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Strikeforce: Morituri Part One "the Mortals" Is Completed

Any thoughts other than being so long since the last update?

What do you think of Sasha? Horizon? Where is Megamania going? What are those drums?

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Chrystrall held his gaze at the ogre until it is cowered. The Mind Flayer reached into his mind next. The simple creature had simple needs and these were easily caressed to get the desired results.

= Do not make me strike you down Giant-kin. I will feed on your mind as I would any other creature. Do not forget this =

The ogre backs down and slinks away. Once more the leader of the Legion of Doom has proven the better.

Thy flayer’s tentacles twist and churn in the emotions he feels. The battle needs to begin. His troops are becoming restless and he is not so certain how long he can maintain control. The Legion of Doom was no mere troops. They were a force. Trained Ogres, Trolls, Hill Giants, and other monstrous creatures were part of the Legion. These mercenaries called for top dollar within and without the planes. This was no different.

A large battle was to begin so between two armies. One army is mainly humans and the other goblinoids. What becomes of this matters little. There is a third party here. A team of very specialized and skilled warriors and mages that may interfere in the benefactor’s plans. The Legion is here for them. They are here to destroy them. This is why they are called the Legion of DOOM.

The benefactor seems oddly out of place for this battle. He deals with stealth rather than brute force. Perhaps this is why he needs the Legion.

Two miles west of the Legion-

A human army of 10,000 men and women amass. They fight the endless battle to win their personal freedom. They have fought for so long and for so many generations the true prize has been forgotten. The ancestors speak of pride, power and prestige. Others speak of freedom and peace. Others sigh and say nothing.

Two miles east of the Legion-

A goblinoid army of 12,000 grows and spread like a deadly fungus. Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, orcs and even a few kobolds and Ogres are thrown in. They also have fought for many generations. The original cause and reason has been forgotten but the goal is clear- to survive and conquer. This new army of humans will bleed and die slowly on the battlefield.

Two miles north of the Legion-

A lone human wearing a tattered and soiled brown cloth and hood sneaks from rock to rock, ruin to ruin. Why? He wishes to prove himself. He needs to feel worthy of being alive. He wants to do something for another that over shadows his own wants and needs. Jim Addards aka Megamania is looking to save Vander Stormbringer.


“RAAAGH! Where is he? Where is the human puke named Vander!?!” The scarred female Orc screams as she tears a painting from the wall and throws it across the smoking room.

“Mistress Ten-Bites the human is outside tending to the survivors.” Grovels a kobold.

“Truth?” She asks as she stops and seemly calms down instantly.

“Truth. I swears.”

“Tends humans or goblinkind?”

No answer comes quickly. The kobold takes tiny steps backwards towards the broken door doorway.

Several goblins looting outside the burning home stop as they hear the kobold scream in pain. Before he has finished, they share an evil smile and return to their looting.

The old woman was alive but would not make it through the night. Vander considered beheading her to end it quickly. This was not proper. The torture of old people and children was wrong. He placed his hand onto the weapon of his choice- the psionic falchion.

“What do you do little tick?”

Vander turns quickly. Ten Bites stood before him. She was chewing on bloody meat that looked raw and fresh. Vander hoped it was not a child.

“What would you be doing little puke? Mercy for the human? The old woman?”

Vander looks to the ground and says nothing.

“I say who receives mercy! I – Ten Bites! Not you little puke of human flesh. I will pass the judgement on her. Not you!”

Twenty minutes later, after much screaming in rage and pain, the remains of the woman is brought out and fed to the Worgs. Vander, beaten and bloodied, crawls out. As he nears a large war-horse, Ten-bites pushes him down with her boot. He falls into manure. “I have s*** on my boots. Clean it little puke.”

Another hour goes by before the human rogue sneaks into the camp. In time he finds whom he sought. He has found Vander before he dies. Before he dies from Ten-Bites rage.

“Psst. Yo Vander…” calls quietly Megamania.

The massive psychic warrior remains crumpled on the floor. He has been beaten once more.

Crawling as he was taught in the Marines, Jim crawls quickly to Vander. “Psst. Vander buddy. It’s me …opps. I forgot. We have not met yet.”

