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Summon Monster VIII - What's the Best Creature to Summon?


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Our campaign is coming to an end Sunday :( and we're facing the Big Showdown. My cleric has a scroll of Summon Monster VIII and I'm looking for advice on the best creature to summon with it.

The campaign's set in the Scarred Lands. We're up against some evil Druids led by non-humans (at least one hag).

The party consists of two paladins, a Ftr/Barb, Ftr/Rog, Monk, Transmuter/Loremaster, my cleric and a low level cleric NPC. The DM has allowed my NG cleric to summon anything whose alignment is within one step.

Any suggestions?

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It's not "Rouge"... That's makeup.
You can't go wrong with a Greater Elemental. They have the best AC, highest HPs, and best attack bonuses of all the creatures at that level.

You might consider summoning 1d3 Huge Elementals, though, depending on how many people you are fighting.

What exactly will you be fighting? Do you know?
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First Post
Thanks, Rogue.

We know for sure we're facing druids, their companions will include at least a few giant snakes. Their leader is a half-human half-hag. We know from a Commune that her second-in-command is not human.

Further info: the DM throws a lot of mind-influencing spells at us.


It's not "Rouge"... That's makeup.
madriel said:
Thanks, Rogue.

We know for sure we're facing druids, their companions will include at least a few giant snakes. Their leader is a half-human half-hag. We know from a Commune that her second-in-command is not human.

Further info: the DM throws a lot of mind-influencing spells at us.

As far as Mind-Influencing spells go, there's not much that you can summon that is immune to them. Unfortunately, you aren't able to summon Constructs or Oozes.

Another good choice might be 1d3 Avorals. These can be found on page 32 of the MM. They aren't very good melee fighters, since they have relatively low HPs (38), but they may be able to distract some of the weaker enemies, such as the druids' animal companions. They have some nice spell-like abilities, including Dimenion Door, Magic Circle Against Evil, True Seeing, Dispel Magic, and Hold Person. Their spell DCs aren't particularly high, though. They are Celestial, so they have some good immunities (electricity and petrification) and resistances (cold and acid 20), plus DR 10/+1 and SR 25. Also, their Lay on Hands ability, coupled with their ability to fly, can allow them to heal your allies while you and the NPC cleric are tied up in melee.


First Post
The Avorals sound like a good thing, since I'd expect a group of druids to have a fair number of summoned minions, and the Magic Circle Against Evil might be very useful there.

Otherwise, 1d3 Huge Elementals or Djinn (going straight into Whirlwind mode) could be handy.


First Post
Don't put all yer eggs.....

Soltares said:
The Avorals sound like a good thing, since I'd expect a group of druids to have a fair number of summoned minions, and the Magic Circle Against Evil might be very useful there.

Ye'll remember ta have Banishment, right? What's good fer the goose.....



First Post
Well, since you're NG and allowed to only choose things within 1-step by your DM's ruling, you've only got 4 main choices:

Lillend CG

Lots of special abilities, fire resistance, bardic ability and spellcraft of 12+

Formian taskmaster N
Nice resistances, a slim chance of just outright dominating the opposition.

Janni (genie) N
Enh. Nice plane shifting, but not so outstanding in combat.

Elemental, greater N

I like greater Elemental, but we're talking about Druids as foes, so they may have some decidedly specific anti-elemental abilities, or perhaps will have some of their own. (Summon Nature's Ally is all about elementals at higher levels; they're usually far superior to the various dire critters.)

The suggestion of using 1-3 Avoral guardinal (celestial) NG is also a solid suggestion, and nothing from the lower levels seems worthing trading down for (i.e., 1d4+1 Celestial Dire Bears seems kind of a waste of firepower). Unfortunately, the way I roll, that '1-3' would be '1' so it's not an option I'd pick.

Yeah, I'd go with greater Elemental.


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