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Struggle and Strife- A scarred lands storyhour

Lars Frehse

First Post
The heart of darkness- part 4 of 4

Using his druidic powers, Ben walked at the wall of thorns and, twisting slightly sideways, he passed through it as if there were no barrier at all.

He stood in an earthen corridor that ran parallel to the room he had just been in. At its end, there was a small, natural stairway that consisted of big roots that spiralled their way down deep under the ground. However, all he found down there was another corridor which ended at a point where it had collapsed, and the masses of earth, rocks and roots made it impassable even for him.

Back with his friends, they decided to take a look around. The first exit of the big room lead to a much smaller one, which looked like a smelly, damp and messy bedroom. A casual glance didn't make the room look like there was anything the friends were looking for, and since they felt that time was running out, they headed to the next room.

This one looked different, and a short glance gave them all the impression that it served for a sinister combination. Most of the room was filled with vile instruments of torture. A wall rack contained several whips, scourges, thumbscrews, eyehooks, prods, pincers and knives of every kind and there were even more instruments of tortures on tables in the room. The sight was shocking enough, but what was truly sickening was that the table that obviously served as a place to fixate the victims had lastly been used as a dinner table. There were still scraps of cooked meat on it, and the friends didn't dare check just what kind of meat it was...

In the northeast corner of the room, there was another passage that lead down. They peered down, but it was too deep for them to see anything. However, they saw that there were enough foot- and handholds for them to easily climb down there.

"Let's look around in the other rooms up here, first", Torn said, "I have a bad feeling about this passage."

For the heroes, a hunch was good enough by now. The many lethal situations they had survived together ever since they had left Durrover had taught them that acting according to hunches can often save lives...

They walked back into the main room. Of the four visible corridors, they had now checked out two. They entered the next one, which was about fifty feet long and then found themselves in a large, vaguely hemispherical chamber about 25 feet wide. A dozen cots lined the far wall and the stench of human filth was nearly overpowering.

In the middle of the room stood an enormous three-legged cauldron made of iron. The legs were fashioned in the form of snakes and the coals beneath were still spreading warmth, as if not too long ago they had been glowing brightly. A long wooden ladle protruded from it's open top and the green-greyish liquid within was quietly bubbling away.

Appalled by the stench and weary from what they had seen so far, none of the friends dared taking a closer look at the pot or anything else in the room and they turned around again. They went into the remaining corridor, which lead into a room with a wooden door set in the northern wall, the first door they had seen in Annot Kalambath so far.

On one wall there were three sets of manacles and a small wooden table was leaning against the other wall. The table was covered with what looked like a bunch of rubbish and a scroll case. Seeing it, Torn immediately grabbed it and opened it- and really, there was the scroll with the ritual inside.

"Only one more to go", Torn said. He silently thanked Erias and pocketed the scroll into his bag of holding, and only then did he take the time to take a proper look at the rest of the room.

Next to the wall, there was another scroll set into the wall. On it, there were several numbers in titan speech, which were faintly glowing. In the door, there was a small round mirror, which didn't reflect any light, and after some fiddling around, the friends figured out that there was a connection between the mirror and the numbers on the wall. Whenever a number would be pronounced, the mirror would show the interior of one of the cells behind the door.

All of the cells were empty, but in one, there was an elvish woman.

Fortunately, the front door wasn't locked but merely barred, and after removing the bar, they found themselves in a small corridor with seven similarly barred doors. There were no numbers on the doors, so they had to open the cells randomly, at first finding nothing but the same old straw and wooden cots.

After tearing open the fifth door, however, Jan saw the woman. She had stringy brown hair and terrified, pale eyes. Upon seeing Jan, she shrieked and scuttled backwards to the rear wall of her cell.

Jan rose his hands, indicating his good intentions, and after a little while in which Jan calmly told her that they would help her, she said:" You are right. The others don't wear shiny armour. Or have any symbols of gods with him.“

She got up and greedily accepted the friends' offer of food and water. After she had taken care of her immediate needs, she introduced herself as Mina, and she told them that she had been kidnapped by a Dar Al Annot patrol when she had left her village in order to get some rare berries. In return, Jan told her that they were here on an important mission and that their steeds were waiting outside.

"I think it would be safest if you stay behind us", Jan said. "But for the meantime, I have some extra protection for you".

