Story Hours Index (Authors, add your own):


First Post
Title: Gwendolynn von Holden's Diary

Author: Eeralai

Number of threads: 1

Type: Fantasy

System: 3.0

Setting: Homebrew from the imagination of Bardstephenfox

Started: Sept. 2005 ( Campaign ended several years ago)

Status: Still writing

Average length of post: Short with the occasional medium and coming up a few long

Frequency: Spontaneous and unpredictable

Available for download: No

Perspective: First person journal style

Overview: This is a story of the heroes known as Greerson's Glory told from the perspective of their youngest member, Gwendolynn. They are currently trying to rid the forest of the Yuan-ti. In the bigger view, they will try to save the world with the help of another group not yet discussed in the story. They are often inept and unlucky, but they battle forth with great tenacity.

Reader Quotation: There are several fun ones from Steeveroo, but you have to read the story hour for them to make sense, so here is one from Sandtiger: Just wanted to say, I have been reading this story hour and enjoying it. I guess I'm a sucker for

Author's note: A huge chunk was lost when enworld was down. I am hoping that they might find it eventually, but in the mean time I put a little song in there to recap what had happened. Please look forward to the next update.

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First Post
Title: Amidst the Ruins
Author: Aneul (Player of Nwm and Imir)
Number of Threads: One formal, but theres another one which I created accidentaly after the crash- please pay it no attention.

Type: D&D, fantasy/mild horror
System: D&D 3.5
Setting: Homebrew

Started: October 22, 2005 in America
Status: Discontinued (but you never know, I might start it up again at some point)
Average Installment Length: Medium
Frequency of Installment: Sporadic

Available for Download: No
Style: 3d Person narrative

Overview: Follows the expirience of a party of adventurers in a post apocalyptic world where humans struggle to survive amidst the ruins of their once great empire, plauged by undead and fouler things of origins unknown. High points include: Paladins, shamanistic plains dwelling elves, desperate human refugees, hordes of undead monstrocities, and hints of a nameless evil bent on the destruction of sentient life!

Reader Quotation: Promising start. You've got yourself a new reader with me. Bring on the next post! - Spider _ Jerusalem
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Title: Orc Trouble in The Great Forest
Author: A'vandira Silvermane (Player of Ke'lana Amyn'dur Redraluin)
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e (with spells Darkness & Dimension Door as per 3.0 rules) (houserule)
Setting: Homebrew (with elements of Greyhawk & Forgotten Realms)

Started: April 24, 2006
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Medium/Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Bi-weekly (generally two days after the session)

Available for Download? Not yet
Style: 1st person narrative prose (diary entries).

Overview: a group of young but talented adventurers find themselves in the adventure of their lives as their home forest is invaded by orcs

Reader Comment:

Special: Links to web sites, Rogues Gallery threads, other such stuff (if needed).
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First Post
A New Power

Title: A New Power
Author: Angcuru
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Star Wars
System: Star Wars d20
Setting: Star Wars Alternative Universe

Started: 06 April 2005
Status: Game sputtered out, story goes on through GM's writings.
Average Installment Length: Very Long
Average Frequency of Installments: Varies, but I try to keep it up.

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative. Splits between eras in form of present Rebellion Era and flashback to Old Republic/Clone Wars.

Overview: Two Jedi prodigies become disillusioned with their Order near the end of the Clone Wars and desert. Faking their deaths and travelling as refugees to avoid suspicions their transport experiences a horrible hyperdrive malfunction and crashes on an unknown planet. Jump several decades into the future, and they have created their own Order of force users among the crash survivors on a planet rife with aggressive, hostile wildlife. Within the space of a few hours two ships find their ways to this world and also crashland, with the Empire not far behind...

Reader Comment:
ledded said:
Cool stuff so far, my man, very, very cool. I'll try to keep up and make all the unruly kids in the back row behave themselves.

Now on with the show.

Rogues Gallery 1
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First Post
Title: Maure Money
Author: Ipissimus
Number of Threads: 1

Type: DnD / Humour
System: Dungeons and Dragons 3.5
Setting: Grayhawk/Maure Castle

Started: 12 July 2006
Status: Game continuing, meet once every month
Average Installment Length: short -> medium
Average Frequency of Installments: Monthly

Available for Download? No
Style: Movie Script

Overview: Maure Money is the only slightly dramatized story of my monthly Maure Castle campaign. The humour all comes from what happened at the table, what people said, did and played out in character in game. Hired by the Archmage Manzorian to investigate the rumours that Maure Castle is once again inhabited, four intrepid adventurers descend into the depths to win their fortunes. Hilarity ensues.

Reader Comment: -


First Post
Title: Order of M.A.C.E.
Author: Spacehulkster
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Forgotten Realms - Moonsea & Dambrath regions
Started: June 2005
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: Short/Medium.
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly to Monthly

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with occasional winks to the underlying mechanics/Journal/Whatever.

Overview: An Evil campaign. A group of misfits band together to earn riches and glory.
Each PC has a major social flaw and each has thier own agenda.


First Post
Title: Tales of the Legacy (originally started as "A Company of Vagabonds")
Author: Delemental
Number of Threads: 1

Type: Fantasy [High Magic]
System: D&D 3.5e
Setting: Homebrew

Started: 22 July 2004
Status: Concluded on 21 December 2008
Average Installment Length: Long, despite my better intentions
Average Frequency of Installments: Weekly...ish

Available for Download? No
Style: 3rd person narrative prose, with footnotes to explain homebrew material. Occasional entries of pure fiction not based on a game session.

Overview: A band of ordinary adventurers becomes embroiled in the rise of powers thought long lost, and now race to prevent a disaster that threatens all existence. Magic, psionics, and the gods clash; who will emerge the victor?

Reader Comment:
Psyke said:
I love your DM's world... the cosmology in particular. The blending of the elemental planes, the dieties, and the outer planes are all brilliant. Any chance that there's more setting info in published form somewhere?

you really do write this exceptionally well, as well as Sepulchrave or Spyscribe. Several times I found myself just pausing to contemplate the latest story development, and what I'd do if I was a player. Very nicely done.
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First Post
Title: Marshall Flowers' Sentimental Journey Through Post-Apocalyptica and Mutantville
Author: tmart
Number of Threads: 1

Type: post-apocalyptic
System: d20 Modern
Setting: homebrew, Gamma World-inspired

Started: 10 August 2006; campaign since June
Status: Ongoing
Average Installment Length: 500-1000 words
Average Frequency of Installments: Near daily until I catch up to myself, then weekly.

Available for Download? No, the original file has to be censored for Eric's grandmother.
Style: 1st person narrative prose (Marshall Flowers' journal)

Overview: Some decades after nuclear armageddon, Marshall Flowers and friends explore the world outside their colony of survived survivalists.

Reader Comment: No forum replies yet, but friends and fellow players responded so favourably that I decided to post the journal online.

Special: Marshall Flowers' current character sheet attached.


  • Marshall Flowers 3.doc
    26.5 KB · Views: 259

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