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ZEITGEIST Suggestions for things to improve, fix, or add for the ZEITGEIST Act One compilation?

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Xambria's "Pleased" Concordance power reads:

Power (Daily *Force): Standard Action. Attack: Close Burst 3 (enemies in burst). 1d20
+ Level +3 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d10 + Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma force damage
and push the target 4 squares. Miss: Half damage and push the target 2 squares.

I think it's supposed to read "... or Charisma modifier force damage."

Even with that fix, I feel it's pretty strong; it's like a good level 9 striker/controller daily power. I'm nerfing it a bit for my campaign.


First Post
Not sure if I’m the audience for the compilation or not. I have the pdfs from an EnWorld subscription but have not had the chance to run it yet. Loved reading it though and on my list to run. Is this compilation being sold separately or will it be available to subscribers?

Revisions / additions I'd like to see:

1) Revisit all combat stats and alter when necc. to reflect feedback from campaign threads (e.g., damage values too low, use of too low level threats , etc.) and incorporate late 4E monster design thinking

2) Tweak themes to better balance the mechanical benefits. I actually don’t like the idea of adding new themes if you aren’t going to provide links in the adventures. That’s what makes the themes really cool. Also agree with the poster that the existing themes are philosophies and world outlooks and not just 'professions', etc. Keep it that way.

3) Add paragon paths related to themes

4) Revise descriptions next to NPC portraits to leave off anything that is not common knowledge so they can be easily handed out.

5) Add some high level visual descriptions of the major foreign cities (agree with some of the others that it is a plus to not have details on everything but this would be nice)

6) More material about RHC (e.g., around how many other investigators in Flint?)

7) Would be cool to have more (optional) skill challenges for investigations and such. I also prefer the Obsidian version.

Not sure if I’m the audience for the compilation or not. I have the pdfs from an EnWorld subscription but have not had the chance to run it yet. Loved reading it though and on my list to run. Is this compilation being sold separately or will it be available to subscribers?

I'll have to defer to [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] on matters of subscriptions.

1) Revisit all combat stats and alter when necc. to reflect feedback from campaign threads (e.g., damage values too low, use of too low level threats , etc.) and incorporate late 4E monster design thinking

I intend to do a bit of this, but it'll mostly be quick math fixes rather than any significant changes in the types of enemies.

2) Tweak themes to better balance the mechanical benefits. I actually don’t like the idea of adding new themes if you aren’t going to provide links in the adventures. That’s what makes the themes really cool. Also agree with the poster that the existing themes are philosophies and world outlooks and not just 'professions', etc. Keep it that way.

Check out: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...s-(Spoilers)&p=6208209&viewfull=1#post6208209

3) Add paragon paths related to themes

Currently working on these.

4) Revise descriptions next to NPC portraits to leave off anything that is not common knowledge so they can be easily handed out.

We're making NPC cards that will work like this (probably something like $20 for a pack of 150 cards), and we'll probably make the PDF version free for subscribers. But the NPC descriptions in the adventures are intended for DM reference.

5) Add some high level visual descriptions of the major foreign cities (agree with some of the others that it is a plus to not have details on everything but this would be nice)

Hm. Maybe I can add a 'cities of the world' section to the Player Guide. Trying to fit in city descriptions in-line with the rest of the text would throw off the flow, but an extra section might work.

6) More material about RHC (e.g., around how many other investigators in Flint?)


7) Would be cool to have more (optional) skill challenges for investigations and such. I also prefer the Obsidian version.

Depends. It's easy for me to edit stuff in the Player Guide and Campaign Guide, but we're hoping to save Eric our layout guy from having to redo 500 pages of layout from scratch. I'm trying to limit myself to spot changes, rather than large sweeping alterations. Thurston is planning to work on 'RHC Casefiles,' though: an appendix which might be a nice place to add this material.


The Dying Skyseer, Pathfinder version, p 1: "XX, dubbed “Gale” by the newspapers for her singular ability to fly away from the scenes of her crimes, despite most scholars saying such flight magic is impossible."

"most scholars saying such flight is impossible" is incongruous in Pathfinder, where flight ability abounds. This might have impact on the plot too, not read it that closely.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Suggestions for things to improve, fix, or add for the ZEITGEIST Act One comp...

The Dying Skyseer, Pathfinder version, p 1: "XX, dubbed “Gale” by the newspapers for her singular ability to fly away from the scenes of her crimes, despite most scholars saying such flight magic is impossible."

"most scholars saying such flight is impossible" is incongruous in Pathfinder, where flight ability abounds. This might have impact on the plot too, not read it that closely.

Flight ability does not abound in Zeitgeist. There's some stuff about that in the Player's Guide.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The PDF will be available eventually to subscribers. The Kickstarter backers have t get it first, though.


Always on Time, Battle of Colmar's Folly:

* Privateer Officers: Someone in this thread mentioned early on how underleveled enemies don't work very well in 4e but couldn't recall exactly where they were used. Here's one (another is the Kaja fight in Digging for Lies). You would probably be better served having either higher level minions/goons, or a smaller number of appropriately-leveled enemies. Personally I bumped the officers up to level 6 and removed two of them from the Amicus.

* Obscurati Marines. The Courseur ability doesn't have a usage frequency attached to it. I assume it's supposed to be an at-will.

* Glaz du Sang Marie. He has two powers called Icicle Rain. I think the second one (the encounter power) is supposed to be called Ice Slick or something. Also, his defenses are kind of weird (I guess this is because he's supposed to depend on Ice Shield to defend against most conventional attacks?). I moderated them, so he has AC 22, Fort 20, Ref 22, Will 24.
Last edited:


I'm not sure if you're still looking for feedback, but I'm in the middle of running Always on Time now, and one issue I've been having is keeping the movements of all of the suspects straight during the overnight stays in the cities. My group opted to split up and tail multiple suspects, sometimes going for stealth, and at other times overtly attempting to invite themselves along with the suspects, and I am having a really hard time just tracking the basics of who would be where and where they'd be going next, to the point where I felt I had no time or mental energy remaining to add any interesting narration, color, or complications.

I think what might help is if each enclave stay were broken down into a timeline and/or skill challenge type format.

Perhaps break each stay down into three or four stages (roughly corresponding to a 1-2 hour period of time) which would be further broken down down by suspect. I'd also break "Luc's crew" down into its acting units, since each of those NPCs act independently except Luc & Ottavia, but note the points at which they're most likely to spot or intrude upon a PC shadowing one of their allies.

It would also be nice if a little detail were provided about the various locations named in each city, especially those that the NPCs visit, particularly details that might have implications for how the PCs and NPCs can maneuver about and watch each other.

I realize this would entail quite a bit of extra detail and formatting for those sections, but stakeouts and trailing are an important part of a spy/mystery adventure, and I'm having a difficult time doing it justice at the moment.

One other thing: it would be nice to have a few suggestions about the kind of information the suspects might let loose on a successful interrogation, or the kind of information/misinformation they might use to deflect the party members on failed checks. In some cases this is pretty easy to come up with, but again, with the large cast of characters, I struggled a bit to internalize everyone's motivations, secrets, covers, etc. based on generalities.

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