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Superheroes of the Trust Game Thread III


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"If we run into Control Freak again with those mental interfaces, aren't we going to be pretty screwed?" Star asks. "It sounds like we're going to get caught and provoke an international incident."

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"If we run into Control Freak again with those mental interfaces, aren't we going to be pretty screwed?" Star asks. "It sounds like we're going to get caught and provoke an international incident."

"I think we'll figure it out if Control Freak translates everything we're thinking into pig Latin or something. We'll be detected eventually when we go after the factory, I presume, but I don't think we're going to get captured. Don't underestimate yourself all the time. You pack a powerful punch.

We should try to get evidence from the factory about Barrington's activities. That would help against him directly and if we uncover more credible evidence of nefarious schemes, it would help in the PR war as well."


"Well, the way these interfaces are supposed to work, there's not really anything CF can do to them outside of mistranslating. He COULD make some rather uncomfortale situations if he manages to tap in and translate something like "We come in peace" to "We want to eat your babies", but if we find out he's there, we can just deactivate the software and/or ignore it until he's dealt with. That's assuming he even realizes it's incorporated. If CF messing with our translation is the worst we have to worry about, I'll be VERY happy. On the other hand, having an actual speaker along just in case of a mistranslation or malfunction would also be advisable."
Optic nods a greeting to the new arrival, automatically commiting her facial features to memory and scanning her DNA for future identification.

"Anyways, finding the handler would be the first thing we have to worry about, and if we can do that quietly there's no reason for Barrington or his gang to have any clue we're even IN China... Say, don't suppose there's been any bloodwork done on Mr Markum, has there? If I can get a look at a sample of his DNA it should be a lot easier for me to find him, regardless of what he looks like."
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G. Skylark

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Skylark whispers back to Hope, in her heavy British, "Terrible business, I'm sorry for yer loss." If Optic's DNA scanning is noticeable, Skylark is visibly nervous. It's alright, 'e's not a Cyberman, that isn't a disintegration ray, this isn't a BBC sci fi programme she tells herself. She is oblivious to Nitro eying her up, but when she sees him does think to herself whot a stonking great Yank.

Skylark has a few questions of her own for the meeting directors. "Should we be concerned wit' gathering evidence from th' factory, prior to taking it apart? And in th' event that Mr. Markum or his agent aren't available to 'elp, should we proceed wit' th' sabotage?"


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Apollo shrugs, "I doubt things will go quietly Barrington has a habit of throwing monkey wrenches into our well "thought" out plans. I think we have to assume that we will have to fight our way out."


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"Well, the way these interfaces are supposed to work, there's not really anything CF can do to them outside of mistranslating. He COULD make some rather uncomfortale situations if he manages to tap in and translate something like "We come in peace" to "We want to eat your babies", but if we find out he's there, we can just deactivate the software and/or ignore it until he's dealt with. That's assuming he even realizes it's incorporated. If CF messing with our translation is the worst we have to worry about, I'll be VERY happy. On the other hand, having an actual speaker along just in case of a mistranslation or malfunction would also be advisable."
Optic nods a greeting to the new arrival, automatically commiting her facial features to memory and scanning her DNA for future identification.

"Anyways, finding the handler would be the first thing we have to worry about, and if we can do that quietly there's no reason for Barrington or his gang to have any clue we're even IN China... Say, don't suppose there's been any bloodwork done on Mr Markum, has there? If I can get a look at a sample of his DNA it should be a lot easier for me to find him, regardless of what he looks like."

Black says "As a matter of fact, we do. We have all the records and research from that program..I mean, this organization is built pretty much on cancelled Cold War projects and that spaceship...and I had a very special personal interest in getting those files. I'll send over his DNA. Being that his powers were added through genetic manipulation, I'm sure there is plenty of material on his genetics in the data."


First Post
Skylark whispers back to Hope, in her heavy British, "Terrible business, I'm sorry for yer loss." If Optic's DNA scanning is noticeable, Skylark is visibly nervous. It's alright, 'e's not a Cyberman, that isn't a disintegration ray, this isn't a BBC sci fi programme she tells herself. She is oblivious to Nitro eying her up, but when she sees him does think to herself whot a stonking great Yank.

Skylark has a few questions of her own for the meeting directors. "Should we be concerned wit' gathering evidence from th' factory, prior to taking it apart? And in th' event that Mr. Markum or his agent aren't available to 'elp, should we proceed wit' th' sabotage?"

"If possible to both."


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Great government agent caught in china.... Hope grimances inwardly. Sucky much? she looked at Black.

"I'm going to need some heavy magical camoflague in order to work in China. They have their own mages, all it'll take is one with the bright idea and the gift of looking at magickal signatures....."

Though she rarely had to use her more offensive powers as an agent, there were times when she had to.

Those would be documented. She had to assume that. Here, she had been very careful while in public not to use the same powers she displayed as a Aegis Agent.... Still.....
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"It's still a neural interface," Star complains, thiinking of Control Freak's threats in the simulation. Do you really think your safeguards are going to be sufficient against his power?

"So Optic will find the CIA guy with Grue DNA via his super vision, then we'll convince him to put us in touch with his agent..."

"Won't us being Westerners still be suspicious there?"

Yeah, Nitro, my power is so great; everything is working out wonderfully for me here... It's not underestimating myself; it's observation. And great, more trouble with Hope.

"Are we supposed to make an example of the factory, or should be try to hide our sabotage?"


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"I'm going to need some heavy magical camoflague in order to work in China. They have their own mages, all it'll take is one with the bright idea of looking at magickal signatures....."

Nitro ponders. "Now that you mention it, I might need more disguise than usual. Assuming WWE China Edition was successful, and I never really paid attention to whether it was, I could have a billion fans who want autographs over there. It would take a long time to sign that many autographs and I think even my arm might get tired."

Voidrunner's Codex

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