He put down his backpack, and after a short while he pulled out what looked like a rolled up shirt that was shining a little in the lamplight. As he unrolled it, it soon turned out to be no ordinary shirt- it was a mithril chain shirt.

He handed it to Mina when he suddenly felt Torn's huge hand on his shoulder. The half-orc pulled him around, and when Jan was facing him, his face was merely inches away from the human's and he snarled:" You have a mithril-chain shirt?"

"Sure. I bought it a while ago back in Mithril. I thought it would be good to have it to wear under my night clothing. This way, I am protected when we are attacked at night.“ Jan answered, puzzled by Torn's anger.

" I am wearing this stinking leatherarmor day in and day out. And I have to wear it during the day as well. And you have a mithril shirt as a night-shirt?“ Torn said and now the veins in his neck were bulging as the blood was pumping faster and faster through his veins.

"Calm down, please", Mina said pleadingly, but Torn had already stepped back a little and before anybody could react, he was holding his assassin's crossbow in his hand and shot at the Paladin. His bolt hit between the plates of arm and shoulder and Jan screamed out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?“ he shouted, still not ready to attack his companion. Torn himself seemed puzzled about his sudden anger, but before he could apologize, he heard Trepat, who stood behind Jan say:" Quit your whining, cry-baby".

The next instant, Trepat's scimitar bounced back from the armour. Mina, who looked worried, turned around and shouted: "I will wait for you outside by your steeds!"

Everybody was confused and they were eyeing each other suspiciously, and Ben cast a spell that made all the roots entangle everyone, keeping them from further hurting each other.

While they were entangled, both Trepat and Torn excused themselves. Neither of them knew what had made them attack Jan in this way, even though Torn was still sore about the mithril-shirt.

When the spell was over, Ben announced:" All right. From now on we cannot afford any more fooling around. We shouldn't do the Dar Al Annot's work for them, after all..."

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Lars Frehse

First Post
Out of the fryinp pan- part 1

When they had calmed down, there was only one way left to explore, and that was the shaft that lead down. Swallowing his apprehension, Torn went first, using the many branches as foot- and handholds.

As he climbed down the small shaft, he heard a humming and chanting from below. The chanting rose in volume, and after a while, he could make out the flickering light and shadows of large fires shining into the shaft.

Upon reaching the ground, he turned around and found himself in a gigantic chamber, which was over one hundred feet in diameter wide. On the far wall, there was a huge construct made of wicker. It was shaped like a giant and apparently, it was hollow and from the way it looked, it was filled with prisoners. Here and there, Torn could make out a human face or limb.

Two dozen cultists were gathered around the wicker man, performing some cruel ritual that would undoubtedly climax in setting the wicker man on fire- thus turning all within into a sacrifice for their mistress Mormo. Fortunately for Torn, all of the cultist's eyes were turned towards the wicker man and away from him.

He signalled Jan, who was above him and in the process of coming down. After a silent exchange, Jan went back up and Torn followed him. Up in the torture chamber, he told his friends what he had seen, finishing: "There were too many of the cultists. Even with surprise on our side, I doubt that we could win a fight against all of them. Maybe we should check out the corridor Ben had examined again. I just can't believe that the cultists would hide a corridor that leads nowhere..."

"But Piridur could be one of the victims", Niklas said.

"We don't need Piridur anymore", Torn answered and after padding on his bag of holding, he added:" We already have the ritual."

Niklas wasn't ready to let the matter drop: "Maybe Trepat could at least use his lightning to end the suffering of the ones caught in the wicker man, then."

"And in return, we will be dead as well. Great.“ Ben answered and then everyone was talking at once. Niklas and Jan argued in favor of attacking the druids and the others didn't want to endanger their lives and their mission, since for them, the only advantage they had was that the cultists were busy. Once they would have to fight the cultists, they would fail...

In the end, Niklas and Jan agreed to go along with the rest of the group. They hacked their way through the wall of brambles and then went down that corridor. They looked at the part of the corridor below where it had collapsed, when Trepat noticed that there was something strange about the wall at the corner where it took a turn to the right.

The wall looked unnaturally smooth here, and when he touched it, he noticed that it seemed to be made of wood. He called for Torn who looked at it with his magical instruments, figuring out that this was really a magical door. After a little while, he had opened it, paving the way to a vaguely oval-shaped chamber.