The beaten man peers from his shielding arms and knees at the figure before him. The human has blonde hair and face paint and mud with grass. He looks like a scout. He opens his mouth to call out for help but Jim is quick to grab his jaw. “Shhhh.”

Beaten as he is, Vander can not remove the smaller man’s gloved hand from his mouth. “I’m here to warn you and help if I can. I have a strong gut feeling you will die tonight if you allow that be-otch on steroids to beat you again. I can’t stand seeing you this way. Don’t you remember who you are? Com’on man.”

Vander looks to the ground in shame. A tear wells in one eye.

“Com’on.. you can say it.”


“I….. Defy you. ….?”


“Aw ***** ****** Vander! Snap out of it.”

“You can say it. It motivates you. Kinda like the orange rocky thing in the comicbooks. I defy you. Say it.”

One blinking eye peers out to look at this new tormenter.

Jim uses his other arm to move Vander’s hands away. The face is beaten and a jagged chunk of flesh that was once an ear is torn free. “Now I understand the “Bites” part of her name. Com’on man. Leave here with me. You can do it.”


Jim gets closer to lock eyes then pulls back. “Man you need a breath mint. Your breath smells like crap. I mean it really …oh crud. That is just wrong.” As Megamania begins to understand how far vander has fallen and what levels of punishment and disgrace he is willing to endure.

Jim rests his head on his arms looking at Vander (from a breath-clear distance) and tries to figure out how to do this. The Vander he knows is so proud and so take charge. Then something crosses his mind. Two things in truth. The team travels the multi-verse. Each “universe” has different qualities and histories. What is the Vander he knows did not originate from this universe? What is this universe Vander is a whipping boy while the Vander he knows would scream Defy you and hack you up into dozens of pieces. The other thing he remembers is something Vander gave him. It was a long time again. Jim had forgotten about it in truth. It is a crystal. Vander suggested it carried a bit of him within it. Not being a believer in new age religions, Jim dismissed it. A lot has happened since then. Jim is more open minded. After all, in the last three days he went from having no children to having a four-year-old lightbulb of a child.

“You have been through a lot of s***. Literally. I feel for you man. I really do. Maybe that is why I am here. I’m trying to save you. Save who you are. I guess you are not the man I thought you were. I have to leave. As it is, I have a lot to explain to Christina and the Captain. I leave you this Vander,” he holds out the crystal, “It’s not much but it meant a lot to a man I liked and hoped to save. It means a lot to me. I want you to have it. Goodluck and watch out for that freak of a female.”

Slowly Jim backs out leaving the crystal on the floor. Vander stares at it for the longest two minutes he has ever experienced. Then he reaches out unsteadily. He touches it and the crystal throbs in his fingertips and begins to glow. “I …. I ……..” and he looks to the floor again.

Just thought I would throw this out to to beviewed by you folks-

Cries of Doom will defenses be crushed
Friends and Allies raise shield and sword
You will run from the battle feeling rushed
And as a result, a friend will die by your good word

To avoid this horrible fate
You have but to face your death
Battle it with desire and purity; not hate
Or the battle will take your last breath
A Ravenloft curse placed on Jim Addards aka Megamania by a dying Adept


“We are in a bad spot Captain.”

“I know.”

“What we seek is within those ruins. Two large armies are converging on the ruin. A large war is about to breakout and we are going to be in the direct middle of it.”

“I know”

“Any suggestions?”

“We need to be careful, the two armies are at war with each other but we will be looked at as an enemy by both if only since we are an unknown.”

Sasha steps up to Jean and The Captain. “I suspect the Tattooed Man’s minions will be here also.”

“Any word on Jim?” asks Christina.


“That is so like him. And to think he had me believing him before.” Frowns the Captain.


“He was discharged without honors from the military. He convinced me it was the enemy manipulating his leaders. I can see he has done it again.”

“Is that fair?” asks Christina. “He is not here to defend himself. Perhaps there was a reason.”

