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stupid PC names


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We don't have any problems with names, most come from the books. But we do make the worst of the names we get. A half Dragon Cohort named Yassar was refered to as Yahtzee and Mr. Arafat. One player that always gets some hard to pronounce names is now known as El Mouthsore. I think its Al Elnosar or something like that. The others have too common of names to make fun of. I guess my character, Antarius and the paladin, Arterius can get mixed up. So I am Ant Eater ous.

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One that my mother would insist on using whenever she played a thief or a rogue (yes I am cursed on being a 2nd gen. RPGer) would be Tahme Sorm or Sticky Fingers.

Analix Retentevix was a dwarf in of the campaigns I played many many moons ago.

This was used as a name for a LARP, Hserfilyx which is a palindrome of XyliFresh, a brand of chewing gum.

Sometimes though an actual adventure module would have a "nordic name" which often with a little imagination could be derived to the "actual" word.

In fading Suns though we played in a continent called Jyväskylä, which is like naming a continent Liverpool or Manchester.

-Angel Tears
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Lady Starhawk

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This seems to be my group's expertise. One guy ran characters with sandwitch themes. When Frank Nfurter died me made Hammond Samich.

Those were the worst, I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them right now.


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In the Arabian setting(s), there's this one adolescent male who has an incredible crush on any and all attractive female PC's.

His name is Hazzint bin Layyd. :D


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My group hasn't had much problems with names, but if anyone did come up with an asinine name, I would immediately disallow it. Also, since I game with my buddies, I'd intersperse my commentary with phrases like "sit down" and "pie hole" (I have little tolerance for idiotic names).

Worst name? "Nogarder" (read backwards).


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When I play with my brother he always makes alterations to his own name (Travis) to get his character names.

So he gets names like

Even when his character has to give out a fake name, he usually gives out some alteration to his name. Some of them aren't bad, but some are.


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very fun thread.

Usually I try to persuade players not to name their characters something completely stupid like "lisa marie the fashion plate". We haven't really had any trouble with silly names.

funniest name in our campaigns was my husband's brother's barabarian, named Ug Thpth. Every time any other character said his name, apparently they got it wrong and Ug Thpth would get insulted and scream "ARE YOU MOCKING ME???"


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The only ones I've experienced are from the current game I play in where we intentionally ( GM included ) use really, really, really bad names.

'Asiatic' characters named Lei Yu Lo, Mai Tai, Wong Wei, and Long Po following a god named Hung Wei Lo.

Others are: a female bard named Ja-hat Mamah. ( read as 'The Hot Mama' ), an evil guy named Cyn (Sin), Dexter the Digester, Cranky McGrumbles, Alyer Baser (belong to us), and George.

Shard O'Glase

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You know what's more annoying than stupid PC names. Stupid DM naming conventions.

Nothing motivates me more to make the lamest name I can get away with than a bunch of crap about how my character should be named something like X,Y, or Z because I'm a dwarf/elf/human from whatever land.

I mean while you at it telling me what should call my character, why don't you tell me my personality, class, feats, skills, actions, and what I roll as well.

Sure if soemone wants it give them a list of common names for their race/region. But if life has taught you anything you should of figured out by now that their are some weird anmes out there and some cool ones as well. Like Bird with broken wing shall fly again Danielson, or a cool one 3 not three but 3. Heck considering my opinions on kids I figure if I ever have one its my sacred duty to give them a name that sucks to live with, though I proably wouldn't be so cruel as to name a boy francis just so he can get his butt kicked at school every day.(cause that will learn him for being born)

Honestly I suspect the DMs who get the most greif with crappy names are the DMs with crappy policies on naming.

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