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Steel Shadows: a cleric, a juggernaught, and a girl walk into a bar


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This thread is for the Steel Shadows adventure, as played in by Seeker (warforged cleric/9), Reason (warforged juggernaught/9) and Melina (changeling sorceress/9).

The adventure begins...

Two warforged wait in a room furnished with cast-offs and non-wood improvisations, reinforced or well-built, chairs and stools at tables high and low, each with a small pile of pamphlets and some scrap paper, piled neatly, and the occasional charcoal stick. To the extent that the furniture has a unifying theme, it reminds the modern reader of Adirondack furniture: a certain grace, perhaps even beauty, in a form that could only be comfortable to someone wearing plate armor. Or warforged. Unusually, for either a bar or a classroom, the arrangement of things giving impressions of both, although neither cups nor blackboards are present, every table has attached to it an everburning torch of unusual design, with a familiar sort of grace, or perhaps even beauty, that looks like it would be uncomfortable for a person with skin.

The smaller of the two opens his eyes and nods at the door, to which the larger, who is spiked, steps, and opens. A House Tharashk messenger lowers his hand and looks between the two, then nods at the smaller, who has not stood up. However, he addresses the doorman. "Is Ess-Kay-Arr, formerly of the Brelish 137th Autonomous Battalion, receiving letters here?"

SKR stands up. "I am here, and I will receive the letter." The larger of the two, at the door, holds out a hand, to which the messenger completes his duty. "Thank you," SKR says. He waits until the messenger leaves and mutters something obscure, then says: "Reason, hold it away from you. You radiate too much magic for me to see clearly."

Reason holds the letter up for close to twenty seconds. "Anything, Seeker?"

"No. But better safe. Especially tonight." He reads:

I know that we have not spoken since the end of the war. However, if this letter reaches you, I implore you to come to the Blackbones district of Sharn. Someone is murdering warforged. I have heard of your recent exploits from a mutual friend in the Watch, and I hope that you can put an end to the terror that haunts my home. Look for me in the Red Hammer - ask anyone in Blackbones for directions.

Your comrade in arms,

"Not for long," Reason growls at the third sentence.

"Indeed." Seeker refolds the letter and taps it on the table as he stares off into space, or possibly, the future. "I would have rather heard of this before we began the Society meeting tonight."

"We can't call it off."

"No. We'll just have to head to Blackbones as soon as we're done." Seeker puts the letter away. "It's not a good sign that he didn't know we were in town."

"He and others will if we take care of the problem." The big spiky warforged speaks so matter-of-factly that the obvious euphemism seems mild, rather than threatening.

"We will. And none will think to wonder why so many of our siblings come to talk with us."

If warforged could, Reason would have grunted; but he is content to turn and eye the door, as if it were his natural enemy.


Some time later, Reason says a word, and the pair of warforged turn to hustle through an alley and the brightly-lit shopping district beyond, a shortcut which will save them from several flights of stairs. Shoppers step out of their way much as they would step under an awning when it began to rain, and pay them no more attention than the weather, except for one, whose frowning concentration on a rack of jewelry is broken by the familiar sound of the warforged's tread. "What's up, you two?"

Seeker stops in front of the seventeen year-old human-looking girl, who had earlier assured him she was dressed in the height of demure fashion, excepting, perhaps, the very work-like pouch of 'stuff' she felt safer carrying around. "This." He hands her the letter. "It sounds like something I can not permit to happen."

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The girl briefly skims the letter, starting to bounce as she does. When she finishes reading, speech comes pouring out of her like a brook at spring thaw.

"The Red Hammer? Cool! Some of the Changelings I met when you guys were in jail talked about that place. They said it was a great example of one of the Misunderstood banding together to make a place where it was safe to just Be. You guys know it's a warforged inn, right?

"Can I come? Please? I'll be very quiet and not bother anyone. Promise! I have experience with ghosts and horrors, and you might need some artillery. And what if you need someone to go where a Warforged would stand out? You'll need me! Please?"

Reason shrugs eloquently: we've never seen her Change into a Warforged, and she's only quiet when she's asleep. Seeker nods, true, true, but gestures at his armored form and replies: "I do not anticipate much sneaking in this endeavour, but you have always been much better at wheedling than I, and there are those who fear to speak of things they fear. Please. We should hurry."


