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Super Heroes R Us..annn maybe a rant...annn maybe some run on sentences...annn


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So. I was sitting around the secret head quarters here and i got to thinking to meself....mi sel....mes-ame....metamucil? well ennie way....

Me to Self: "Self. Just how many super hero games are out there? "
Self to Me: "Well, my pretty, lets count them!"

This is what came out. Feel freed..up.. to add to freely...uh...Make your own lists and post em!! sheesh.

DC Heroes - first, second, and third editions. Plus its most recent Blood of Heroes incarnation. All the same system really. Decent. Though at lower levels everyone ends up with the same character. oops.

DC Universe: Hey lets use the WEG D6 system for super heroes!! Whoa....that sucked. Who'd a thunk it!? (most of us, actually. Dip-wads!)

Gurps Supers: "bluurrrchk....*dry heaves*.....hurrrkkk!"

Aberrant - What? The storyteller system screwed up another gaming genre.....Next?

Heroes Unlimited - original, revised, and second editon, revised, limited..uh..unlimited...uhhh....its New and Improved!....But not really.

M&M - Not too shabby! Could we cut the four-color crap already please!!??

Marvel (Classic) - ahhh....an oldy but crusty. Great fun making characters and power stunts. combat works...if your from bizarro world! Look, anytime The Rhino can get 3 attacks on my, uh YOUR martial arts character in the same round as YOUR one attack...its just wrong! WRONG I SAY!!!!!!

Marvel (Saga) - Huh? This game uses a card-based action system? ...Great. That killed Torg and Dragonlance too, you know!!

Marvel Universe - I've looked thru this book a couple times at the store. Pretty colors....Ok, not THAT pretty.

Four Color to Fantasy - You got duplication in my spell list! No, you got Favored Enemy in my Kryptonite Weakness!!

Vigilance and Deeds Not Words - I, uh, don't know much about these games. I was, uh, too busy keeping a VIGILANT look out..yeah!.... annn it was my turn at the monitors....annnn exhilation-lad is always on my case about the villians sneaking in on my watch...annn, that sorries don't count and its deeds, not words that do..... annn.........What?

Guardians Superhero rpg - Take whats appear to be two or three game designers who refuse to cooperate, add superheroes, toss in wildy varying quality of art, stir with superspeed and...Violin!....You get this game! Did have the Flourish skill though. For, like, billowing capes and stuff. Thats was cool.

Cosmic Enforcers - Yeah, this game was about an alien invasion or something, with warring alien races annnn, goverment conpiracies, annn a superpowerful evil hippy-freak-jesus-devil-guy who wanted to warp the world annn, the world was tore up from wars annn,...oh yeah, it had some super hero stuff, too.

Golden Heroes (aka Squadron UK) - How come the Arch-Villains Sky Ship has its controls on the wrong side? Phlufffgg!! This mutant inducement serum is warm!!!??

Heroes & Heroines - Great power system......could of used a skill system though!!.....hmmm...Flourish.....

Champions - I don't have to slam this game. They did it for me. This the only game where you can have the most powerful character in the Mega-verse who takes damage from being alive, is allergic to every known sustance, watches over 101 sickly grandmothers, and is hunted by every intelligent being in the universe...and get patted on the back for doing it .....

Champions: New Millenium - The bastard gaming system that only its own mother could love.....awww..coochy-coo, little feller.....squish!!!

Brave New World - Oh, hey look. My only power is 60 mph flight! Wheeeee!

Silver Age Sentinels - Yep a different supers games. Have you learned the rules? Good. Now forget em, its D20 now! Doh!!

Super Squadron - Hmm....lets look at their sample adventure, shall we....."You enter a 10 x 10 round and see some armored agents"....uh, okay... skip it. Lets keep reading....hmmmm...oh look, a table. Roll to see if you have an npc girlfriend...and roll to see if you get married...and roll to see if the two of you--- What the (censored)!!?........
You know guys...this is why you guys got all those wedgies back in High, uh grade school. GEEKS!!!

Providence - Is it a superhero game? Is it a sword & sorcery game? Is it a uh...Bird..Guy..game?!..No! its just...PAT!! uh, i mean Providence!

Super World - Uh, yeah...it a supers game. The character sheets look more like report cards though....unnn.... report cards....stupid french classes!! ......Spanish teachers kinda hot though...where am i?

Foundation - Worst Gaming Product. Ever. A medusa would rather look at her own reflection than this book. Big Crap.

ahhhh...Trust me, you are much better off for having read this. trust me.

.......Well, thats it for now boys and cooties.

