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StarWars Campaign Beginning/building Help (No entry Sammy!)


First Post
Hey everyone
so im getting a game going with a bunch of friends who havnt played SWRPG before (in fact most havnt PnP'ed before) and I need advice with setting up my campaign.

So heres the deal. Its set to start just at the same time as the events of Episode 3 (probably quite early, word will travel of the chancellor being taken hostage and saved by two jedi).

I have about 5 players. So far one at least one will be playing a Jedi Padawan, and one will be a self-owned droid (RP behind it puts him as an independent slightly crazy droid, although the bio needs to be fleshed out). I have at least 2 to 4 more players to add to that, most of whom are familiar with the SW movies, one who has also read the books.

So I want to make it a fun and interesting introduction to PnP and the star wars setting. I know the setting alot better than any other so it seems the best place to start. I really dont want to railroad them, but I think considering they have no experience with PnP at all they will need at least a small kick start.

So heres my idea so far.

I figured id do one or two sessions with each person/pair (if their characters are linked) which lead them all to a meeting point where the gorup game begins. The one time we tried to RP as a group i found they joked around alot and didnt really know what to do (about a year ago, didnt really work so we left it). I want to give each of them a short, casual intro into what playing is like, then bring them together when they have alittle more idea of whats going on, what their characters are like, how to interact with the world etc.

So my first idea was for a few characters to be onboard a passenger liner (like the Queen of Empire but probably smaller and older) which is getting boarded by pirates, screwing up whatever plans they had (maybe some are on the run from the law?). I figured some of the characters (or all) would find themselves onboard when it is taken (probably done similarly to in the Han Solo trilogy with Lando and Bria Tharen) and having to get out in a hurry.

My other idea was for the Jedi characters only. Basically have them as padawans being sent to dantooine to be taken on by new masters (either their previous masters were killed during the end of Episode 2 or they are young and need masters but mace and yoda were getting worried about the majority of Jedi training being on Coruscant and so shipped them off). Their transit is put in the hands of Repbulic Fleet Commander Tarkin (in one of the pre-ep2 books he's already working for the emperor to "curb" growth in the jedi population). He meets them, all smiles etc then sends them off on some sort of ill fated method of transport (maybe run into the same pirates?) which throws a spanner in their works. By the time they get to Dantooine (further into the campaign) the Jedi there have evacuated or been killed by the early imperials

Another idea is if I get some smuggler characters they will get thrown in afterwards on the planet (ie needing a way off planet esp. if some of the characters are on the run after the pirates, ie. Ep4 Mos Eisley cantina style).

So basically im thinking one or two sessions with each character/pair to get them aquainted, then bring everyone together for the first proper session where they are all together and get it all started. I think im going to take some advice and once they are together, introduce a bunch of plot hooks for them to check out and based on what their situation is, what they think, let them decide what happens next.

For the Jedi players, over the course of the campaign, I want them to go from pupils of a respected order to fugitive heretics, as the republic becomes darker and more imperial. Later once the empire is established maybe ill bring jedi hunters onto the scene (much later so these changes slowly appear). Republic soldiers will become less the protectors and more the enforcers. As for an overarching storyline or anything more specific i havnt really got a focus. I figured at first id work from the premade adventures and see where it leads them.

Some ideas for hooks/directions to offer them are: joining with the embryonic form of the rebellion (pre-bria tharen and senator bel-iblis/mon mothma), possibly going towards early attacks of imperial assets, using smugglers to get them away, maybe turning smuggler/bounty hunters to hide from the authorities. Or they could theoretically even try joining up with the empire, if the jedi turn dark although that one seems unlikely but who knows.

I guess thats about as much as I have so far. What do you guys think about the setup idea, of playing separately a little bit before bringing together the group. I figure if they have alittle more familiarity with play and their characters, it will be easier to get the group going?

Also suggestions with what I should plan more, my setup for beginning the campaign?

thanks a ton guys much appreciated ;)
thanks guys much appreciated :D

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First Post
thing is we really want to get this game started and might even have a time limit. i might be moving away next year so the earlier we start the better. easier to convert than to get a lost group of players back together no?


