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[Struggle and Strife] Heroes and Villains

Lars Frehse

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I will start by posting the PC stats from my campaign. Maybe I will add some of the villains, too.

So, here are the player characters, after the conclusion of the adventure "Shadows of the Slarecians".

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Lars Frehse

First Post

Ben Lightfoot, male halfling Drd4: CR 4; ECL 4; small-size Humanoid (halfling); HD 4d8+4; hp 27; Init +3; Spd 20 ft; AC 18(+3 mw studded leather, +1 small wooden shield, +3 Dex, +1 size); Melee sickle +1 (1d6-2); Ranged sling +8 (1d4); SA spells; SQ animal companion, halfling traits, nature sense, resist nature's lure, trackless step, woodland stride; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8; Str 7, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Animal Empathy 6, Climb 2, Concentration 8, Craft (trapmaking) 6, Diplomacy 4, Handle Animal 5, Heal 5, Knowledge (nature) 7, Profession (hunter) 7, Spellcraft 3, Swim 0, Wilderness Lore 7; Dreams Of The Past (Spider, Climb), Create Infusion.

SQ–Halfling Traits (Ex): +2 save vs. fear, +1 attack with thrown weapons.

Druid Spells Prepared (5/4/3):

Equipment: stone sickle, mw Sling, mw studded leather, small wooden shield, scroll: Summon Nature's ally III, Wand of Cure light wounds (25 Charges), Wand of Cure medium wounds (36 charges).
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Lars Frehse

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Niklas Anson Palek

Niklas Anson Palek, male human Mnk4: CR 4; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 4d8+8; hp 30; Init +2; Spd 40 ft; AC 16 (+3 Mnk, +2 Dex, +1 Bracers); Melee glaive +5 (1d10+3/crit x3); SA stunning attack; SQ evasion, fast movement, slow fall, still mind; AL LG; SV Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 6.

Skills and Feats: Balance 6, Climb 7, Craft (weaponsmith) 5, Diplomacy -1, Hide 6, Jump 9, Knowledge (arcana) 6, Knowledge (religion) 3, Knowledge (history) 3, Listen 8, Spot 5, Sense Motive 5, Move Silently 8, Swim 3, Tumble 11; Dodge, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Fists Of Iron.

SA–Stunning Attack (Su): 4/day, Niklas Anson Palek may attempt to stun a living creature for 1 round. The creature is unable to act unless it succeeds a Fortitude save (DC 15).

SQ–Slow Fall (Ex): When within arm's length of a wall, reduce the effective height of a wall by 20 ft when falling.

Equipment: mw Glaive, mw Boots, Bracers of Armor +1.

Lars Frehse

First Post

Trepat, male elf Rgr1/Sor3: CR 4; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (elf); HD 3d4+1d10+4; hp 12; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 13 (+2 mw leather, +1 Dex); Melee longsword +2 (1d8/crit 19-20), or short sword +1 (1d6-1/crit 19-20); Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/crit x3); SA favored enemy (Slitheren), spells (Sleep, Magic Missile, Mage Armor); SQ elven traits, summon familiar; AL CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4; Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 19.

Skills and Feats: Animal Empathy 5, Concentration 10, Craft (tattoo) 4, Handle Animal 5, Hide 2, Knwoledge (arcana) 4, Knowledge (nature) 2, Listen 4, Move Silently 2, Search 4, Spellcraft 5, Spot 4, Wilderness Lore 3; Combat Casting.

SQ–Elven Traits (Ex): Sleep immunity, +2 save vs. Enchantment, low-light vision, proficient: longsword or rapier, proficient: longbows and shortbows.

Sorcerer Spells Known (cast 6/6):

Equipment: Several Scrolls, Wand of Bull Strength (48 Charges), mw Composite Longbow, Longsword +1, Short Sword, mw Leather Armor.

