Superheroes of the Trust Game Thread II

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"Could we maybe explore the alien-god theory later? Right now isn't the time. Apollo? Nitro? You two are our resident golden boys. Convince him for goodness sakes!" Hope growled softly, knowing that of all of them, the two celebrities have the most glib tongues.
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"Well that explains how we were able to "see" his ship. Why don't we take the data he has and tell him to wait for further instructions. If we play this right we may be able to coerce him into helping us.

Or we could tell him the truth and strike a bargin. He may be wiling to work with us if we tell him exactly what we want, we may even reveal that he's been double crossed by Barrington and will volunteer his services. If we lie to him and he discovers the ruse then he may just contact Barrington himself with the information on how to find this ship and by extension the Trust base and us.


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"Okay, okay..." Viridian says, looking harried.

"How are we going to impersonate...whoever he thinks we are? We don't know anything. No codes or...even what language to speak. I mean, Ares was a Greek god, but obviously he's speaking English."

She looks at the others. "Or...does the Trust have any information at all on these Geldaren?"


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Meanwhile, Black puts his finger in an ethernet port, and examines the system, his the nanites within him poring through data far faster than Jacobson can with his keyboard and monitor He reports "It looks like the communication protocol he is using was initiated by him sending an encryption key, then our computer accepting it and sending another key back. No wonder he's so sure that we are the ship sent to contact him. Since we copied the comm system off what was apparently the ship sent to contact him, its key under this protocol is the one he was expecting, and it knows to accept his."


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Shayuri said:
"Okay, okay..." Viridian says, looking harried.

"How are we going to impersonate...whoever he thinks we are? We don't know anything. No codes or...even what language to speak. I mean, Ares was a Greek god, but obviously he's speaking English."

She looks at the others. "Or...does the Trust have any information at all on these Geldaren?"

"Nope. The ship came stripped of any direct reference to any alien race -- nothing about the Geldaran or anyone else. It may have been an intentional act by whoever or whatever made the crew disappear."

Also, no word has come in yet from Daedalus or The Primordial. Jacobson reports that the Trust AI reports that The Primordial is under cover at the moment, and they have yet to reach Daedalus.


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"Do we need to make him believe us? It sounded like maybe he already does." Shooting Star moves into formation with the plane, then twists around to fly backwards. Dang glasses are smashing my nose. Of course no one has responded yet, it's been only a few minutes. They have stuff to do right - it can take people like 30 seconds just to answer their phones. "So we'd just have to not tip him off hopefully?"

"If your gear is using all these alien protocols, isn't that a security risk if he knows them too? What if he can do more than send messages?" You copied all the code too?


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Victim said:
"Do we need to make him believe us? It sounded like maybe he already does." Shooting Star moves into formation with the plane, then twists around to fly backwards. Dang glasses are smashing my nose. Of course no one has responded yet, it's been only a few minutes. They have stuff to do right - it can take people like 30 seconds just to answer their phones. "So we'd just have to not tip him off hopefully?"

"If your gear is using all these alien protocols, isn't that a security risk if he knows them too? What if he can do more than send messages?" You copied all the code too?

"All but the few protocols we use are hooked into the computer core. The others are restricted to certain communications functions only...or at least, they are supposed to be"


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Apollo buzzes Shooting Star flying above her speaking over the comm link, "Hrrm... well let's keep him talking, send a simple response to send along his report... and if you need someone to fake it, I got you covered. If anything this dude already believes that we are who he thinks we are, so half the battle of the bluff is won."

He then speaks directly to Star, loud enough hopefully that she can hear over the wind, "So what do you say dinner at my place?"


First Post
Hope looks uncertain, the electric storm glow of the St. Elmo's fire flicking over her skin like a macabre oil painting. "Do something quick. Else, he might get suspicious,"

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