D&D 5E Suggest my next PC, please


I can highly recommend an avenger.

I recently built an elven avenger with 16 Dex and 20 Wis and he absolutely rocks. As a pursuit build, I focus on trying to occupy and eliminate the artillery and lurkers/skirmishers, especially those away from the main melee. Charging in and picking them off and chasing after them is a lot of fun, both from a roleplaying perspective and a dice rolling one.

With Oath of Enmity, a high crit weapon is fun. I played in an LFR module last night and got five crits throughout the night, which I'm guessing is 2-4 more than I would've gotten without the extra attack rolls.

And saying nasty roleplaying things for your Oath of Enmity target is good fun, like pointing your fullblade at someone just after you've killed one of their buddies and saying, "You're next!"

He also has Avenger's Resolve which is really nice for avoiding damage after charging in with Whirlwind Charge. Last night it absorbed 29 points of damage in one combat alone :)

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First Post
Have you had a look at the new Assassin class?

if you want to try something(your 4-10 that were agile strikers) that doesnt seem to die easily, try out the assassin, one type is temp hp, one is increased damage, and go with revenant from dragon #376, with the ammount of feats for both assassins and revenants, you'll be doing insane damage, with alot of beneficial feats for keeping alive. For instance, i recently played one in a game with some friends, laid 6 Clockwork bombs(Ebberon Player's guide) inside a shambling mound at lvl 8, which should in theory, blow most pcs up(2d12 per hitx6) luckily i servived, but i would have been ok even if dropped to negatives due to revant gooey-ness.

One of the players in my group sent out this. It's kinda genius.

Here are several ideas I came up with. Everyone let me know which of these ideas they are interested in, and if we come to an accord, I will develop them further.

Ultraviolet Ultraviolence

This idea basically centers around having a near all divine party, who all have channel divinity solar wrath(vulnerable radiant 5 till the end of the encounter burst 2), as well as another sun domain feat to make at-wills toss out vulnerable radiant 3. Each party member has a magic item implement which will convert ANY of his attacks (even melee basic) to radiant damage. Without any effort, we can push every single damaging effect that ever happens by +5, every single encounter, and on every single enemy. This is including every (avenger you stand next to me and die) power, paladins divine challenge and sanction, invoker double hitting at-wills etc, etc. That is insane. It gets worse when we consider Radiant damage over time effects (save ends stuff). For the final touch, we add in a 1-2 warlocks who do all radiant damage, (converts all his necrotic to radiant) and create massive radiant laser killzones. This is an easy to play, yet gruesome party build that still allows lots of freedom, and it may even be able to handle murder pinball (see below) as well.

Party comp.

1-2 avengers
1-2 invokers
1 paladin
1-2 warlock
1 cleric

This is Madness (This is Fight Club)

This is a very powerful, but challenging to play all melee party, consisting of at least 2-3 warlords, 1-2 fighter and/or paladin, and 1-2 barbarian rogue/melee ranger. This party composition, if they have their :):):):) together and work as a cohesive unit, Can beat the living :):):):) out of anything that gets near them. I am talking about things like 12 extra melee attacks over the course of one round, Preventing monsters from doing things like taking move actions and shifting away, More free attacks whenever anything attacks your buddy. The premise/caveat is that everyone must stay, if possible, in a tight phalanx roughly five squares from each other at all times for maximum benefit. If you move as a unit, you have an unstoppable death squad. Challenging, but very promising.

Party Composition ideas

2-3 warlords equipped with dual stance enabling masters blades. Mark of finding, Pike hedge, or scent of victory. Reach weapons.

1-2 fighter, defenders.

1-2 melee strikers, perhaps 2x beast master Rangers. (extra allies for extra attacks)

(also, everyone should have the tribe of the bloody spear feat, see below)

Murder Pinball

The idea here for for 2 wizards or so to set up the a kill area.. by layering horrible icestorm and acid mire zones, as well as other conjurations on top of one another. Once we have created the Zone of Death, the rest of the party is here to push the monsters into the zone (they will take damage as they enter, and on the start their turns). The monsters will try to leave the zones, and we will prevent them from doing so with thunderwave, and any other pull, push, slide powers we have, causing yet more damage when they are blasted back into the death zone. In essence, the game turns into D&D: Murder Pinball. We may all take winterouched and/or arcane fire, (will melee wielding element appropriate magic weapons, to have everlasting combat advantage and damage buffs against the enemy. Fun concept, may not work as intended all the time, due to enemy positioning.. etc.

Party comp ideas.

2 Wizards (necessary)
1 Polearm abusing fighter/ with arcane multichannel for feats
1 spiked chain threatening reach fighter
1-2 Druids, or invoker.
Basically anything that can create zones/ and or shove monsters around the map.

When Teleporting Animals Attack

Ok, lets say for :):):):)'s sake you have a party of 5 panther spirit shamans which are kind of leader/striker hybrids. On the first turn they can summon their beasts (range 20), and attack 1 monster for 1d10+6 each. That monster is now nearly surrounded.. and if it decides to move it will take another 5x 1d10+6 opportunity attacks. We will all be shamans from the same tribe, so why not have all of us take the feat Tribe of the Bloodied Spear: +1 to hit and damage with opportunity attacks, with and additional +1 per ally within 10 squares that also has this feat up to +5 max. Now all of us and our range 20 teleporting spirit beasts have +5 to hit and damage with opportunity attacks. Each of us can then burst 2 ourselves and burst one our animals (wherever they are for 3d6+6). congrats, we just precision nuked the battlemap. We now have 10 bodies on the map, and our spirit animals are unaffected by any attack that does less than 14 damage. We can all unsummon and resummon and then attack any point on the map withing 20 squares for 2 minors and one standard. Basically turning D&D into a game of turret defense. Now the DM might think 5 shamans are a bit silly, and disallow this, so as backup we could instead use 2 shamans, 2 beast master rangers, and whatever else, to basically conquer the map with an army of animals and opportunity attacks.

1-5 Shaman
2 Beast Master rangers
1 anything else. (fighter and wardern would be good.) a controller could be nice as well.


First Post
Make sure to discuss the Solar Enemy thing with the DM beforehand - it doesn't actually have a duration of 'until end of encounter' - they literally forgot to give it a duration at all, so there'll be table variation from 'forever' 'encounter' and 'until end of next turn'. Technically it would also be rules correct as instantaneously disappearing after use as written, which would be stupid obviously enough.

The charop forums came to the conclusion that 'until end of next turn' would be somewhat broken but dealable, from what I read (and completely broken at end of encounter), so I'd not be surprised if until end of next turn is the final version that makes it when they errata it.

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