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Suggestions wanted: Adventure set in Medieval Italy

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Lowcountry Low Roller
First session kicks off tonight. 7 players! All pretty much novices. Looking forward to that new player smell! :D


Lowcountry Low Roller
Well that was kind of like herding cats! A table of 6 newbies that all kind of want to do their own thing is hard to wrangle!

It seems they all had fun though and are keen for the next session, so I'll take that as a win. But I also massively over-estimated how much they'd get done in a session. We made it about halfway through the first adventuring day! Left things on a nice teasing note to have them wanting more :)


I'm going to be in Italy for a month this summer with some college students and I thought it would be fun to run a short adventure for them in some of the free time we'll have.

I'm pondering cooking up something of my own creation, but I was wondering if there might be something in the vast array of D&D adventures that might fit the bill? (In the level 1-5 range).
I did a Fate one-shot set in a fantastical version of Renaissance Venice. The one shot adventure though was actually based on a Savage Worlds one-shot set on a college campus.

The premise was that a merchant family had acquired a small island on the outskirts of the city which they planned to use as a storehouse for their shipping business (and contraband). The island belonged to a group of monks but the island was abandoned because the monastery inhabitants were slaughtered during a "Siege of Off-brand Venice." Yet when the family acquired it years later, one of their children (now a prominent priestess of the Off-brand Church) discovered that there was a growing dimensional rift with the Spirit World that was attracting attention from demons. So she gathered the heroes, including one young scion of this merchant family (i.e., her younger brother), to find the bronze bell of this old abbey, a spellbook from the library, and some illegal candles for inducing a trance so that this priestess could perform a ritual to seal the rift.

I had some plans and plot hooks made about how to expand this story if the players decided that they wanted to continue it.


Lowcountry Low Roller
After two sessions the adventurers have made it to the gate of the hill top town the provides the location for the main adventure. Our party has grown to 7 which is quite a handful, and the players are quite a rowdy bunch which I'll need to try and tamp down (a lot of cross-talk while others are trying to talk) but the enthusiasm is great. And there's also a lot of in character intra-party discussion (which is missing from my main group) that I'm appreciating a lot (gives me time to plan ahead).

One of the PCs almost died (two failed death saves in a row) which really got their attention, the PC had foolishly gone on ahead alone. Lots of high-fiving when they were able to pull off a desperate rescue. I left off the final encounter as they'd already spent their hit dice and at least half the party were on their last legs. They'd had a challenging encounter and lived to tell the tale. Mission accomplished.

Now there's talk of continuing with the group once we get back to the USA, so I might have conjured myself a second table! :D

Real History can be a great source of inspiration, but I don't advice RPGs set in the real past because History may be too controversial sometimes.

Do you know the fantasy young novel saga "Stravaganza"?

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