The whole room was empty, except for one item. In the middle of the room, lying on the wooden floor, which was made mostly of roots and thorns, seemingly unguarded, was the serpent amphora, resting easily in an open chest.

Carefully, and still not entering the room, Torn looked around for telltale signs of traps, but there was nothing suspicious to be seen. Of course the fact that this artifact was simply laying around was suspicious in itself. But then again, the ritual had been similarly lying around. Maybe the cultists considered their citadel and the Hornsaw to offer sufficient protection for the artefact.

But all that didn't really matter. After all, they had little choice, and so Torn entered the room, intent on picking up the amphora. The moment he stepped inside, however, the small cavern changed. Within an instant, the chest had sunk into the floor and its place a giant maw filled with razor sharp branches and long thorns manifested itself.

The tendrils lashed at Torn, injuring him, as he scrambled backwards over the now living ground. The maw tried to swallow him, but he rolled out of the maw's reach just in time. Standing on his feet again, he used his chain to slash at everything in the room that seemed to live now. In the background, Jan saw that this room seemed to be a nexus of the evil essence that was present everywhere in the citadel.

They attacked the tendrils and the maw with all they had, but the plants showed a surprising power of regeneration, quickly healing the wounds that the friends struck. The Nexus itself fought like a force of nature, attacking everyone in the room.

After a while, Torn had to retreat since he was badly wounded and feared that the next hit could be his end, and after that Jan followed. As Ben and Jan healed the two, only Niklas was left in the room and Trepat shot lightning bolts into the maw from the entrance.

As Jan and Torn charged back into the living room, Ben aided with magical stones. A lot of the plant mass had been chopped away by now, and there were bits of roots and earth everywhere. Then, as Torn hit it viciously into the center, the central maw yawned wide and the room shuddered in it's death throes. A moment later, it spit out the amphora, which Niklas caught in mid-flight.

They were sure that the cultists would soon come upon them and so they all ran to the exit. Just then, they heard a loud roaring and smashing noise through the wall. They were on the same level as the wicker man, and as the Nexus was destroyed, the cultists had lost their grip on the ritual. The wicker man, in return was running amok now, fuelled by the dying spirit of Piridur within who used this fiery construct as a means to defy his enemies and help his friends.

Upstairs, Trepat took Torn, and instead of running straight for the entrance, they turned right and tumbled the large table over the shaft that lead down to where the cultists where now fighting the out-of-control wicker man. Then they threw all items that seemed heavy enough on a hastily built pile, which further pressed down the makeshift barrier.

Ben had changed into his spiderform and together with Niklas, he ran for the exit. Just as they reached the dangling roots in front of the exit, those roots grabbed for them. Both dodged the suddenly agile plants, but one root wrapped itself around Jan's neck, as the paladin came after them.

Immediately, the roots pulled him up, letting him dangle like a poor soul on the gallows.


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Well maybe not the actual climax...since I now got the module. ;) But still I think people will sincerely enjoy THIS part after the return. All I have to say is Woodwracks, cultists and Titan's Blood oh my! ;)

Lars Frehse

First Post
Out of the frying pan- part 2

Coming out of the corridor, Trepat saw the Paladin dangle, his head getting red, and with one fluid motion, he pulled out his bow and shot the vine, cutting it. Jan crashed to the floor and as Trepat and Torn caught up, he scrambled back to his feet and jumped into the exit tunnel.

Outside, they all ran for the bushes where the sentinel and their steeds were waiting. Outside, under the shadow of the giant tree, there was no visible activity yet. The heroes didn't know that, but the wickerman was right then killing all of the druids in that part of the citadel, and it would take hours till any alarm would ring.

Still, they moved as hurriedly as possible, pulling their animals by their reigns. Lead by Leral, and with Mina in their tow, they soon started bickering again. Old sores broke out and soon everybody was airing everything that annoyed them about their companions. They were all friends, of course, but since they had spent so much time closely together for so long now, each of them had issues with everyone else. Those issues were all rather irrelevant, like how the other one ate, or the stupidity of his behaviour or how the other one breathed at night.

But now those little things grew and grew in the minds of everyone involved- right then when they should be busy getting out of the grasp of the Dar Al Annot. Just when the first blows were about to fly, Mina shouted and got everyone's attention for the moment being.

