stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [IC]


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Avron stumbles forward, nearer to where the ogre lies in wait in the entangling brush. He stretches out his abberant-marked arm and a flash of lightning closes the distance between the ogre and himself. The reek of ozone suffuses the air, and the archivist's unruly mane is standing on end.

[sblock=Actions]Move to J9 and use Storm Bolt against ogre. 4d6 electricity damage, no save; 20' line. If ogre is down use against giant. If both are down, cast less vigor on Khensu.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]AC: 22
HP: 41/41
Archivist Spells Prepared (CL 7th, +6 ranged touch, +5 melee touch):

  • 0th—Create Water, Read Magic, Detect Magicx2
  • 1st--Detect Undead, Healthful Rest, Produce Flame, Entangle(expended), Lesser Vigor, Shield of Faith
  • 2nd--Lesser Restoration, Drifts of the Shalmx2, Web, Mirror Image(expended),
  • 3rd--Lightning Bolt, Holy Storm, Sleet Storm
  • 4th--Arc of Lightning, Spike Stones
Spell-like abilties
Shield 2/3 remaining[/sblock]

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Tessa took one more step around the protruding ruins- finally she was able to draw her eyes away from the dancing lure of the fire, at least for a moment... And in that moment, she reached down and drew the wand from her belt- an instant's focus launched glittering darts at the largest giant.

OOC: break concentration on the wall of fire- it will last 7 more rounds (concentration +1 round per level); draw and activate Milosh's wand for a CL 5 Magic Missile at the larger giant


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Forest Fane (Round 4 [Complete])

The fight forcing him to step back, Jarrith circles around to provide succor to his friend. Khensu regains some strength, but the Stalker knows that it is a race between who will drop first at this rate. [19hp]

Behind her, Tessa hooked around the wall and launched a volley of force at the hairy brute. Three bloodied knots suddenly appear! [11hp]

The ogre trapped within the fire finally manages to break free of the roots, though it is singed in the process [Str to break free; 3hp fire]. The other, however, gets clear of the vines and uses the oaken sapling it carries like a club against the warlock. Avron notes the runic circle glow red, causing the club to do the same as it smashes into Marot! [Club hit; 15hp after DR to Marot]

The Forest Fane (Round 5 [Partial])

The shifter knight chops at the towering giant, but its tough skin is too much for the axe. But it is enough to distract it while the druidic wolf calls forth the lighting once again. The bolt strikes the giant cleanly in the chest, and with a shuddering exhalation, collapses onto the wall right next to Khensu! [17 lighting; giant dying]

Avron casts a bluish bolt of lighting at the ogre, catching him flat footed. The Ogre howls as electricity burns him to the bone! [Failed Save (Storm Bolt has a save per errata); 11hp; Near Death]

His mouth bloodied, Marot channels his powers once again. He tries to concentrate, but his ringing ears distract him, causing him to botch the invocation! [Failed concentration check]

The Forest Fane (Round 5 [Partial])
Map Key: A: Arvan, A: Ashlyn, a: Volo, J: Jarrith, G: Hairy Giant, K: Khensu, M: Marot, O: Brutish Giant, R: Ravika, T: Tessa.

Conditions: Cyan Border: Energy drain, Dark Red Border: Dying, Magenta Border:: Dazed, White Border: Prone.

K: 21 [40/64, bull's strength, shifted]
R: 19 [call lightning]
A: 18 [shield, 5 mirror images]
M: 14 [31/46]
G: 14 [dying]
J: 13 [cat's grace, shield of faith]
A: 13 [protection from evil]
T: 7
O: 2 [U16: moderately wounded; N8: Near death]


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Marot the Cudgeled

Hits wits somewhat rattled, the bloodied warlock decides to put some distance between himself and the giant creature who wields a tree as a walking stick.

But, after hearing the shifters words, Marot quickly looks around to find this "little man", and when seeing no one, has his feathers ruffled slightly at the notion of himself being described as a "little man".

His right hand glows with a swirling purple energy as he points it towards the beast, hoping to take the beast down before it takes himself down.

