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Thornir Alekeg

Good morning Queen_D.

My friend with the car problems told me that they finally figured out it was a leaky cam seal (along with a faulty sensor) that was causing the problems. It was not a cheap fix, but once it was done the problem went away and has not returned.

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:) We've learned that my car's problem is just a very old battery (Henry hit the nail on the head there!). I've got to get it replaced over the weekend sometime. And for now, I just have to keep the battery jumper-thingy with me at all times... just in case.


First Post
Make plans to get a massage.

So many of us get bogged down by things we can not control, or things that are just to far from our reach. Let the things you can handle right now be the ones on your mind. If you are waiting for a response from someone else then place that item from your mind and concentrate on the things you can accomplish right now.

Take a nap. A twenty minute nap when you are tired will focus your mind and help you a great deal.

Talk to your husband about taking care of things- switch cars with him until the battery problem is taken care of that way you don't get stranded somewhere (which can create more stress).

Go to a comedy club. Laugh a little.

We all see that you haven't got enough hours in the day, but you need to get away from stressers or you implode and what good will that do your family, your friends, and your education.

Repeat the semister. Frequently I slow working on my classes because they are just getting to stressful, and I repeat them (no matter the grade- and yes, I have repeated classes that I got an A in because of stress). It is okay to repeat, yes the cost is increased and there is a delay in my degree, but at least I am learning the stuff and not damaging my health.

Take a moment for you.

I wish you the best, Queen. You are a sweet and kind person. :)


Liquid Awesome
BlackSilver said:
Make plans to get a massage.

Great idea. In fact I will personally offer to give Queen D a full body massage when next I see her. And trust me when I say that I've got madd skilz in that department. ;)


First Post
Rel said:
Great idea. In fact I will personally offer to give Queen D a full body massage when next I see her. And trust me when I say that I've got madd skilz in that department. ;)

I try to encourage my clients to get a massage every other week. Higher stress and more physically active people need them more often. It truly helps to break up the blockages in the body's energy system the more massages you get the better off you will be with your health and dealing with that stress.

Being as Queen is so stressed, I would suggest a couple different sessions thirty minutes on the back then a couple hours later thirty minutes on the legs and another a few hours later on the feet, then repeat the following day. Otherwise she might be made sick or have some reoccuring physical knots stress (this is only if she has not had a massage in some time).


Liquid Awesome
BlackSilver said:
I try to encourage my clients to get a massage every other week. Higher stress and more physically active people need them more often. It truly helps to break up the blockages in the body's energy system the more massages you get the better off you will be with your health and dealing with that stress.

Being as Queen is so stressed, I would suggest a couple different sessions thirty minutes on the back then a couple hours later thirty minutes on the legs and another a few hours later on the feet, then repeat the following day. Otherwise she might be made sick or have some reoccuring physical knots stress (this is only if she has not had a massage in some time).

*Rel feverishly jots notes down on the topic and buys a JUMBO sized bottle of massage oil.*

I'm kidding of course (though I must admit that I prefer flirting with Queen D than Joshua Dyal and reveal, so she's got that going for her). But I do know a lot about massage. My mother has been a massage therapist for over 20 years and my wife is a physical therapist. The tensions relieving massage skills that I knew back in high school and college was popular with the ladies then and I'm still not too bad at it now.

I thought about pursuing a career as a massage therapist but I just can't see being terribly successful at it as a guy. After all, most dudes would rather have a woman massage them and most dudes would rather have a woman massage their wives and girlfriends.


First Post
Rel said:
My mother has been a massage therapist for over 20 years and my wife is a physical therapist. The tensions relieving massage skills that I knew back in high school and college was popular with the ladies then and I'm still not too bad at it now.
Believe him. According to my friend Tonya, Scott is VERY skilled at massage...

-Dave ;)


First Post
Rel- I understand completely. :D

Queen- I hope that you take some of the suggestions and seek some assistance with your stress issues to help you through this tring time.

Best wishes and luck to you all. :D


First Post
Queen_Dopplepopolis said:
My list was prioritized... just a general list of stuff I need to get done. I *need* my sleep, it's very important. I'm bipolar and if I don't get my sleep, you DO NOT want to be around me the next day. :heh:

You do realize most of us aren';t going to be around you right? So w know we are very safe!! :D


First Post
Rel said:
Great idea. In fact I will personally offer to give Queen D a full body massage when next I see her. And trust me when I say that I've got madd skilz in that department. ;)

Sign me up!! :cool:

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