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Steven Moffat Discusses The Impending Changes to Doctor Who

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Scrivener of Doom

That all sounds positive to me.

I became a Peter Capaldi fan with In the Thick of It and, while I am aware he cannot use the same language he used on that show, I hope h can bring something of that same anger and directness to his role as the Doctor simply as something a bit different to how the Doctor has been played before.

Of course, I would pay good money to see a blooper reel of Peter handling the daleks or other villains as if he was Malcolm Tucker once again.... :)


It's been a historical drama, a creature feature, a spy show, a kid's show, and violent youth show.
A dark fairy is just as valid.
But it is about time for something different.

I have no problem with it being a dark fairy tale. But it needs to be a coherent fairy tale! The writing has been almost as slip-shod and illogical as what Sylvester McCoy had to work with. Remember what happened then?

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