Sorry about this, i was watching some Strong Bad emails and started thinking about super hero games. Your bad luck :)

*The Preceeding message does not reflect the opinions or beliefs of ENWorld. Except Pirate Cat. He made me do it*

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Don't forget Villains and Vigilantes, or SuperBabes, either.

PJ-Mason said:
Marvel (Classic) - ahhh....an oldy but crusty. Great fun making characters and power stunts. combat works...if your from bizarro world! Look, anytime The Rhino can get 3 attacks on my, uh YOUR martial arts character in the same round as YOUR one attack...its just wrong! WRONG I SAY!!!!!!

I hated this system. I hated the weird odds that the % dice system made, and I hated how poor rolls could really ruin a game, despite what kind of character you played.

PJ-Mason said:
Heroes Unlimited - original, revised, and second editon, revised, limited..uh..unlimited...uhhh....its New and Improved!....But not really.

Y'know, I liked this better than the Marvel %-dice RPG; seemed a bit more balanced to me back then. *ROFLMAO* Sorry, just had to get that out of my system. :)

Seriously, I preferred it to TSR's Marvel game, mainly because I felt that there was a bit more control when it came to characters & power levels. However, some character concepts just couldn't be made in this system, and it really isn't all that balanced.

PJ-Mason said:
Marvel (Saga) - Huh? This game uses a card-based action system? ...Great. That killed Torg and Dragonlance too, you know!!

This was (& is, since I still run it) a great game. TORG was a dice/card mix--weird, but interesting (though I'd argue that it's dice-based system was quite klunky & that's what didn't help the game). Dragonlance, IMHO, really soured some folks on the SAGA system, which I think Marvel's version does much better. Really open & free-form.

PJ-Mason said:
Marvel Universe - I've looked thru this book a couple times at the store. Pretty colors....Ok, not THAT pretty.

Interesting attempt, but IMHO, bad editing didn't help the book. Things seem to get complicated when it came to equipment-based characters like Thor or Iron Man. Goes SLOW--time passes from panel to panel, with a "page" being the main refresh point. Stuff is broken down into actions & modifiers, & things do seem a bit hazy. However, it does a good job of generalizing things, & IMHO, it's much easier to make something generic more specific than vice-versa.

Haven't had a chance to play M&M yet, & I've heard way too many horror stories about Champions to even consider it.


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You know, looking over that list...

Stooperheroes tops -all- of them.

Any game that comes with powers like "Transport Anywhere Via Sewers" and "Action Figure Punch" is A-OKay by me.


Sejs said:
You know, looking over that list...

Stooperheroes tops -all- of them.

Any game that comes with powers like "Transport Anywhere Via Sewers" and "Action Figure Punch" is A-OKay by me.
Sounds like "What if the designers of HOL made a Supers game" heh.

Don't bag on Aberrant. I actually dig Aberrant quite a bit. The system allows for pretty much any character in the Marvel universe to be made rather easily (No not Eternity or the other gods) and the system actually plays out pretty well the times I have been able to run it. It's simpler than Champions that's for sure *grin*



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Villians & Vigilantes......i forgot about dis one.

Hmmm....28 multiplied by my body weight to the 10th power lbs....divided by the ratio-mass of the sun...add and subtract pie-squared...ah cool! i can lift 86 lbs!!!


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Sejs said:
You know, looking over that list...

Stooperheroes tops -all- of them.

Any game that comes with powers like "Transport Anywhere Via Sewers" and "Action Figure Punch" is A-OKay by me.

Doooo the also have Kung Fu Action Grip?


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SSquirrel said:
Don't bag on Aberrant. I actually dig Aberrant quite a bit. The system allows for pretty much any character in the Marvel universe to be made rather easily (No not Eternity or the other gods) and the system actually plays out pretty well the times I have been able to run it. Hagen

Except Iron Man...annn....Hawk-eye (course he's dead, so who cares really)....annn....Vision.....annn..welll....any technological hero, basically. Everyone is a hero because of that super-gland that grows inside them. How much does that thing weigh anyway? Can i get a transplant or something? :D


Despite my love for MnM, Marvel SAGA remains my favorite set of superhero rules to actually play with. What a great system.


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Piratecat said:
Despite my love for MnM, Marvel SAGA remains my favorite set of superhero rules to actually play with. What a great system.

Well...maybe if you mixed it with, like...Texas hold'em or something. That would be cool.

"And the River card is.....Crisis on Infinite Earths! Aggghhh!! Well, that was a fun campaign. Ok Let me shuffle and deal so we can make new characters!" :lol:

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