie nemeses!

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If the setting is a really important part of your campaign (as opposed to a kind of blurry backdrop), I would make a list of maybe 6-12 things that make the settng unique/special and then try to make sure the PCs get to see or otherwise interact with them. And have these things happen fairly early on to help cement the setting in the players' minds.

That's all the advice I have... :) It sounds like you have an interesting campaign "arc" already in mind.


Yeah, the setting itself is quite important, although the campaign should work quite well without the associated 'Realmslore'.
One thing I love FR for is its generic nature coupled with a solid treatment of existing archetypes and a huge diversity of locales.
I try to avoid the 'iconic' (in a bad sense) FR; that is, I don't paste Drizzt (God forbid!), Shadowdale, the Red Wizards of Thay or the buxom Storm Silverhand into my games 'just because'. Still, I absolutely love less tried & tired FR stuff, and regions that receive far less attention than they deserve.
So I'm thinking of the following as the campaign highlights:
-The city of Memnon in Calimshan, with its jet-black walls and ancient history;
-The haunting forest of Mir, where hatred of humanity is propagated by elven racists;
-The perilous jungles of Chult and the smoking Peaks of Flame;
-The Calim Desert, created by genie strife;
-The grand palace of the Syl-Pasha, where the plotters plan the downfall of Calimshan's autarch;
-The ruins of an efreeti empire, consumed by sands and recently once again revealed to the world;
-And, last but not least, the City of Brass!


First Post
If you don't have them, Lost Empires of Faerun, Calimshan, and The Shining South are excellent resources for the campaign you have described. Also, look at the Age of Worms Overload on www.paizo.com. The FR conversion notes gives some ideas for this as well. Also, the latest Dragon has other planetouched that would definitely work for you.

I've been pondering a similar campaign arc, so let me know how it works out!


First Post
All sounds great with the sole exception of:

Enlisting allies from the Eldreth Veluuthra (a racist elven organization)

Why would Eldreth Veluuthra work with a group of humans (whom they hate) and genasi (not elves, partly human, so screw them too) to undo a work of elven magic?

Seems out of character for that particular organization.



Sounds like a very cool campaign. There is an air genasi PC in my Lands of Intrigue game set in Tethyr and I've been looking for ways of involving the Firestorm Cabal in the campaign. Keep posting your ideas here!



Thomas Percy

First Post
Consider reading of Al-Qadim materials, especially two fundamental books. You can find a lot of fantasy-medieval-Arabic flavor there, plus a lot of desert / sea / jungle spells, classes (converted for 3e in Dragon), magic items. Especially sha'ir can be useful for Your adventures.
Al-Qadim adventure about rebirth of geomancers ancient empire (Ruined Kingdoms if I remember good) can be inspiration, too.

Sandstorm is one of my favorite splatbooks for 3,5e.

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