“Not now. This is it. Don’t you realize this? If we fail this time the relics that can restore the “Destroyer” or “Tattooed Man” can be used to empower him and thus begins the end of the Multiverse.”

“Maybe it would be for the better.” Says Vander a bit louder than meant to be.

“WHAAAT?” says several members at once.

“You can’t mean that Vander.” Says Jean.

“How can you say that?” includes Christina.

“It seems all of the worlds we have entered were wrong. They were broken. Maybe by this god of reality destruction is good. Maybe limiting how many different varieties of worlds is good. It could become manageable. Maybe not so chaotic.”

“I feel your pain but Vander- think of the worlds that are good. Think of the billions of innocent lives that would be lost. No- forgotten.” Adds Sasha. “There is no doubt you have lived a hard life. Everyone here has but you have had it the hardest. I would think you could appreciate the desire for the innocent to continue. Not all of the Vander Stormbringers of the multiverse suffered as you have. Once we WIN this and have time to settle we need to travel for the sake of travel. We need to see the better worlds. To know what we have fought for so hard.”

“Can we start in the world where Pamela Anderson, Britney Spears and Jenna Jameson all want me?”

“Jim!” Christina yells.

Out of the hidden passage leading to the top of this canyon, Megamania steps up. “What did I miss?”

“Where were you? I demand an answer!” commands the Captain.

“Scouting.” Answers Megamania looking towards Vander. “If you recall, that’s what I do.”

“And what did you find?” asks Sasha knowing more than she ever will admit to.

“That open space ahead of us is where you said the last artifact was. There are the ruins of several large fortifications there that you can see. What you don’t see are the tunnels below it. As in below the entire field.”

“What do you mean?” asks the Captain growing concerned.

“There are maze like caverns and tunnels below there. I didn’t go far but I saw enough to know to return.”

“What did you see?”

“The devil. And he wants my soul.”

The Captain frowns- is he joking or not.


A few hours before-

“Where can he be?”

“I don’t understand this- it’s too dangerous to wander off here. Anywhere we go. He knows this.”

“I’m sure Jim had a reason.” Answers Christina as she holds Horizon. The child was becoming more of a young adult than babe now. Within a few days she would have the height and maturity of her mother. However, she still spoke and acted more like a toddler. Her body aged far quicker than her mind or mental self.

“Don’t go far but Jean- can you fly up and look for him?” asks the Captain.

“Already on my way.” And up she goes.

She looked for Jim in the shadows. Her darkvision of the undead found nothing. She followed a path that lead down towards the ruins Sasha was certain contained the “Book of Creation.”. It was the final artifact needed to bring the destroyer back to power. It was odd that a creature known for destruction would create a book about creation. But then again- she stood for nature and beauty but now has become a living zombie. It was so unfair.

= I can fix that. =

“Huh? Jim is that you?” Jeans hesitates and hovers about 100 feet off the ground.

= I can fix your beautify body. I can remove the undead curse placed into your system. =

“Who is this? Show yourself!”

= I can make you feel the sun light again. I can make it that you feel the cool water on your bare skin when you wade into stream. I can make your eyes blue again. I can do that for you. I want to do that for you =

“Who is this? A minion?”

= I merely wished to help you. I am sorry to offend you. I can leave now if you do not want my help. =

“NO!” she yells with a wrinkled flaky arm raised trying to feel for the voice in her mind. “Don’t leave. I … I want to talk but I need to locate a friend.”

= Your friend is nearby. He was fulfilling his destiny. This was not your destiny. You never should have lost your beauty or your grace. =

“Who are you?”

= Someone that wants to help you regain your rightful beauty and vitality. =

“How?” She says turning slowly in the winds that gather and flow with her. She can not feel the currents on her skin. She still senses direction but can not feel it. She truly misses feeling nature around her.

= I have the means to repair things.=

“What kind of things?”

= many things. Health and beauty. YOUR health and beauty =

Jean is quiet. She looks with her yellowed eyes at her undead hands. Her nails are cracked and split. They look old and bony. “What you ask …it …is comes at a cost. A great cost I believe.”

= you know what needs to be done. You can do it. You can regain your youth and beauty. =

“…my youth and beauty…..”

