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Struggle and Strife- A scarred lands storyhour

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Lars Frehse

First Post
Vacation- part 2

They checked in at the Weary Pilgrim, where the proprietess, Iontassa, offered rooms of all kinds. And so Trepat was able to sleep in a room that was a perfect replication of a tree-room in Vera Tre, even though he would still have to wait some time until he would actually get there.

After a hearty meal, the adventurers were ready to explore the city. However, when they stepped out of the hotel, the oppressive heat hit them like a brick wall. Torn turned to Javos, the son of Iontassa who had volunteered to be their guide for a little fee. "Is it always that hot here?"

Javos waggled his head in a gesture that meant neither yes nor no:" It gets more comfortable during the winter, and at nights, of course. But since all of you look like rather well-doing people, you might want to invest into clothing made from cold-weave."

"What's that?“ Trepat asked.

"It is a special magical kind of textile which is produced here in Hollowfaust. It is a heavy, dark cloth, which always remains slightly cooler than its surroundings. In a coldweave robe, you could cross a desert and it would feel like you are crossing a plain."

"Sounds great" Niklas said "please lead us to a merchant who has those robes".

Two hours later, they were all clad in coldweave outfits and after a brief encounter with the local clerks, they had found out where William lived. They visited them and soon sent Javos home, since they didn't need him for their recollection of the things that had happened ever since they had split in Durrover.

He was especially proud of the achievements of Niklas, his personal student, and he was especially fascinated by what the friends had discovered about psionics and its return into the world. In turn, he told them about his time here in Hollowfaust. When he hadn't been working on improving relations between Mithril and Hollowfaust, he had used the extensive libraries and laboratories to further his own knowledge.

At some point past midnight, when several empty bottles of wine were littering the tables and the floor of William's apartment, he announced:" Actually, I don't think that I will stay here much longer than two or three weeks now. I am basically wrapping up things right now. So, if you will stay a little longer, we can travel back to Mithril together!"

They all agreed and somehow, later at night, they managed to find their way back to the hotel. On the next morning, Jan and Niklas stayed in the hotel while Ben, Torn and Trepat all went into the city. The brothers were drinking tea and nursing their headaches, when the door of the inn-room opened up, and a worried looking woman in her late thirties entered.

She looked around quickly, shortly resting her eyes on Jan and Niklas, who were the only guests present at the moment, and then turned to the bar, where she exchanged some words with Iontassa in a whispering voice. Then, after she had apparently found out what she needed to know, she turned around, went to the table the brothers were sitting at, and asked whether she may join them.

Niklas merely grunted, but Jan jumped up and pulled back a chair for the woman "But of course, lady".

The woman sat down in one flourish motion, and Jan was able to see a faint memory of the beauty that had long ago faded in her eyes. "I am sorry that I intrude upon you like this", she said, "but the Weary Pilgrim is known as a place for adventurers who come through this city. And I am in need of experienced adventurers like you right now."

"We would be more than happy to be of service, my lady", Jan said, beaming all over his face.

"Good. My name is Vidola Bolte, and I am here because of my husband. He- he died last night. I have already contacted the guard, of course, but I am not sure that they will find out who had killed him. And killed, he was".

Niklas, who noticed how calm the woman seemed, considering her recent loss, said:" We can of course take a look. But please, tell us what you know about your husband's death".

"Last night, he came home late from his work at the local guild of exchange and trade, where he is responsible for the proper exchange of foreign currencies into our local currencies. Anyway, there had been a lot of work lately, so I was used to him coming home late at night, when I was already asleep."

"When I woke up this morning, I saw him laying there in bed. He was stiff and his neck was sticking out of his body at an odd angle... He must have slept next to me, and then he... he was murdered!"

Now, for the first time, the woman let out a grief-filled groan. Jan gently pulled her forward and offered his shoulder for her to cry on, while Niklas watched her through eyes like a slit- he didn't trust her.

When she had calmed down a little, Niklas asked, his voice hardly hiding the suspicions:" Have the guards already investigated.“

She swallowed hard, pressed her lips together, and after drying her eyes with a handkerchief Jan had offered, she answered:" Yes, they did. But the corps is still in our sleeping room. The guards said that they will pick up the body tomorrow."

"Good then", Jan said. "We will wait for our friends to join us and then we will come to your apartment and take a look".

Three hours later, they were still waiting for Ben. Torn had returned first, then came Trepat, and both of them were quickly filled in on the visit of the widow. Both were glad to hear that they would have some work to do while they were waiting for Brother William to finish his business here in Hollowfaust. Just when they were wondering whether something had happened to their halfling-friend, Ben walked in, his arm wrapped around a halfling-woman, who wore too much make-up and was apparently of questionable profession.