"Enough", she screamed and threw Jan's chain shirt to the ground. Now, she was standing merely in her linen, and she continued, calmer now:" I thank you for what you have done for me. But now, I have to leave you. Believe me it is for your own best."

She smiled shyly one last time, and then turned into fog. Before any of the friends could react, the fog was whirled around by a tiny vortex and then disappeared in a flash of light.

They all stood stunned for a moment, staring at the empty bit of forest where the elf had stood, and then they turned to each other, intend on continuing their debate, but the fight had gone out of them. It was almost as if their strife had been connected to Mina and gone with her.

For a minute, no one said a word. But then Trepat broke the silence:" I think I know what she was. I once read about a kind of elemental that doesn't consist of a material element but of condensed emotions. One of those were called "Strife Elemental" and they spread the negative emotion they are made of..."

"And you think Mina was such a Strife-Elemental?“ Torn asked.

Trepat nodded:" Yes. Either that or you and me are really out to kill Jan. And I can say about myself that that isn't the case..."

They all knew that it was vital for them to get as far away from the citadel as possible before Nightfall, and so they marched on, their comradeship restored.

Thanks to their guide, they made it to the border of the forest with only one encounter, when several trolls attacked them. But apart from that, she lead them with an almost uncanny precision past all dangers and away from their enemies of the Dar Al Annot.

After a week, they had reached the border of the forest again, and she said:" Now all you have to do is head north. In a few days, you will be back in the Ganjus".

The friends wanted to thank her, but already she had turned around and disappeared between the trees. She certainly had helped them, but in a way, they were all glad that she was gone now. After all, she just wasn't a very likeable person.

It was around noon then, and the friends decided to get as far out into the hills as possible. Even though they were entering badlands now, they were only too glad to leave the Hornsaw and it's horrid deformations behind.

It was in the late afternoon when the heat of the day was being swept away by a cold breeze and the first fat drop of rain splashed on Niklas' nose. Soon, the one drop was followed by many and dark clouds were racing over the sky.

"Oh, no...“ Niklas said, and looking how his friends were dismounting, unsheathing their weapons and casting spells in preparation for an upcoming battle, he knew that he didn't need to tell them that he had the feeling that they would be visited by the storm-hag again.

Just as he swung himself from his horse all other sounds were drowned out in a sudden, near deafening clap of thunder and a massive bolt of lightning slammed down between the monk and his brother. Jan's horse was tossed to the side and the paladin himself was thrown of it, landing on the ground a few feet away. Niklas had been taken by surprise as well, and he too was thrown back and badly fried.

Lying on his back, he kept his eyes closed for a moment, his mind focused on ignoring the pain that every fibre of his body was experiencing. Right then, he heard it: in spite of the noise and uproar of the storm, there was the mad, screaming cackle of the hag.

Niklas jumped up back on his feet and opened his eyes. There she was, swooping from the clouds, but still much too high for him to reach her. Trepat shot a bolt of acid-lightning at her, as three manta-like creatures came down from the clouds as well.

As the creatures flew down towards Jan, seemingly attracted by his metal-armour, Torn downed his potion of flight. As the magic of the potion began to work, he took of and rose through the storm, his crossbow ready.

The name of the hag was Hielaa. Over and over again, the godspawn had messed with her plans, and for some strange reason, they were still alive. At least when she had sunk their ship, she should have killed at least some of them, but now they were all there again.

However, this meant that now she could get her revenge, and regain the serpent amphora as well. The puny godspeople had little means to fight her as long as she stayed high above, and she still had her lightning javelins. There was this elvish sorcerer, but the ice storm she had just summoned should take care of him.

Suddenly, a bolt hit Hielaa, and she saw one of her enemies, the halforc, flying up to her. Seeing that he was already pulling out his spiked chain as he was approaching, she cast a spell to dispel the magic that allowed the halforc to fly.

The spell worked, and she cackled contently as the half orc fell helplessly towards the ground 80 feet below him…


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Hehehee... You capitalized Nightfall...when it's not referring to me! ;) But yeah! Fight time! Hieela is going down! (We hope...)

Lars Frehse

First Post
I haven't had any updates lately, since I am on vacation and spent a lot of time with my wife, but from tomorrow on, I will post new updates. :)

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