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Strife in Sokara - A solo game for Brother Shatterstone


"There can be no doubt that you have done a great service for the city." Mother Asha says firmly. "You have uncovered this text..." She places her hand on the journal as she says this. "... you have dealt with a number of undead, and you have fought alongside Ged and Hestia. From what they have told me, they would have been hard-pressed to defend themselves without your help."

Ged nods in agreement with these words, as does Velimir.

"Now we know about the presence of this cult, we can take steps to deal with them." Velimir smiles grimly. "The author may have escaped for now, but the Obedient Brotherhood knows much of the hidden places in the city. I doubt he will escape our scrutiny for long."

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt: Holy Warrior/Scout)

“Mother Asha, they underestimate their own skills,” Brystasia replied modestly as she struggled to hold her blushing in check, “but I am honored they believe I did my part and I’m relieved to know of your praise and that I did nothing to embarrassed the order…”

Her own wordiness seemed to add to her humble embarrassment but as her turquoise blue eyes drifted towards Velimir she considered his words behind a slight smile, “while I have no doubts of you, or your order’s, skills I would be honored to help halt the cult for good… That is if Ged and Hestia would be willing to delay their travels for now.”

Her large eyes turned towards the two Morwynites in an effort to catch their reaction…


Ged glances over to Hestia, who nods slightly. He turns back to Brystasia, and nods rather more emphatically than his ward.

"We're happy to delay for now. You're right, finding whoever wrote that needs to be found, and as quickly as we can." Ged looks at Velimir before adding. "Assuming the Obedient Brotherhood has no objections to the followers of Morwyn assisting them?"

"I have no objection at all." Velimir deliberately ignores the pointed nature of Ged's question. "Your help will be most appreciated. The more who take part in the search, the harder it will be for this cultist to escape."

He pushes back his chair and gets to his feet. "If you will excuse me, I must now depart. I need to speak with Brother Ryat and the others of my order so we may organise ourselves for the search. Shall I meet you here in the morrow?."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt: Holy Warrior/Scout)

“Oh,” Brystasia said quickly as she too stood up while she glances towards the Morwynites to judge their reactions before she agreed to the time, “That would be fine, Brother Velimir. I look forwards to it, in fact, I’m sure we all are.”

She finished her worlds with a sincere friendly grin…


"I will see you in the morning then." Velimir's smiles warmly to Brystasia, and nods a respectful farewell to the Holy Mother. He pulls the door closed behind him, and his footsteps can be heard fading away along the corridor.

"I must also bid you good evening." Mother Asha says. "I and some of the more learned scholars in demonic lore the churches have will spend the rest of the night studying this. Perhaps we may be able to uncover some clues to help you in your search.

"Ged, Hestia, any duties you may have had for the rest of the evening no longer lie on your shoulders. Your business tomorrow will be trying enough."

"Thank you..." "...Holy Mother" Hestia and Ged reply in near unison.

"Fair Sister, I thank you again for your help in this matter." Mother Asha addresses Brystasia. "Should you need any further information or aid from us this evening, do not hesitate to ask."

Ged and Hestia get to their feet, clearly considering themselves dismissed. They wait beside the door for Brystasia to join them.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt: Holy Warrior/Scout)

“I will, Holy Mother, and thank you,” Brystasia smiled and nodded before she too took her leave joining Ged and Hestia in the hallway…


Ged takes the lead once more, leading you out of the Healing Halls and into the street outside. The hustle and bustle of market day has faded entirely, with only the occasional merchant or farmer making their way through the temple district to pay their respects.

"So, I don't know about either of you two, but I could really use a good meal." He says, turning to face Brystasia and Hestia. "I say that we find a nice tavern, and put today's concerns to one side for the rest of the evening."

"That's a wonderful idea Ged." Hestia agrees warmly. "Lady Brystasia, would you give us the honour of your company?" The last is said with mock formality and a wide grin.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt: Holy Warrior/Scout)

“I would be delighted to, Lady Hestia,” Brystasia replied and offered a small curtsy that was prim and proper lacking the mockery that Hestia’s had offered. Brystasia had been taught her manners well but she still lacked the experience to known when they were truly being used and when they were not.

She offered her arm up in general; it wasn’t directed at either Hestia or Ged particularly, expecting a proper escort…


Ged takes Brystasia's arm, his good manners obviously both more practiced and taken more seriously than Hestia's. The three start strolling along the street, Ged leading the way towards The Golden Griffon, a fairly sizeable inn at the end of Temple Street.

Hestia falls into line on the other side of Brystasia, smiling cheerfully.

"Just think, once we're done with our search, we'll be off into the countryside." Her excitement is clear in her voice. "I'll get to see forests and lakes, real wilderness, not just parks."

"Yes indeed, I'm sure you'll find it quite wonderful." Ged says, suppressing his amusement at Hestia's words as he pushes open the inn door, holding it clear to let the two women through.

The interior of the inn is brightly lit and clean, with the walls painted a warm red. A good dozen round wooden tables are spread through the inn's common room, half of which have merchants or wealthier farmers and their families sat around them. Many of the inn's patrons turn to look at the newcomers, and many eyes remained fixed on Brystasia. Ged frowns in annoyance at their stares, leading the way to a table in one corner of the inn and sitting himself between the rest of the common room and the two women he's escorting.

"Brystasia, you know far more of the wilds of our country than we do, I am quite sure. What can you tell us? I suspect the tales I get from the merchants may be somewhat exaggerated..."

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Brystasia Purelove: Half-Nymph/Female (Gestalt: Holy Warrior/Scout)

Brystasia smiled at those who where staring at her, she understood why they did and being gracious about it was the Aymaran thing to do but Ged’s words quickly brought her back as they slipped into their seats in the corner of the room…

“Oh, well,” Brystasia started slowly not sure where to even begin, “that might be a difficult task, Ged. Before I came to Marlock City no amount of words would have prepared me for it. I simply needed to see and experience it for myself,” she finished with radiant smile, “but if the two of you have specific questions I would be more than willing to try to answer them.”

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