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Subraces - why so many?


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The core subraces of the non-human PC races (per the MM):

Hill Dwarf
Deep Dwarf
Gray Dwarf (Duergar)
Mountain Dwarf

High Elf
Aquatic Elf
Dark Elf (Drow)
Gray Elf
Wild Elf
Wood Elf
Star Elf (Avariel)
Shadow Elf
Rockseer Elf
Valley Elf
Black Lore Elf
Moon Elf
?? (Lythari)

Rock Gnome
Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
Forest Gnome

Lightfoot Halfling
Tallfellow Halfling
Deep Halfling

I'm interested in how and why these subraces came about. I know their origins go way back in D&D editions---I beleive the first exhaustive listing appeared in the original Unearthed Arcana (possibly in Dragon mag before that).

What was the reason to differentiate between hill dwarves and mountain dwarves? High elves and gray elves? Rock gnomes and forest gnomes? Lightfoot halflings and tallfellow halflings?

Why do the evil humanoids not have subraces? Bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins are all goblinoids, so I guess that makes them all subraces of each other. But there are no subraces for gnolls, kobolds, lizardfolk, and orcs.

And just for fun, can someone list the entire list of elf subraces, from any and all publications?

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Quasqueton said:
Why do the evil humanoids not have subraces? Bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins are all goblinoids, so I guess that makes them all subraces of each other. But there are no subraces for gnolls,


Urds (sort of)


Lizard Kings (from first Fiend Folio)

and orcs.
Ogrillons and... one other, some sort of orc/demon hybrid, released with the D&D Miniatures, I believe.

As for why they all exist, more variety, though I'm kinda with Keith Baker on this - I don't see the need for so many subraces, myself. Subraces CAN exist, of course (otherwise, we wouldn't have Rottweilers and poodles both being dogs), but I don't see the need for so many.
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That's Latin for "cool"
I think it started with elves. They wanted to reconcile the different elves in Tolkien's books (remember all races were classes back then) and things got wacky from there.

However, there is one common motif: if you want your clan to gain lots of cool powers the best thing in the world to happen to you is to get banished underground. The second your people get banished underground they immediately get spell resistance and lots of other goodies. Seriously, it's like the only food in the Underdark is those large Pac-Man pills.

I think most of those original elf varieties are in the 1e MM, so they go back at least that far. Don't remember about the dwarves, gnomes or halflings.

The real question is, why does any race have subraces? To me, it makes much more sense to treat "subraces" as different cultures within a parent race, as humans are treated. Maybe a regional feat or something like that to distinguish them mechanically, and the rest of "soft" rather than mechanical. Either that or templates like that one Dragon magazine that had "Arctic", "desert", etc. that could be applied to any humanoid race.

But the subraces are ingrained in D&D tradition, so don't hold your breath for that to happen.


Joshua Dyal said:
I think most of those original elf varieties are in the 1e MM, so they go back at least that far.

All of 'em except for wild. FWIW, that also dictates the races that exist in my game. No wild elves (or gully dwarves, or kender, etc.) in my game!

The real question is, why does any race have subraces? To me, it makes much more sense to treat "subraces" as different cultures within a parent race, as humans are treated.

I have two entirely different "subraces" of elf that basically have high elf stats. Basically, if you choose to play a high elf, you are a sun elf or a sea elf. (Some character choices are a little different, but that goes into my background feats thing.)



Well, the only reason why Subcultures haven't appeared for monsterous races is because no one has done it... yet. I haven't extenstive read all the 'race' supplements that are out there... but I do know that MGP has Winged Kobolds in their Slayer's Guide. I don't know if each of their Slayer's Guides have subraces for each, like say...the Orc. Or if Green Ronin has subraces of Orc in their supplement. But I'm sure, sooner or later, if the spotlight shines on any particular race in any publication for any given amount of time. Sooner or later, a subrace is going to be developed for it.

I just don't know why they never really did subraces for humans. Perhaps because it smacks too much about racism. We don't need to have racism against other humans, not when we have elves and halflings to supress!


First Post
I think the primary purpose of the subraces is to be used as a role-playing tool for those who don't realize that when they read the description of the dwarf, for instance, it doesn't say that every dwarf is a walking, talking cliche of this persona. Players know subconsciously that humans come in all sorts of varieties. But the same can't be said about dwarves, elves, etc.

On an added note, there have been many campaigns to feature human subraces as well. Birthright and Kingdoms of Kalamar come immediately to mind.

Mr. Kaze

First Post
Imagicka said:
We don't need to have racism against other humans, not when we have elves and halflings to supress!

We are racist. Just not to humans. We're opposed to Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, Genasi of all elements, Tieflings, and those goody-two-shoes Aasimar, too. But humans? No, all us humans are pure human, no matter what sex, creed or color -- our regional or ancestral feats might vary a bit, but our DNA does not. (And we solve our alignment differences by mercilessly slaughtering each other, 'cuz merciless slaughter is what the game is all about, right?)

::Kaze (while making a wildly sarcastic post hopes that somebody else notices that the historical defense of racism frequently focused on "they're not even really human, how can they have rights in common with us?" which is the sort of thinking that having Elven and Dwarven and Whathaveyouen but not Human subraces plays into.)


Imagicka said:
Well, the only reason why Subcultures haven't appeared for monsterous races is because no one has done it... yet.


AEG's Monster provides a subrace for EACH monstrous race. :)

Edit: And Kalamar has (gasp!) Five races or Orc.

(BTW, the Kalamar Orc book is very cool.)
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