First Post
To Blackbones it is!

The industry of Sharn is buried beneath the ground. Vast foundries and forges tap into lava flows that rise up from the depths, and tanneries, slaughterhouses, and other unsavory trades are hidden in the labyrinth that lies beneath the city. The heat is oppressive, the air is full of smoke and foul odors, and the ringing sound of metal on metal echoes through the dark and claustrophobic tunnels. This is Blackbones, the gateway to the lower Cogs.

The soot-covered halls seem to stretch on forever, punctuated by doors leading to workhouses or austere hostels. Warforged focus on their work while goblins and filthy human children lurk in the shadows, emerging to tug at your clothing and ask for charity. There are no signs of the Sharn Watch, but a few of the foundries have armed guards who watch you (particularly Reason) suspiciously. Up ahead, a distinctive sign indicates the entrance to a building - the Red Hammer.

The Red Hammer is a social haven for the warforged of Blackbones. Part tavern, part smithy, it provides a source for conversation and repairs. Numerous warforged relax in the common room. A former soldier from the army of Thrane swaps war stories with a Brelish scout, while across the room a Cyran archer is being polished by a Karrn siege engineer. The lighting is dim, and the air is filled with smoke from the small forge in the northern corner of the room. As you enter, all activity stops for a second; the presence of Seeker and Reason are quickly noted, but their attention seems focused on Melina following in your wake.

A warforged walks over from the forge. It is Ash, Seeker's old friend from the war. He looks well; he introduces you as his friend, and some of the warforged seem familiar with the name Seeker. You introduce Reason and Melina. He then leads you over to a table to tell you of his problems.

Ash speaks:

Almost half of the warforged of Sharn live in Blackbones. Most made pacts with the guilds, exchanging services for shelter and a lump sum at the end of the term. After thirty years of war, ten years pounding steel seems simple enough, and most of the soldiers just want someone to tell them what to do. Most don't even pay much attention to the goings-on in the rest of Sharn, or the rest of Khorvaire for that matter.

There have been difficult times, but we have always persevered. Then, last month, we found Leatherneck. He was damaged beyond hope of repair. His arms were... missing. Over the past few weeks, seven other warforged have been destroyed. The humans call the killer Jack-in-Irons. Shadowblack (he motions to a warforged against the wall) claims humans are responsible for the deaths. Me, I just want to stop being afraid.

Feel free to ask him (or the GM) questions.


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In summary form: where did Leatherneck and the other seven die (or, at least, were they found)? When? Did you keep the bodies around? (If so, where?) [GM question: to what extent to Warforged bodies rot? Speak with Dead has no time limit; instead, the corpse needs a mouth to speak at all, and anything less than "mostly intact" reduces the completeness or accuracy of the answers proportionally. This didn't work too well the last time Seeker investigated a murder, but he's willing to try again.] If we can't look at the bodies, could you describe their condition, how they died? What did they usually do? Did they know each other? Why do the humans call the killer Jack-in-Irons?

Seeker will also ask Shadowblack why he claims humans are responsible for the deaths.

After getting the information he wants, Seeker will go around the inn and Do Good Works. (Well, cast Repair Light.) If the Warforged needing repairs don't mind, and Melina has the spell slots, he'll alternate with her.

Procedurally, I can write things up in a fully-characterized form after the answers come back. It'd probably go something like:

"Indeed. I'll need to know quite a bit more to begin helping, though." Seeker and Reason completed several minutes of questioning before Melina finally had enough of fidgeting and headed for the line of damaged warforged in the corner. Ash asked a question unspoken, and Seeker answered a trifle more loudly than necessary, without looking over, "She has a small talent for the repair of our kind."

The murders, they learned.... [summary]. [Dialogue for characterizing questions.]

Hrm. Maybe do this back on the Wiki?


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Reason will remain mostly silent and stay in the background, playing the role of the muscle. When Melina gets board and starts doing her thing, he'll hang around over her shoulder and keep an eye on her. He'll also be looking to see if anyone is paying any special attention to Seeker's converstaion (spot of 8).


