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Strahd's "The lost Caverns of Tsojcanth" CLOSED


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Allyra disengages from the troll that hurt her, using the trees as a shield against the brutish creature as she slowly moves away through the entwining plants.

OOC: Move to L9 (no AoO due to cover); Cast Summon Monster III (Fiendish Ape) to L11 as a Standard Action.
Ape attacks immediately (one attack only at Atk +9 Dmg 1d6+7).

[sblock=Ape]Fiendish Ape: large magical beast (extraplanar); HD 4; hp 37; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +14; Atk/full Atk 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+7) and bite +4 melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA smite good 1/day (+4 dmg vs good); SQ low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., scent, damage reduction 5/magic, cold and fire resistance 5, spell resistance 9; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 25, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Climb +16 (can always Take 10), Listen +6, Spot +6; Alertness, Toughness.[/sblock]

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Ending Round 1

Turo moves between roots and twigs and manages to fire a beam of light towards the big Troll, but the aim is 1 foot wide to the right. Keldar's arrow suffers from the same fate. The arrow penetrates one of the trees.
Allyra disengages from the troll that hurt her, using the trees as a shield against the brutish creature as she slowly moves away through the entwining plants.
Mumbling a quick spell, a black raging ape from the plane of Limbo appears before her, the ape focus himself on the green giant and pound his clawed fist on the troll's torso.
Garon is caught flatfooted by the spell as he was trying to move forward, the branches and roots entangle him and he is unable to free himself in time to intercept the troll.

Troll 3 – Entangled.
Eliyyad – Half movement
Troll 1 – casts entangle
Turo – Half movement to N6, cast searing light range touch attack 7.
Keldar – Range attack Troll1 18, Half movement to M10.
Allyra – Half movement to L9, Cast Summon Monster III.
Fiendish Ape – L11, attack Troll3 26, dmg 10.
Garon – Entangled, Str check [Fail].


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OOC: Ammending Eliyyad's action: he will centre the fireball halfway between the two trolls, so that the burst misses the members of his own party.

Steve Gorak

Keldar will drop his bow and keep a firm grip on his spiked chain. He'll exagerate how entangled he is to goad the trolls to attack him.

OCC: Use of the improved feint feat (Bluff +7), so the trolls are denied their dex bonus and sneak damage applies. I'm hoping they'll both approach and Keldar will be able to use his improved combat reflexes (4 AoO/rnd) and the trolls enter the area he threatens (10ft).

Init: + 3

Note: 4 AoO/rnd from combat reflexes

Melee, Two-handed:

• +1 Spiked chain (viper): +11/+6 to hit, 2d4+7 damage, x2, P, 10 ft reach
• +1 composite longbow (+4 Str): +10 to hit, 1d8+5 damage, x3, P, 110ft range

• Sneak attack +2d6
• trapfinding
• Evasion
• Trap sense +1
• Uncanny dodge


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(if entangled this round)
Allyra struggles against the plants, holding her in place, trying to break free and get closer to the edge of the spell's effective radius, while the summoned ape continues to pound on the troll.

(if not entangled this round)
Allyra continues her move, and leaves the field of plants, taking cover at the north-side of the ruined tower, while the summoned ape continues to pound on the troll.

OOC: Allyra is at L9 not L10. Double Move to Q8.
Ape: Full Attack (Atk +9/+9/+4 Dmg 1d6+7/+7/+3).

[sblock=Ape]Fiendish Ape: large magical beast (extraplanar); HD 4; hp 37; Init +2; Spd 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +3; Grp +14; Atk/full Atk 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+7) and bite +4 melee (1d6+3); Space/Reach 10 ft./10 ft.; SA smite good 1/day (+4 dmg vs good); SQ low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., scent, damage reduction 5/magic, cold and fire resistance 5, spell resistance 9; AL NE; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2; Str 25, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills and Feats: Climb +16 (can always Take 10), Listen +6, Spot +6; Alertness, Toughness.[/sblock]


First Post
Turo pushes himself forward, calling upon the blessings of Garl Glittergold as he does so. He would engage these trolls in combat, and destroy them with the just might of his faith! "Come and meet your doom, foul giant!" shouts the little gnome, trying to incite the trolls to attack him.

Move forward, to N9 (assuming half-movement still), cast divine power (increasing BAB to +7, STR to 20, and boosting HP to 69/55.

Turo is AC24 vrs the trolls.

[sblock=Current Spells]
Orisons (DC 14): Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Water
1st (DC 15): Magic Weapon, Lesser Vigor, Shield of Faith, Command, Divine Favor
2nd (DC 16): Lesser Restoration, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Silence
3rd (DC 17): Searing Light, Dispel Magic, Summon Monster III
4th (DC18): Divine Power, Summon Monster IV

Round 2

Focusing on his spell while avoiding the roots and branches, Eliyyad manages to send a destructive fireball that sets a blaze more trees but scorches the green giants. The entangled one scream in pain and falls dead, the branches hold him, soon the troll consumed into the earth by bushes and roots.
The big Troll snarls in pain, he unstrap his javelin and hurls it on half partially covered Keldar, but the aim is well placed and the javelin sinks deep.
Trying to charge forward and engage the Troll, Turo fails to spot the twisted branch from above, the strong thick branch wrap himself around the gnome, but Turo manages to cast his spell.
Ducking and dodging the roots with a javelin in his leg, wounded Keldar moves toward the Troll and attacks, but his spiked chain strikes the tree to the right.
Allyra struggles against the plants, holding her in place, trying to break free and get closer to the edge of the spell's effective radius, in the meantime the summoned ape, too, caught by the trees and bushes, the ape rages to break free.
Garon continues to try and break free from the roots but they seem too tough for even someone of his strength

Troll 3 – Entangled. Break free [Fail].
Eliyyad – Ref save [Success], Half movement, Cast Fireball, 19 dmg.
Troll 1 – Range attack Keldar 29, 10 dmg.
Turo – Ref save [Fail], Entangled, cast divine power, Concentration [Success].
Keldar – Ref save [Success ], Half movement to N12, Attack Troll1 15.
Allyra – Ref save [Fail], Entangled, Break free [Fail]
Fiendish Ape – Ref save [Fail], Entangled, Break free [Fail].
Garon – Entangled, Break free [Fail].

Spells: Turo Divine power


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Turo swears under his breath as the undergrowth entangles him and holds him in place. He again calls upon his diety, using the divine power to dismiss the troll's spell to free himself and his companions.

Cast dispel magic

Divine Power, round 1/7
BAB +7, STR to 20, HP 69/55.
AC24 vrs the trolls.

[sblock=Current Spells]
Orisons (DC 14): Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Water
1st (DC 15): Magic Weapon, Lesser Vigor, Shield of Faith, Command, Divine Favor
2nd (DC 16): Lesser Restoration, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Silence
3rd (DC 17): Searing Light, Dispel Magic, Summon Monster III
4th (DC18): Divine Power, Summon Monster IV


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Allyra and the ape both try to break free and move further towards the edge (Allyra) and the last opponent (ape) respectively.

Voidrunner's Codex

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