= yessssss…. Health and beauty.=


“aaaaarrrrrgh…..” how why?” Megamania slowly rises to his hands and knees.

“You are not he. If you were, the lightning would have been absorbed.” Says Jean with anger in her voice. “I know who you are and why you have come.”

“I was under pressure to succeed quickly. My mistake and now yours….!” Megamania’s form melts and turns into a blue skinned female with black hair. Her red leather armor rises from her form. Jarella.

“You will never regain your prior appearance weather witch.”

“Despite being undead, I still have a soul. Your actions and the actions your master spoke to me of would have erased that soul.”

“That is too bad.”


“Lost the ability to move Jarella? I specialize in weather related arcane powers but I can do more. I can do many things.”

“You have removed my abilty to move, basically Holding me still but my mind is still free and that is MY greatest weapon and one most underestimate.”

“We underestimated the situation …again.” Says the Captain suspecting what has happened.

“The shapeshifter…?” fears Christina whom was nearly killed by her when last she struck the team.

“Yes and think she is using Jim’s form to trick us. Jean’s eyes would work regardless of the lack of magic or psionics. She knew.”

“She did try to stop me from entering here. I …wish I listened to her now.” Says Christina.

“She tried to tell me something important before we left but didn’t give her the chance. Jim was still missing and we needed to act quickly.” Continues the Captain.

“She waited until the child was safe.” Answers Vander. “She would have known the shapechanger would have used the child against us. This way she was away from her."” He pulls forth his psionic falchion. It sings softly to him and the others. A faint glow illuminates a few feet around Vander. He uses the drawn weapon as a source of light to look onto the walls and surroundings of their new prison.

“Solid rock everywhere.”

“We’re entombed and can not get out.”

“Secret doors to leave by?” asks the Captain.

“None.” My detection of portals is finding nothing at all. Magic or standard.”

“Then what are our chances?” asks the Captain frowning and frustrated at the ease Jarella has once more trapped him.

“We die when HE is resurrected.”

“There is a way. There always is a way.” Says Vander with a grim look on his face.

Megamania hurries back to the camp. He hopes Vander will think about what he said. His friend has been through so much. He deserves better. He looks up as he senses movement above. The sky is nearly glowing from the falling stars above. “I hope those are stars and not spells.” He says as he begins to climb the ridge.

He looks again. “Man- that is eerie. It looks so much like….oh ****! IT CAN”T BE!”

Then, only because of years of training, he instinctually twists as something moves by him quickly. He hears a dagger or some thrown weapon hit the rocks past him.

“Show yourself!”

“Hello James Scott Addards aka Megamania aka Lt. Addards aka The Pathfinder aka Government traitor.”

The voice chills Jim to his soul. To the very depths of his soul. He slowly turns and looks. Behind him, on a large boulder, stands a man with thick heavy scars spreading across his face light a burst originating from his forehead. His red leather suit and black boots appear to be made of similar materials as his own 2003 technology.

“Vandal … you @#*&% Bastard!”

“I’m happy to see you also. You were missed after your death. After you killed Pittfire.”

“His mommy must have warned him about riding speeding motorcycles and what a thin razor wire can do when stretched across the road.”

“Meet the NEW leader of my assassins.”

“no….oh you ****ing bastard….you didn’t….”

“I believe you know her.”

“I’ll tear your heart out you ****ing bastard. Tear it right out of your ****ing a*****.”

Before him, stand several darkly clothed warriors of stealth. One steps forward and pulls back the cowl of the uniform. She then shakes her long black hair free. Her blue eyes burn into Jim’s. “Hello lover.”

“… Theta….you’re alive….”

“I wish I could stay Jim but I have a meeting with a mindflayer and don’t wish to be late. If you will dear…”

She lowers her head and closes her eyes.


She rises her head and the blue eyes are now blood red and fangs appear. “Jim my beloved. Give your high school girl friend a hug and kiss…..” and with that she pulls free a glowing katana from an invisible sheath at her side. Each of the ninja-like warriors draw weapons.

“**** me…”

“Already did. Kill him boys!”

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