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Starting New Planescape Far Realm Themed Adventure


Hello folks... i´m starting a new adventure, set in the planes but focusing mostly in Far realm monsters...

The plot is about a far realm subtle invasion in the PCs home world,... and they have to travel the planes looking to investigate/understand whats going on... and searching for allies, tools to thwart the invasion...

Im looking for books that can gave me fluff to use in the game... im gonna use 4 th edition, but the sources can be from anywhere... ive 3.5 looked Lords of madness, but i need more sources to steal

Some has any kind of suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

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Well... the 2nd edition planescape material seems an obvious source.
Furthermore, the stuff on Ravenloft. Not really far realm, but still, a corruption of the 'normal', may give some ideas on how to progress...
Naturally, Call of Cthulhu material cannot be left out if you are talking 'far realm' madness...

Do you want to go 'classical' far realms (i.e. Call of Cthulhu / Deep Ones etc.), or more the D&D variant with Tharizdun (and thus more of an elemental style)?

Also, alien as in purely Far Realmsian / Fantastic, or also as in interstellar travel / sci-fy-ish (maybe use Borg like enemy, with their tech seeming magic under the premise 'any tech advanced enough will be perceived as magic', get ye olde Spelljammer stuff out of the mothballs...)?

Anyhoo... some more 'direction' might be useful in determining which kind of fluff best suits your needs...


Hummm good questions... i intendo tk use lots of aberrations from the start.... mostly illithid
probably with a last fight with mother brain illithid or a illithid dragon...

I think way more tharizdum than lovecraft... but i have no interest in elemental evil...

And more classic far realm.. i would like to explore a "plane of madness" with strange laws of physics and wierd concepts

Thanks in advance

Tony Vargas

Hello folks... i´m starting a new adventure, set in the planes but focusing mostly in Far realm monsters...

The plot is about a far realm subtle invasion in the PCs home world,... and they have to travel the planes looking to investigate/understand whats going on... and searching for allies, tools to thwart the invasion...

Im looking for books that can gave me fluff to use in the game... im gonna use 4 th edition, but the sources can be from anywhere... ive 3.5 looked Lords of madness, but i need more sources to steal

Some has any kind of suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
There's little bits of information on the 4e version of the Far Realms scattered all over: the Manual of the Planes, Plane Above & Below, HotEC, all the Monster Manuals, but particularly MM3, the PH3, psionic power, the occasional artifact, like the Crystal of Ebon Flame, Dragon articles, not just on the Far Realms, but on Star Warlocks or Psionics or Shardminds. I'm sure there were adventures in Dungeon that touched on the Far Realms, as well. It's, perhaps appropriately, all frustratingly vague and fragmentary. ;)

Planescape, to me, seems almost to spoil the whole thing. It's just so high-magic, high-power, and cosmologically cosmopolitan, it cheapens everything it touches: demons, devils, deities - and the horrors of the Far Realms. Now, maybe if Nyarlathotep ate the Lady of Pain for breakfast and Azathoth swallowed Sigil, you'd have a good campaign opener... ;)

Anyway, stepping entirely outside of D&D, you could check out Mage: the Ascension supplements that talk about the 'Nephandi' are also a good source of general madness and ick - but also on what those cultists might be thinking. And Call of C'thulhu, of course, and HP Lovecraft in general, as well as his imitators. You could get some appropriate imagery from movies (some of them pretty bad) like John Carpenter's remake of The Thing, Event Horizon, Galaxy of Terror (don't say I didn't warn you about some of them being bad), Alien(s), Cabin in the Woods, and a host of others (ironically, movies that claim to be based on Lovecraft rarely deliver). There's also whole genres of anime that might be worth enduring for the same purpose.


Well, I seem to recall there being a specific mind-flayer based accessory (forgot the name...) from the 2E era with lots of good stuff. Also, an old Dungeon has an adventure with 'non-euclidian' (am I spelling this right? prolly not...) dungeons, where up becomes down and natural laws such as gravity work differently... This may also provide some material to delve from in the weird physics department...


Thanks for all the replies guys...
I found Dragon Mag 330 that has a GREAT adventure with a portal to the far realm and thats exactly what i was looking for...
Low temperature around the portal... nightmares with cannibalism and amoebic liquid rain... things like that...

How about 3rd party products? 3r ed had splats for anything in these days... sometimes 2 or 3 for the same subject among differente publishers... if someone could remind one of them... please give me a shot...

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