Subscribing to a thread?

War Golem

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Hello everyone. I'm a longtime lurker of the old boards and have decided to join the fun here on the new boards.

I'm still learning my way around the features of the boards.... what exactly does it mean to "subscribe to a thread"?

I suppose I could just subscribe to one and see what happens, but I thought I'd ask and say hello all in one fell swoop.


War Golem

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subscribing to a thread lets you jump straight to that thread through your User CP as opposed to sifting through all the other threads to get to it.


First Post
But you can change that in your options through the user control panel (the user CP button near the top of the page).


Umbran said:
Also note - if you post to a thread, you are automatically subscribed to it.

I haven't noticed that to be the case since I registered yesterday.


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War Golem

First Post
omokage said:

I haven't noticed that to be the case since I registered yesterday.

I have. At least it was when checked late last night.

I didn't really consider how it would let me jump directly to a thread through the user cp - thanks for the tip.


well neither last night, nor today am I subscribed to this thread. How could you know you were subscribed to the thread if you didn't know you get to subscribed threads through the User CP?

EDIT: I think i know where you got confused. E-mail notification of new posts to threads is not the same as Subscribing to a thread.


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War Golem

First Post
Hey omokage,

After I posted this thread last night, I was surfing around the boards a bit more, including my User CP. I noticed then that I now had some subscribed threads, this one which I started and another one I had posted to.

But now I'm not subscribed to this thread any more, and I am subscribed to another thread to which I posted earlier this morning.

I thought I was getting on handle on how "subscribing" worked, but now I'm confused again.


Your subscribed threads list only shows threads of certain age on that first page. If you click on the heading Subscribed Threads you should see a complete list.


Umbran said:
Also note - if you post to a thread, you are automatically subscribed to it.

Something's not working for me. I don't have any threads listed as subscribed in my CP. I can't seem to find any options related to this. Any suggestions?

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