First Post
sorry to bump but really worried im going to screw up starting this campaign. Mostly wondering about thoughts on starting each character/pair seperately for a session or two then bringing them all together.

thanks guys :)


I'm no expert on SW -RPG but I have a couple of thoughts.

1) allow anyone who wants to to play a Jedi Character. It just seems that they are so much more powerful (potentially- at least) that if you make someone play something else when they really want a Jedi you might have a problem. If folks don't want to I'd let them play a droid or wookie companion.

2) For Jedi, there could be a light / dark struggle. Clearly in the movies most of the Jedi don't evidence this, and while they have uber cool powers they aren't really interesting as characters. Obiwan and Yoda were cool in the OT because of the mystery surrounding them and what they could and had done. In the PT - kinda cardboard.
This personal struggle should have campaign ramifications, even though we know these folks are (probably) hunted down by Vader eventually.

3) It would be cool to tie movie moments or expanded universe moments in as well, so long as its not overdone. Jedi should get turned on by clones, get the beacon calling them home, followed shortly by the beacon warning them off. Maybe they encounter Obi Wan in seclusion, or are confronted by another Emperors Hand, or held captive by Admiral Thrawn.

thats my 2 cents

I'm A Banana

I figured id do one or two sessions with each person/pair (if their characters are linked) which lead them all to a meeting point where the gorup game begins. The one time we tried to RP as a group i found they joked around alot and didnt really know what to do (about a year ago, didnt really work so we left it). I want to give each of them a short, casual intro into what playing is like, then bring them together when they have alittle more idea of whats going on, what their characters are like, how to interact with the world etc.

Here's my suggestions:

Don't be afraid to railroad, and start things off with a bang (e.g.: rolling dice, probably for combat).

These players are going to need some guidance, railroading will be appreciated. And the less "build up" you have to the action, the better you'll be able to catch their heads.

You might even, if they don't have characters statted yet, whip up character sheets for them. They're going to need you to tell them what to do. Light a fire under their bums.

I wouldn't worry about the two-at-a-time sessions, honestly. If they're new to Tabletop, just throw them into tabletop, push them a little, and let them stumble forward. Let them know it's okay to stumble forward. Most of the game will be with the entire group, I think running a session that's smaller wouldn't get them used to it at all.

You'll need to step it up. Have villains, have motives, have things going on, things that are going to kick the players in the pants. It needn't be inflexible, but the path should be obvious...A-B-C. It sounds like you have a pretty passive group -- you need to be an active DM, or else they won't *do* anything.


First Post
great advice thanks guys :)

So for the beginning im thinking they will all start on a cruise ship being attacked by pirates. The pirates were conviniently hired by commander tarkin (soon to be moff tarkin) to get rid of the jedi chars for the emperor. Somehow the backstory of the other chars will have them stuck on the same ship and thrown together with the jedi.

Im thinking the pirates will be hunting them even when they get off the ship, since they are under orders but kinda unsure what to do when they do get off and manage to get away from the pirates.

I totally agree with the background stuff, the beacon call, the clones, prob have them see a newscast of the jedi trying to assassinate the chancellor and assume power (ie the turn to "wow jedi are bad")

I guessim really wondering about how i should go about jumping from the starting scenes into their first group objective/adventure. If they all have very different reasons for coming otgethe rin the first place how do i entice them towards staying together and focusing on an objective?

Ie. jedi are motivated by morals/duty, smugglers by money, the droid by self-improvement.

I guess thats my main quandry now. Thanks a ton for the help guys :)

I'm A Banana

I guessim really wondering about how i should go about jumping from the starting scenes into their first group objective/adventure. If they all have very different reasons for coming otgethe rin the first place how do i entice them towards staying together and focusing on an objective?

Consider an NPC for a "patron" role -- someone who knows who is hunting them and why, and who can provide them with their next goal.


Hmm Episode 3 and a 1/2?

Jurble said:
Hey everyone
so im getting a game going with a bunch of friends who havnt played SWRPG before (in fact most havnt PnP'ed before) and I need advice with setting up my campaign.

So heres the deal. Its set to start just at the same time as the events of Episode 3 (probably quite early, word will travel of the chancellor being taken hostage and saved by two jedi).

