D&D 5E Sticking with D&D?


I don't see any reason to switch. Especially if they're getting rid of the royalties thing most of the change feels more like corporate CYA than anything.

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I will stick with D&D, though I also play Level Up and WFRP, and will stick with those too.
I’m currently running Scarlet Citadel ( Kobold Press) and am likely to stay a lot closer to 3PP products than WOTC stuff. My next campaign will either be homebrew or Goodman’s dark Tower.
It seems WOTC has at least partially rowed back on their dreadful earlier policy, so I probably will buy D&D One, and will see what they come out with for the 50th Anniversary.

I have no emotional loyalty to WOTC but I have felt loyalty to D&D since the late 1970s.


Yes, I intend to continue to run and play D&D for the foreseeable future, but whether that is OG 5e or 1D&D or a mixture of both remains to be seen. (I'm not that interested in participating in the 1D&D playtest, but I will give the final product my consideration.)

Unless DDB becomes harder and/or more expensive to use (or they yank all the OG 5e content once 1D&D comes out and I've decided not to make the switch), I will continue to pay for a master sub so I can share my purchases with all my groups.

EDIT: Lately I have been toying with the idea of revisiting SWSE to run a Bad Batch style campaign. It's not D&D, but it's still a WotC d20 product, so there is that. I've been meaning to start a thread about it, actually, as I'd like to rip out as much of the 3.5e math and replace it with the 5e bounded accuracy math instead, as I think that will fix the wonkiness that SWSE suffers from in the early and late stages of the game.
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I haven't played D&D in months. And I really have not had any plans on migrating over to "One D&D" or whatever they decide to call it in the end - it may become the first edition that I skip entirely I'm so disinterested in it. If I do go back to D&D it'll be 5e or 4e. As for new product, I've been kind of ambivalent about Wizards stuff coming out in recent months - Dragonlance has always been a big "meh" for me and the upcoming products just feel kind of blah. So I was in a "wait and see" mode for future products. If the terribly branded[*] "oneD&D" release is really just 5e with a paint job and I can use it for running 4e/5e stuff easily, I thought I might pick up some books if they released something interesting. So even before recent events I was already kind of falling off the D&D bandwagon for buying stuff, though not actually for playing.

But if this "nuke the OGL from orbit" messes with 13th Age and the other OGL games that I'm actually enjoying I probably won't give Wizards or Hasbro another dime ever if I can avoid it. And I'll stop my habit of using D&D Starter Sets as gateways to teach kids roleplaying - I'll probably have to figure out how to make Pathfinder work for that purpose. And unlike Disney, Hasbro is an entertainment company that is easily avoided in my life if I decide that I'm not buying D&D from them. I'll be sad that they will have poisoned what looks like the first good D&D movie for me, but I'll just go back and watch the first season of Willow again and be mostly mollified (Willow is, IMO, hands down the most D&D bit of filmed entertainment I think I've ever watched to date, right down to the character accents and the choice of soundtrack).

[*]Seriously - if they paid a marketing company to come up with "OneD&D" as a brand they need to get their money back.

I’ll look at OneD&D and probably get the core books but will continue to use a lot of 5E stuff since I have so much. I will miss some of the great 3PP content for 5E but I have years of stuff left that I have barely touched.


I've been off the DnD bandwagon for years—the closest I've been to playing DnD in the past few months is Level Up. So I just chuckled when I first started following the OGL debacle.


Nope, not unless they make the OGL 1.0a irrevocable and keep the same open status on any future versions. If my group and I decide to continue playing D&D, it will be because I have probably 5 to 10 years of material on my shelves. But the group is very interested to see where both ORC and Black Flag go. We'll be supporting both. WotC can rot if they continue down this path.

And anyone who says "I just play, this doesn't affect me," is, IMO, being short-sighted. If WotC closes off their arena, the droves of new content will be made for ORC and Black Flag, and D&D will simply be whatever content Wizards dribbles out. What's bad for the creators is bad for everyone who plays.

Nope, not unless they make the OGL 1.0a irrevocable and keep the same open status on any future versions. If my group and I decide to continue playing D&D, it will be because I have probably 5 to 10 years of material on my shelves. But the group is very interested to see where both ORC and Black Flag go. We'll be supporting both. WotC can rot if they continue down this path.

And anyone who says "I just play, this doesn't affect me," is, IMO, being short-sighted. If WotC closes off their arena, the droves of new content will be made for ORC and Black Flag, and D&D will simply be whatever content Wizards dribbles out. What's bad for the creators is bad for everyone who plays.
I've been playing this game for 43 years. This is one week of stupidity. And not for the first time, either. It'll take a lot more than that.
Yup. It is easy to lose perspective with these things. To an extent we are all prisoners of the moment. I am pretty interested in the next book.

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