<- Sucker


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So, in an effort to catch up on my collection non-crunch 3.x products, I ordered a few of the Fantastic Locations map products. Mostly because I liked the Keep on the Shadowfell poster maps. Turns out, THEY ARE THE SAME RECYCLED MAPS! At least the ones from Dragondown Grotto are.

I know, I could have saved myself the heartache by having previewed the maps on the galleries or something. Lesson learned and I place this here as a warning to others :-S

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Just to rub a bit salt in the wound .. nearly every Review of KotS mentioned the recycled Maps :p

Since I don't have any of the Fantastic Locations, I cannot tell you which one are used but since there are only a few maps in KotS it shouldn't happen to often.

But wait a bit and you will surly get a detailed list from the knowledgeable EnWorlders :cool:


I had all the Fantastic Locations to begin with, and I actually HAD a copy of KotS in my cue even though I'm not going to 4e just for the pretty maps they promised.

Saw the review, and that was outta my shopping cart faster than you can count up to Jack Robinson.

-DM Jeff

the Jester

Hmm- does H2, Thunderspire Labyrinth, also recycle maps for their poster maps? I hope not- even though I don't have any of the WotC map folios- just because they are less useful to those of y'all who do!


First Post
You can join all of us that were dumb enough to buy the character record sheets.

What the heck? It is like Wizards is trying to kill us off.


First Post
You can join all of us that were dumb enough to buy the character record sheets.

What the heck? It is like Wizards is trying to kill us off.

Isn't obvious by now that they hate us? I think everyone would have learned that when they killed the magazines.


First Post
Isn't obvious by now that they hate us? I think everyone would have learned that when they killed the magazines.

I know, but you try to hang in there, doing your best to be a fan, and the punches keep coming.

Wizards: "We're killing the magazines."

Me: "Argh. Okay I can deal. They'll be online right?"

Wizards: "Our Digital Initiative won't be out until ... well, we don't know when. Oh, and our forums? Don't plan on them being up. It's a techincal thing."

Me: "Ouch. No problem, just let me know when I can plan on playing with my long distance friends."

Wizards: "Those new books? Turns out all the DCs were 5 too high. Here's the errata on your newly purchased books."

Me: "Yipes! Guess I shouldn't have killed off my local playing group."

Wizards: "Player Character record sheets: don't take plural "sheets" too literally. Really there are just 4."

Me: "Come again?"

Wizards: "Our premier adventure for the launch of the line? Rehashed maps. We thought about going getting some new ones, but decided what the heck."

Me: "But? But? Huh?"

I want to be a fan boy. I really do. So why do they make it so darn hard?! <--- Rhetorical quesiton, I know.


Hmm- does H2, Thunderspire Labyrinth, also recycle maps for their poster maps?

If they do, I wouldn't have any other option but to infer that WotC is having budget problems and they're cutting corners (perhaps Gleemax was siphoning more than anyone thought?).

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