OOC: Round 6 action -- activate Aura of Menace , if it wasn't already invoked before the ogre hit him -- then invoke defensively for eldritch blast on ogre in front of him, hoping to finish him off. +8 touch attack, 4d6+1 damage
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As the giant shudders and falls right next to Khensu, Jarrith immediately withdraws his two rapiers and steps forward towards it. "I'll finish this one off, Brother, Lady Ashlyn... you both go take the one to the south!" Khensu nods in agreement and begins moving away. With both rapiers poised and the giant unconscious, the Stalker lines up his shots to deliver a coup de grace to the large throat of the giant. (5' step to C8 / Coup de Grace to giant)

Khensu quickly moves in the direction of the horses as far as he can go, so that he'll be able to skirt to the south of the vines and take on the giant that is not as injured. As he passes Avron and Marot who are fighting their own ogre, Khensu shouts over his shoulder "Marot! Little man! You've done well! Can you finish yours off?" (Double move to the south toward the horses)


First Post
Ashlyn turns and assessing the situation in an instant, she charges the large humanoid fighting Marot. Even as she begins to move, so too does her feathered companion, that now begins to harry its new target.

[Round 5: Korppi to Harry Ashlyn's target (Will save vs DC15; causes -2 penalty to AC)]
[Round 5: Ashlyn charges the ogre attacking Marot (full round action)]

[AC 22 (22 base +2 Protection from Evil, -2 Charge), Attack +13, damage 1d10+3]


First Post
Tessa watched with grim satisfaction as the largest of their foes fell under a concentrated assault. With the wand still in her hand, she turned towards the beast still encircled by the ring of divine fire. She focused her will on resisting the lure of the dancing flames, trying to remain alert in case the creature escaped...

OOC: Ready action- if the enemy at U 16 moves through the wall of fire, hit him with another charge from the wand. If not, continue to watch him cook.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The Forest Fane (Round 5 [Complete])

Directing his brother onward, Jarrith sets to the grim task of finishing the giant. With two hits to the eyes, it is done.

Arm outstretched, Ashlyn directs Kopri at the brute, who is easily distracted. With a flash, she rushes across the field. Avron notes that the runes once again flash as the paladin crosses them. Her sword takes on a blood red sheen, and with a devastating slice across its abdomen, she spills its horrid entrails, ending it forever. [Definitely hit; 11hp and its dead]

Tessa waits for the other brute to escape, watching the fire with eager eyes. The fire only lightly singes the ogre [2hp].

Enranged and hurt, the ogre decides it must escape. It roars in pain as it catches alight [11hp], and the watchful Tessa invokes Milosh's wand once again. The bluish bolts strike it as it passes through, caving in its head [11hp]. It burns to death within seconds.

The Forest Fane (End Combat)

Silence drapes the fog shrouded ruins as the party gathers their breath. No sign of others or the mysterious Lord ir'Zarovich can be seen.

Final Status
K: 33/57
M: 31/46


First Post
Even as she strikes down the Ogre, Ashlyn notes the blood red sheen that covers her blade and her brows furrow slightly in concern at the unknown.

As the group gathers up again, Ashlyn, noting Khensu and Marot's condition, once again releases healing energies from deep within herself. The energies emanate outwards from the Lady knight and the wounds of those nearby begin to close.

[Use 2xTurn Undead -> Sacred healing (Fast healing 3 for 10 rounds => 30hp healed for Khensu and Marot)]


As Ashlyn's succor flows into him, Khensu bows in thanks once again. "Lightbringer glory, m'Lady. I thank you for your aid once again."

Jarrith walks around the battlefield, rummagine through the pockets of the giants and ogres, seeing what he might find... hoping for some indication of who these behemoths were with. Clan name, letter of notification, something.

"Time marches on... we keep getting closer... and bigger and bigger blockades keep trying to get in our way." He turns to the west and looks upwards into the mountains, trying to pick out the castle. "For a Lord who claims that he has his lands under control... he sure has quite a number of dangeous elements just wandering about. Giants, witches, hags, lycans, undead, and a castle with its own aura of evil. Ayone else get the feeling that either Lord Sergei has his head buried in the sand, is a complete idiot, or perhaps is more accepting of the blight than he is fully admitting?"

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