Lars Frehse

First Post

Torn, male half-orc Bbn1/Rog2/Wiz1: CR 4; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (orc); HD 1d4+2d6+1d12+8; hp 29; Init +2; Spd 40 ft; AC 16 (+4 mw chain shirt, +2 Dex); Melee spiked chain +5 (2d4+4); Ranged longbow +4 (1d8+3/crit x3); SA rage, sneak attack, spells; SQ evasion, fast movement, half-orc traits, summon familiar, uncanny dodge; AL CN; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Skills and Feats: Bluff 8, Climb 4, Diplomacy 6, Disable Device 6, Hide 17, Intimidate 8, Move Silently 7, Open Lock 7, Search 6, Sense Motive 8, Spellcraft 4, Tumble 7; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain), Combat Reflexes.

SA–Rage (Ex): 1/day, Torn can fly into a screaming blood frenzy for 7 rounds. Torn gains +4 Str, +4 Con, and a +2 morale bonus vs. fear, but suffers -2 to AC. After the rage, Torn is winded.

SA–Sneak Attack (Ex): Torn deals +1d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.

SQ–Half-Orc Traits (Ex): 60 foot darkvision, orc blood.

SQ–Uncanny Dodge: Dex bonus to AC.

Wizard Spells Prepared (3/2):

Equipment: mw Chain shirt, mw Spiked Chain, mw Composite Longbow (Str+3), Ring of Alignment concealment (LN), Cloak of elven kind, Bag of Holding II.

Lars Frehse

First Post
Jan Palek

Jan Palek, male human Pal4: CR 4; ECL 4; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 4d10+4; hp 23; Init +1; Spd 20 ft; AC 21 (+8 mw full plate, +2 large steel shield, +1 Dex); Melee bastard sword +8 (1d10+3/crit 19-20); SA smite evil, spells, turn undead; SQ aura of courage, detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay on hands, remove disease (1/week); AL LG; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 17.

Skills and Feats: Craft (weaponsmith) 3, Diplomacy 7, Knowledge (religion) 3, ; Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard Sword), Weapon Focus (bastard Sword), Power Attack.

SA–Turn Undead (Su): 6/day, Jan Palek can attempt to turn undead creatures. He can turn undead with no more than (1d20-1)/3 HD. Each attempt, he turns 2d6+5 total HD. Undead with 1 or fewer HD are destroyed instead.

SA–Smite Evil (Su): 1/day, if the target of a normal melee attack is evil, Jan Palek gains a +3 attack bonus and a +4 damage bonus.

SQ–Lay on Hands (Sp): Jan Palek can heal up to 12 hit points per day, divided among any number of creatures.

Paladin Spells Prepared:

Equipment: Bastard sword+1, mw Full plate, large steel shield, Amulet of Luck (Once a day as the luck domain special ability).
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Lars Frehse

First Post
Squirrel Nutkin (from "The Squirrel and the scorched ones").

I used the Squirrel-stats from one of the Dragon magazines (thanks to Squirrel Nutkin for pointing it out to me!), and added the "Herald of Denev" template.

Squirrel Nutkin, Herald of Denev, the Earth Mother

CR --; Diminutive Outsider; HD d10; hp 12; Init +5 (Dex); Spd 15 ft., climb 22 ft.; AC 24 (+5 natural, +4 size, +5 Dex); Atk +2, Damage: d4-3, SQ: Scent, Aura of Denev, Blindsight, Damage Reduction 20/+2, Fast Healing 10, Immunities, Lowlight Vision, Resistance to Energy (10 against cold, electricity and fire), Spell like abilities, Spell Resistance 20, Tongue of the wild; Face 1 ft. by 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SV Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 4, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 20.
Skills: Animal Empathy: 13, Balance: 14, Climb: 14, Concentration: 12, Diplomacy: 10, Handle Animal 14, Heal: 13, Hide: 27, Intuit Direction: 13, Jump: 15, Knowledge Nature: 15, Listen: 8, Move Silently: 27, Scry: 5, Search: 5, Sense Motive: 8, Spellcraft: 5, Spot: 13, Swim: 5, Wilderness Lore: 18

Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting, Dodge, Endurance, Mobility, Multiattack, Run, Spring Attack, Track

Voidrunner's Codex

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