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Melina stands between Seeker & Reason, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. This all sounded like such a great idea when we were surrounded by what Seeker refers to as soft-shells but now it's a little intimidating. What Ash has described seems incredible. No single human could do such a thing. Unless he was...

"Um... No ordinary human could do such horrible things. Well, horrible, yes. But overpowering a warforged? It'd take 5 humans to do that. Or one really twisted warforged wannabe. He must have the most amazing armor. Might even look mostly like a warforged, I'm thinking. Jack-in-Irons is mostly a ghost story to scare people away from the Cogs. It could be him, ghosts do exist after all, but how would we appease him? I think we're best off looking for a wannabe warforged."

With that, Melina starts wandering around the edges of the room, heading towards the forge. When she spots an injured warforged (one obviously awaiting repairs) who might be a tricky repair for the smith (not an easy bit to reach) but not too badly injured, she stops and smiles.
"Can I help? I'm Jorasco-trained and Seeker's been teaching me how to heal warforged."


First Post
Easiest thing to do is to ask a string of questions in-character, and I can cut and paste (and use colors to make it obvious who is who).

Warforged bodies do not rot, so any that are in decent shape could be a target for Speak with Dead. See below, though - the bodies aren't here.

Where did Leatherneck and the other seven die?

I can show you. They were all found in different places - in alleys, against walls, one right out in the middle of the street. It was horrible!

Ash sketches a quick map on a scrap of parchment, and starts placing chunks of metal where the bodies were found. Reason takes a long look, and points at a building in the center of the map - there is a distinct pattern with that building as the center.

What is that building?

It is the Tain Foundry, where each of the warforged worked

When were they killed?

Over the past several weeks. Dandy found Leatherneck last night, and I sent you the message this morning. I didn't know you would respond so quickly.

Can I see the bodies?

They are being kept at the local Cannith forgehold. They were claimed by Slogar d'Cannith. I can give you directions, but I should warn you - he is very racist. We were going to perform the proper rites, but he arrived with enough men that we could not do anything.

What did the 'forged do, and did they know each other?

All of them worked at the Tain Foundry, but most of us do. It was likely they would have known each other, but I do not know how well.

Several of the other warforged are obviously listening in, and start piping in with their own theories. Most of them are obviously just that, theories. You notice three 'forged in particular; Ash identifies them as Shadowblack, Dandy, and Copper.

Dandy is a heavily built adamantine-armored warforged. He's one of the few warforged in the Hammer who wears clothes: currently a teal and orange artisan's outfit. He found Leatherneck last night. Your first impressions are that he is very enthusiastic, but not very bright; he also has the overexaggerated caution of someone who knows his strength but is somewhat clumsy.

Yes, I found Leatherneck last night. It was awful! He was torn asunder! I tried to do what I could to fix him up, but he just lay there. It must have been the Beast! I was out walking, and I saw someone lying down at the entrance of an alley. Since we don't lie down, I assumed it was one of the humans down here and he had had too much to drink. I decided to give him a hand home, so I walked over. Then I saw it. The Beast! It was huge and black, and it was standing over the body. As I got close it scuttled away. I'm so lucky to have scared it off. You know and he drops his voice to a whisper those missing arms and legs and things? I think it takes them away to eat... as snacks! and he breaks down sobbing.

At this point, the warforged identified as Shadowblack stands and walks over. He is an obvious combat 'forged, covered in blackened mithral plating and with dagger hilts projecting from hidden sheaths. He crosses the room in a way calculated to intimidate Melina, and Reason swiftly moves to intercept.

What are you doing here? We can take care of ourselves, and we don't need you (pointing at Seeker and Reason) and definitely not her. It is obvious who is behind this. The humans that work at the Tain Foundry. They're jealous of what we can do, and so they have started killing us and spreading that ridiculous rumor of Jack in Irons. My Lord has the right idea - we should just kill them all and live the way we were supposed to. You know, he drops his voice You could help me. Ash seems to listen to you, and I'm sure the rest would follow the juggernaught you have with you.