He quickly introduced her as Mina, but when his friends told him about the investigation they intended to start, he sent Mina out to wait for him in his room, and then he said:“ You know what? You guys can go ahead without me. The only reason I came here with you was that this was intended as a vacation. And I have decided to make the most out of that vacation!"

"But Ben", Jan said, "We should help that woman."

"Why? I heard they got a pretty good law-enforcement system going on here. Besides, I still got enough money, so that I don't have to earn it in a place that is confined, reeks of death and represents everything I distrust."

Niklas looked at the halfling with a puzzled look:" So that means you will rather spend your time doing nothing?"

"You can hardly call the stuff I plan on doing "nothing". Besides, it is terribly hard to find a decent halfling hooker anywhere, and I haven't seen one like her in a long time. So, you can just go and solve that case. I will enjoy my vacation in the meantime. My skills and abilities won't be much help in this environment, anyway."

All of the friends knew that it was almost impossible to change the incarnate's mind, once it was set on something, and so they went to the widow's apartment on their own.

Lars Frehse

First Post
Vacation- part 3

Like most buildings in Hollowfaust, the large apartment building in which Bolte lived, hailed back to the time of Sumara, before all of all it's inhabitants were killed, and it had been excavated from layers of volcanic rock and ashes. It had been built with large granite slabs, had five stories, four apartments in each story and it looked so heavy and oppressing, like all the buildings around, that the friends felt dwarfed for a moment.

It was the kind of house in which the wealthy and successful citizens of Hollowfaust were living. And in spite of it's isolated location, Hollowfaust was generating quite a bit of money and wealth. The friends scaled the marble stairways and by the time they reached the floor of the widow, she was already standing in the doorway, waiting for them.

The friends exchanged some comments, and then Jan asked:“ So, could we speak to your husband now?"

As his companions turned to Jan with an unbelieving look, Vidola Bolte was mortified. For a split second, she didn't react at all. Then all blood left her face and he mouth opened wide. "What..what", she stammered, still searching for words, when Niklas interrupted her.

"What he means", Niklas said, "is that we would like to perform some magical investigations, or, as he put it, "speak to him"."

"I see", the widow answered, shooting an angry look at Jan.

Before Jan could say anything, Torn ushered them all past the woman and into their sleeping room. Before he closed the door behind them, separating them from the confused widow, he called back to her:" I think it is best if we take a look by ourselves for now. We will let you know when we have further questions to ask you".

The moment the door closed with a snap of the lock, he turned around to Jan:" Just what in the name of hell were you thinking?"

Jan shrugged:" I am sorry, but all I was thinking was that the first thing we do during an investigation is asking questions. And of course the victim would be a logical choice for such questions."

Niklas pointed their attention to the dead man who was laying in the bed to their right: "Anyway, it doesn't look like this one here is going to answer a lot of questions..."

They now took a closer look. The corpse was a dead human male who had been about 40 years old. He looked almost peaceful, except for the strange angle at which his neck had been forcefully broken. They found marks of fingers around his neck, the way it looked, this was what had killed him.

They looked around in the room, and after finding no evidence of breaking in or any other unusual traces, Trepat straightened himself up and turned to Jan:" Actually, I do have a way to ask some questions".

He dropped his backpack on a desk next to the bag. After sifting through it for a while, he pulled out a little scroll with a triumphant gesture:" This here, "Eyes of the dead" will enable me to see what he has seen right before he died!"

Resting one hand on the forehead of the corpse, he read the scroll and then, as the piece of paper crumbled to ashes, he slumped forward, suddenly taking the place of the dead man in his last moments on this world. Immediately, he was in the man's skull.

He lay in bed awake, the moonlight streaming in through a gap in the curtains. There was the faint sound of one of the boards in the floor giving in but as the man turned his head, there was no one there. He looked once to his wife laying next to him, fast asleep, then up to the ceiling again, apparently trying to get some sleep.

Then, suddenly, he felt the sensation of long, sensual fingernails stroking his neck, both left and right. The sensation was rather pleasant, but at the same time, Trepat felt panic rising in the victim's body. Then, even though he still saw nothing, the invisible nails and invisible fingers wrapped themselves around his neck, choking him and breaking his neck with an uncanny strength.

At that moment, the spell ended, and Trepat needed a moment to adjust to the fact that he was among his friends again. He told them what he had found out, and after some speculations, Niklas came to the conclusion that whoever had committed the crime was at least acquainted to the victim.

They questioned the widow further, but she didn't know of any enemies her husband could have had or any other motive anybody could have for the crime. Furthermore, she had noticed nothing unusual that night, which seemed believable since as Trepat had found out it had all been rather quick... Soon it was clear that there would be no additional evidence here, and so they decided to continue their work at the administration building at which Bolte had worked.

