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Supernatural season finale (Spoilers)


(And BTW, rumor is that season 6 is going back to a more episodic format, like season 1. If so, I say “Bravo!” You can’t try to top the apocalypse, so the trick isn’t to try; rather, pull back and focus more on the characters in the aftermath. Have an ongoing arc, sure, but push it to the background, as a change from the past three years of arc-heavy seasons. I’m actually looking forward to a few good old-fashioned “monster of the week” episodes.)

I think they've even set up for that a bit -- how many times has one character or another said, "Remember when we just used to hunt wendigos?", or words to that effect, in the last few episodes?

I'm not sure how the series should end; as past seasons have pointed out, while their bond is their strength, it's also their weakness. Lucifer would have never been freed, except for Dean making a deal with a crossroads demon to save Sam, thus dooming himself to Hell, and making his breakout the first seal to fall. So while their bond eventually allowed them to stop the apocalypse, it would have all been avoided -- and all the people who died because of it would still be alive -- if either of them had been capable of just letting the other go.

Maybe it has to end like Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, and they both (maybe) go out together; or maybe, for the happier ending, they both need to find lives that aren't quite so dependent on one another. Close, still connected, but with their own homes, families, etc.

Either way, I do hope Lisa is in the next season a lot. :)

(Maybe mini-Dean, or whatever the kid's name is, too; but that might get too annoying and/or risk him becoming Scrappy Doo.)

If it's episodic, I hope they check in with a few other loose ends -- i.e., I'm not convinced whatshername that stole the Colt really died; after all, it ended up with Crowley. Speaking of whom, I'd definitely not mind more Crowley, especially if it doesn't end with them killing him - Mark Sheppard is fun to watch. And I hope the Trickster/Loki/Gabriel survived, somehow.

Are there any other characters that have survived? I guess Kali's still alive, and Castiel.

BTW, does anyone know for sure who's running the show next year? I know Kripke originally said he was gone after this year, but I thought I'd heard he had ideas for a season 6.

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I wouldn't call that Deus ex Machina. Like jaerdaph said, it was perfectly reasonable that a car they had lived in their entire life would have toys lodged in it somewhere.

I think that the Impala was explicitly and deliberately a Deus ex Machina. I think it was meant to be a bit of ironic humor, in such that an actual machine would serve as the figurative machine by which Providence would save-the-day. The wife and I LOLed at the concept.

Chuck as God was a neat twist that I didn't see coming.

I thought it was an outstanding ending, and one fitting for a series finally. I am...concerned about how they will continue the show for a sixth season.


I think this would be a perfect Series ending.

If I was going to do a Season 6, I'd just focus on Monsters of the Week, AND what I would do is fill in gaps in Seasons 1-4. I mean, really, you could have a whole season of "untold stories" that took place before Lucifer's rising, and it would still work. I can't see them having a really good "arc" that would be satisfying, and I'd like to have additional stories told without adding post-epilogue.


My fear is that the sixth season will be anti-climactic - kind of like The Razing of the Shire is at the end of The Lord of the Rings. There's a reason they didn't include that part of Tolkien's trilogy in the movie trilogy.


First Post
Chuck as God was a neat twist that I didn't see coming.
OK, are we all just jumping on the notion that because he disappeared that he's God? Not closed to the possibility, but is there more to go on than that? Some line I missed?

My fear is that the sixth season will be anti-climactic - kind of like The Razing of the Shire is at the end of The Lord of the Rings. There's a reason they didn't include that part of Tolkien's trilogy in the movie trilogy.
Well, they certainly removed a lot of options. They killed a lot of pagan gods that could have lent themselves to some cool plots, for instance. To me, a story arc involving God (assuming he's not Chuck) is the only way to top this season.


First Post
They don't need to keep topping themselves. They need quality stories not something bigger and more epic.

The line Chuck said before he vanished and the clothese he was wearing really made me think he is God.

They don't need to keep topping themselves. They need quality stories not something bigger and more epic.

This. As I said above, you shouldn't try to top the Apocalypse. You can't, not without getting ridiculous.

Instead, go back to more personal arcs. As long as it's interesting, it doesn't have to be bigger. And in fact, a smaller-scale story showcasing what things are like for the brothers after the almost-end of the world is, to be, much more interesting than another huge earth-shaking event.


First Post
They don't need to keep topping themselves. They need quality stories not something bigger and more epic.
Not necessarily mutually exclusive, you know. Nobody's suggesting they write bad stories.

The line Chuck said before he vanished and the clothese he was wearing really made me think he is God.
The thought crossed my mind, but seemed not to mesh with what's been presented to the audience to date.

This. As I said above, you shouldn't try to top the Apocalypse. You can't, not without getting ridiculous.
Hey, for me Buffy and Angel seemed pretty enjoyable even past the point where they accepted that the apocalypse was here to stay.

Instead, go back to more personal arcs. As long as it's interesting, it doesn't have to be bigger. And in fact, a smaller-scale story showcasing what things are like for the brothers after the almost-end of the world is, to be, much more interesting than another huge earth-shaking event.
Sounds good on paper, in practice that's about three episodes of showcasing before people start saying "That was nice, but the rest of the season isn't going to be Supernatural by the way of the Cohen brothers, is itt? Or Seinfeld maybe? They're not gonna spend a whole episode looking for the impala in a mall parking lot are they?"
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Sounds good on paper, in practice that's about three episodes of showcasing before people start saying "That was nice, but the rest of the season isn't going to be Supernatural by the way of the Cohen brothers, is itt? Or Seinfeld maybe? They're not gonna spend a whole episode looking for the impala in a mall parking lot are they?"

Why assume I'm talking about something that extreme? I'm talking about going back to something akin to season one. I don't know of anyone who was particularly bored or underwhelmed by that season. (Well, nobody who continued watching to later seasons, anyway.)

Honestly, season one is actually still my favorite. But even if it weren't, something on that level would certainly work as a coda and/or start of something new.


First Post
Not necessarily mutually exclusive, you know. Nobody's suggesting they write bad stories.

I am. Not all the episodes are good. Most of them are but they can do better. It is the quality of the shows that will win the day. They don't need to go more epic to do that.

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