The final 'forged that catches your eye is identified as Copper. He is huddled in a corner, and you immediately notice two things. First, he is covered head to toe in a copper plating, which is highly unusual. Second, even though he is in a fetal position, it is obvious his arms and legs are much longer than they should be in proportion to his body. Next to him is a burlap sack of scrap metal. Ash mentions that he is simple-minded, harmless, and 'hasn't been quite right' ever since he found one of the bodies.

As Reason approaches, Copper starts babbling.

It's tearing us apart! It exposes our flaws! It towers! More powerful than any one of us! It's going to kill us all! Horrible, horrible, horrible. Arms taken! Legs devoured. And the heads, the heads. Staring at me, it stares at me, it won't go away! I can't run away!

At this point, several other 'forged call over "Leave the poor thing alone. Can't you see you're scaring him?"

So, to summarize:

Bodies are at the Cannith forgehold, and you have directions;
All the victims worked at the Tain Foundry, and Reason believes there is some link;
Shadowblack is a racist;
Dandy found Leatherneck;
Copper lost his mind and hasn't quite been able to find it again.


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The warforged looks down, obviously completely disarmed by this (apparently) seventeen-year-old-girl. His left arm was crushed by some heavy weight.

"Lass, I hate to break it to you, but we don't work the same way you do. Your bandages and such don't work on us. The only thing that does is that forge over there. I'll be fine. Why don't you go back to your friends over there?"


First Post
Jarrod said:
"Lass, I hate to break it to you, but we don't work the same way you do. Your bandages and such don't work on us. The only thing that does is that forge over there. I'll be fine. Why don't you go back to your friends over there?"

"I've fixed my warforged friends before -- I do know how the <insert techno-babble regarding his arm> ought to be. If you don't want me to help, that's fine. I understand that you might be afraid of something new. And I really don't mean to take business away from the excellent smith over there. If you change your mind, I'll be over there."

Melina heads back to Seeker's table. Seeing the animosity around her, she takes the most direct route possible, keeping her head up, a smile forced upon her face. As she arrives, she turns and murmurs, "Thanks, Reason. That got a little hairier than I expected.".


First Post
Jarrod said:
At this point, the warforged identified as Shadowblack stands and walks over. He is an obvious combat 'forged, covered in blackened mithral plating and with dagger hilts projecting from hidden sheaths. He crosses the room in a way calculated to intimidate Melina, and Reason swiftly moves to intercept.

What are you doing here? We can take care of ourselves, and we don't need you (pointing at Seeker and Reason) and definitely not her. It is obvious who is behind this. The humans that work at the Tain Foundry. They're jealous of what we can do, and so they have started killing us and spreading that ridiculous rumor of Jack in Irons. My Lord has the right idea - we should just kill them all and live the way we were supposed to. You know, he drops his voice You could help me. Ash seems to listen to you, and I'm sure the rest would follow the juggernaught you have with you.

"Your Lord is irrelevant to this as is his ideas. He is not here and he will never be here. And before you ask for our help, know that that human is with us and I will take any afront to her as if it were dealt personally to me. If you can accept that, the propose whatever it is you seek. If not, then I suggest you leave us alone." (Intimidate check of 21 (taking 10) if it's needed)

Jarrod said:
The final 'forged that catches your eye is identified as Copper. He is huddled in a corner, and you immediately notice two things. First, he is covered head to toe in a copper plating, which is highly unusual. Second, even though he is in a fetal position, it is obvious his arms and legs are much longer than they should be in proportion to his body. Next to him is a burlap sack of scrap metal. Ash mentions that he is simple-minded, harmless, and 'hasn't been quite right' ever since he found one of the bodies.

As Reason approaches, Copper starts babbling.

It's tearing us apart! It exposes our flaws! It towers! More powerful than any one of us! It's going to kill us all! Horrible, horrible, horrible. Arms taken! Legs devoured. And the heads, the heads. Staring at me, it stares at me, it won't go away! I can't run away!

(Spoken quietly to Seeker) "This one speaks and babbles in a way that is familiar to me. Could he be touched the Machine? In either case, we should assist this one."

Reason will enquire around as to whether Copper has a home or a safe place to stay. If Copper has any obvious injuries he will give him one of his Oils of Repair Light.

Also, net access will be spoty or non-existant today. Feel free to carry on with Reason in the background or have someone else write him.

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