Asking around, they found out that there had actually been hardly any work lately. So the late returns of Bolte couldn't have been because of work. The way it seemed, the victim must have been to someplace else in the time span between the end of his work and his arrival at home.

When they were done with the questioning, and the building was about to get closed, Niklas said, referring to one of the superiors of Bolte, another human who was in his early fifties and had the posture and arrogance of a Calastian noble:" I think that guy had been lying to us. Furthermore, he seemed to have been much more nervous than was necessary..."

Torn nodded:" I agree. Maybe we will find out more if we shadow him."

"That would be easy, I think", Trepat said "I could send my raven to watch him, and we would see whether he will do something that will shed some light on all this."

Seeing nothing better to do, they sent out the raven. First, the man they followed went to his own apartment house, which he left after half an hour in order to head northwards, roughly towards the second gate.

Meanwhile, Ben and Mina were lazily getting dressed in his hotel-room. "So" he asked, gently letting a strand of brown hair slip through his fingers "is there anything fun to do at night in Hollowfaust?“

Mina turned around, looking at him with the cold and evaluating expression of a cat that tried to predict the actions of a possible prey, and after some considerations, her face lit up. She leaned in on him, giving Ben the advantage of her perfume and a good perspective of her cleavage, and whispered into his ears:" Yes. There is a very special place, where we can have all the fun you could possibly imagine.“

They left the hotel, Mina leading the way, until they reached the wall that separated the quarter of the living from what the locals called "the Ghosts' quarter". All Ben knew was that beyond this wall, there were only the ruins of Sumara, the city from which Hollowfaust had been carved. Especially now, after nightfall, only undead and necromancer were patrolling this area.

Ben looked to Mina with a puzzled look, silently asking her why they had come here. But before he could actually say something, she sealed his lips with a kiss, and then indicated a lose brick in the wall. Pressing it, a small secret trapdoor swung open, giving way to a tunnel that lead under the wall.

The tunnel was high enough for them to walk upright, even though Ben quickly estimated that a human would have to crouch in here, and it's exit was on the other side of the wall in the city of the dead. Ignoring the eerie silence of the moon-flooded ruins around them, Mina purposefully lead them past patrols to one ruin that seemed to be mostly intact. It was a large former mansion that was half covered with debris, and a trench led down to a wooden door.

She rapped on the door, which was opened by a sour looking half-orc who let them pass once he recognized the halfling prostitute. They went through a short corridor, opened another door, and immediately they were flooded by the sounds and smells of an orgy in progress.

The room they entered was dimly lit, covered with groups of cushions, and there were humanoids of all kinds and both sexes involved in all kinds of activity. Some of them wore masks, and more often than not, that was all they wore. While some of the guests were clenched in the grip of passion with other guests or maybe employees, others were drinking wine or smoking sweet smelling drugs from long pipes while they were lazily watching the more active guests.

Somewhere in the background, naked men and women were playing harps and two beautifully shaped human women with masks ushered Ben and Mina into an unoccupied corner of the room. There Ben was offered wine and a pipe, and after taking a deep drag of the heavy, red liquid he took the pipe and inhaled, drifting off into the world of dreams immediately...

Lars Frehse

First Post
That was definetly one of the stranger sessions.
First of all, I had asked the players at the end of the previous session just what they would want to do next, and they all told me that they would go to Vera Tre. So, I prepared an adventurer that would take place there.
Then, on the next session, Torn's player looked at the map, saw that he was close to Hollowfaust, and convinced the others, except for Ben's player to go there, sightseeing. So, while I am throwing random encounters at them in the Hornsaw, I am frantically trying to come up with an adventure to take place there.
Eventually, I came up with a plot, and just when I was about to introduce it, Ben got himself a hooker, and the player announced that he would be spending his time in the city with her, and not participate in any investigation. Now, I considered that a challenge to the DM and came up with something to integrate him back into the storyline, as you will see... :)


First Post
Lars Frehse said:
Now, I considered that a challenge to the DM and came up with something to integrate him back into the storyline, as you will see... :)
I thought that might be what was happening! Well done on that score (and most others). Thanks for a fun story to read.


edit: spelling
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Lars Frehse

First Post
LRathbun said:
I thought that might be what was happening! Well done on that score (and most others). Thanks for a fun story to read.


edit: spelling

Thanks. I hope I will be able to finish the next update by tomorrow, so you will see Ben back in the main story line by then. :)

---edit--- Thanks, Nightfall.

Incidentally, does anyone know how I can turn HTML back on in my signature?
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