I have about 5 players. So far one at least one will be playing a Jedi Padawan, and one will be a self-owned droid (RP behind it puts him as an independent slightly crazy droid, although the bio needs to be fleshed out). I have at least 2 to 4 more players to add to that, most of whom are familiar with the SW movies, one who has also read the books.

So I want to make it a fun and interesting introduction to PnP and the star wars setting. I know the setting alot better than any other so it seems the best place to start. I really dont want to railroad them, but I think considering they have no experience with PnP at all they will need at least a small kick start.

So heres my idea so far.

I figured id do one or two sessions with each person/pair (if their characters are linked) which lead them all to a meeting point where the gorup game begins. The one time we tried to RP as a group i found they joked around alot and didnt really know what to do (about a year ago, didnt really work so we left it). I want to give each of them a short, casual intro into what playing is like, then bring them together when they have alittle more idea of whats going on, what their characters are like, how to interact with the world etc.

So my first idea was for a few characters to be onboard a passenger liner (like the Queen of Empire but probably smaller and older) which is getting boarded by pirates, screwing up whatever plans they had (maybe some are on the run from the law?). I figured some of the characters (or all) would find themselves onboard when it is taken (probably done similarly to in the Han Solo trilogy with Lando and Bria Tharen) and having to get out in a hurry.

My other idea was for the Jedi characters only. Basically have them as padawans being sent to dantooine to be taken on by new masters (either their previous masters were killed during the end of Episode 2 or they are young and need masters but mace and yoda were getting worried about the majority of Jedi training being on Coruscant and so shipped them off). Their transit is put in the hands of Repbulic Fleet Commander Tarkin (in one of the pre-ep2 books he's already working for the emperor to "curb" growth in the jedi population). He meets them, all smiles etc then sends them off on some sort of ill fated method of transport (maybe run into the same pirates?) which throws a spanner in their works. By the time they get to Dantooine (further into the campaign) the Jedi there have evacuated or been killed by the early imperials

Another idea is if I get some smuggler characters they will get thrown in afterwards on the planet (ie needing a way off planet esp. if some of the characters are on the run after the pirates, ie. Ep4 Mos Eisley cantina style).

So basically im thinking one or two sessions with each character/pair to get them aquainted, then bring everyone together for the first proper session where they are all together and get it all started. I think im going to take some advice and once they are together, introduce a bunch of plot hooks for them to check out and based on what their situation is, what they think, let them decide what happens next.

For the Jedi players, over the course of the campaign, I want them to go from pupils of a respected order to fugitive heretics, as the republic becomes darker and more imperial. Later once the empire is established maybe ill bring jedi hunters onto the scene (much later so these changes slowly appear). Republic soldiers will become less the protectors and more the enforcers. As for an overarching storyline or anything more specific i havnt really got a focus. I figured at first id work from the premade adventures and see where it leads them.

Some ideas for hooks/directions to offer them are: joining with the embryonic form of the rebellion (pre-bria tharen and senator bel-iblis/mon mothma), possibly going towards early attacks of imperial assets, using smugglers to get them away, maybe turning smuggler/bounty hunters to hide from the authorities. Or they could theoretically even try joining up with the empire, if the jedi turn dark although that one seems unlikely but who knows.

I guess thats about as much as I have so far. What do you guys think about the setup idea, of playing separately a little bit before bringing together the group. I figure if they have alittle more familiarity with play and their characters, it will be easier to get the group going?

Also suggestions with what I should plan more, my setup for beginning the campaign?

thanks a ton guys much appreciated ;)
thanks guys much appreciated :D

For the Jedi ahve his gear stolen en route and when he tries to reach the rendevue witnesses the thief killed by the Clone Troopers who are unaware they've killed the wrong target so this padawan now has to find a way offworld or into hiding to avoid being hunted down.
The trip to Dantooine isn't limited to Jedi as certain "people" considered liabilities are being sent there to be rounded up outside of official view.
Perhaps someone drops a hint there's something valuable aboard sparking the pirate raid but in the process they flee the ship and find themselves hidden from the Empire and upon returning to "civilisation" realise perhaps too late in some cases that being hidden was much preferred especially how long they'll remain alive.
Perhaps you'll have them link up with the start of the rebellion or set up stages that helps them form and resist imperial spies destroying the fledgling resistance before it can manifest and reveal itself ala Episode 4?

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