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Surprisingly Effective Hybrids


With a few exceptions, it sounds like the best hybrids are unified by either role or power source. Also seems like humans and genasai are leading the pack for races.

Actually, I think the distinction is more based on primary and secondary stat match up more than power source or role. Or taking a keyword/damage type and maxing out on specialization for it from different classes (be it radiant or whatever).

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I'm hesitant to contribute to this thread, as the idea is surprisingly effective hybrids. I'm not sure my hybrid is very surprising. He is a very effective jack-of-all-trades, master of none.

He is a human from the Wolfstone dynasty. He was sent to live with the dwarves that helped defend the Wall and extend their tunnels from their city Forgehome, as a political prisoner sent to strengthen the tender bonds growing between the two peoples. A bastard's fate. He was to learn dwarven rune magic and bring it back to teach his people once he had mastered the art. He never had the chance to go back as (at least in my back story) his people were anihilated by some unknown force. His Dwarven runemasters sent him away, warning him to hide his past and change his appearance. Feeling abandoned and rejected he become a wanderer, a brawler and a thief rejecting the gods with his tongue but always carrying a deep need to prove himself to Moradin, the god of the dwarves who had raised him. Luck would have it he was able to steal a very valuable tome of dwarven runes. Luck would also have it, that while he read over them and struggled to master them for the hundredth time a portal opened tearing him into a different world and leaving the book behind. He now tries to find a way home, etching the runes he can remember over and over again into his shield and hammer.

So, Solomon Darkruin is a human hybrid fighter l runepriest. It's not a surprising combo; humans are the best hybrid race in my opinion and both fighters and runepriests are strength based. He's only lvl 5 at the moment and probably a bit behind on the treasure curve, but anyway, here is the projection til level 11. What is pretty neat about him is he is a good secondary defender, and leader, and striker, and a decent scout and not a bad thief. Here's the build:

Solomon Darkruin, level 11
Human, Fighter|Runepriest, Hammer of Vengeance (PH3): As A runepriest I get a 1/encounter heal that either boosts all allies in a burst 5 dmg or defense; As a fighter I still have combat challenge, so my mark is very dangerous to ignore when I decide to lay it on. Armour Synergy is near perfect! Hammer of Vengence means, amongst other things, I gain Vengence Runestate, which lets me take a MBA vs an enemy that hits an ally next to me (this is especially good as I work closely in tandem with a Warden who always has everyone marked and hence they always attack him; I can defend even when I'm not marking, and out of turn attacks adds to my strikery-ness :) )
Runic Artistry: Wrathful Hammer: When an enemy hits me, my attacks vs that enemy get a +CON dmg bonus til end of nxt turn; Secondary striker begins here.
Hybrid Talent: Fighter Combat Talent
Fighter Combat Talent: Battlerager Vigor (Hybrid): Everytime I hit with a melee or close attack I gain +CON THPs; you can see the synergy with Wrathful Hammer: Hit me, I hit you back harder, and even if you hit me, I'm not going to feel it.
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power: Of course! Both Fighters and Runepriests have good at wills, so having 3 is awesome
Background: Last of the Breed (Last of the Breed Benefit): +1 Endurance +1 Perception; fits backstory

Str 21, Con 19, Dex 13, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 9.

Str 16, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8.

AC: 23 Fort: 23 Reflex: 18 Will: 19
HP: 82 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 20

Perception +12, Thievery +11, Endurance +16, Athletics +17, Intimidate +9: He can spot traps, shut them down, he can steal, break in, break out, he's hardy as a dwarf, can jump, climb and swim, and he can even articulate quite well when it comes to threats! Not the ultimate skill monkey, but he can participate in all elements of the game, in and out of combat.

Acrobatics +6, Arcana +5, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +5, Insight +6, Nature +6, Religion +5, Stealth +6, Streetwise +4

Human: Weapon Proficiency (Craghammer): Feels dwarven, and it's a damn good one handed weapon
Level 1: Hybrid Talent: See above
Level 2: Bludgeon Expertise: Hammer Hybrid Fighters need this accuracy boost. The best plans go to waste if you can't hit anything; It also improves all his Pushes by 1
Level 4: Wolfstone Heritage: Fits Backstory for flavour goodness; Boosts Athletics and gives a pretty awesome daily stance power that means I can't be pushed around (like a dwarf) and when I'm bloodied I gain resist 5 to all dmg! That is a cool feat!
Level 6: Berserker's Fury: +2 dmg for one entire combat, nice on my multi target attacks! Plus I really wanted to train in Intimidate, so I could back up my big mouth really. Plus it fits my backstory so all good.
Level 8: Mark of Warding: Runepriests can dish out some neat defensive bonuses. his makes them even neater. And when I do Mark, because the Warden is dealing with 3 or 4 and so I have to go and pull the other two off the Wizard, this makes my Mark pretty hard to ignore.
Level 10: Hammering Iron: My OAtks Push 1, with Bludgeon expertise this becomes Push 2
Level 11: Hammer Shock: My melee basic attacks gain the rattling keyword, meaning my charges are especially nasty, as are my OAtks (see above) and my Warlord will like to choose me when giving out his commands!

Bonus At-Will Power: Tide of Iron: Great repositioning attack, especially with Bludgeon expertise; great for getting enemies out of my way so I can use an AP and get over to where I need to be on the battlefield with a charge. Also set up flanks, free blocked bridges, corridors etc.
Hybrid at-will 1: Word of Diminishment: I can boost my whole teams damage, great for bosses, elites and solos, or reduce someones damge if I'm getting rained on. Great versatility
Hybrid at-will 1: Brash Strike: +2 Atk and + CON dmg! Sweet! And all I do is give CAdv... which means I'll get my Wrathful Hammer dmg if he hits me! C'mon !!! Hit me!!! The +2 makes this really accurate which is awesome!
Hybrid encounter 1: Flames of Purity: Blast 3 weapon Attack! Hehehe, some secondary controller action with that minion control! Plus it either gives a little surgeless healing or a dmg bonus to all allies in blast
Hybrid daily 1: Rune of the Undeniable Dawn: Wow! This power is really cool! Burst 3 ally friendly weapon attack and it creates a zone that lasts all encounter. All allies have +2 defenses while in zone. +3 with mark of warding. My warden loves this power!!!
Hybrid utility 2: Shield of Sacrifice: Daily two target heal. Nice in case of emegency
Hybrid encounter 3: Shield Edge Block: Interrupt -4 on attack, usually negates, and gets to attack back. Sweet for when my mark decides to hit me and i don't want him to. This class is very survivable!
Hybrid daily 5: Rain of Steel: Say hello to the striker in me! All encounter long stance that smashes anyone who starts their turn next to me! Oh boy do I love getting into the middle, droppin Rune of Undeniable Dawn with this puppy on!
Hybrid utility 6: Mighty Sprint: Sometimes you need to be somewhere!
Hybrid encounter 7: Come and Get It: Does this need any explanation?
Hybrid daily 9: Rune of Boundless Fury: Good fighter choices, but flavourwise I preferd to know more runes. And this one is a goody. I begin to dish out MBAs to my allies!
Hybrid utility 10: Shield Deflection: If you have a shield may as well be able to do cool things with it, aye?

Scale Armor, Javelin, Thieves' Tools, Backpack (empty), Torch (10), Flint and Steel, Belt Pouch (empty), Dwarven Scale Armor +1: Of course!, Avalanche Hammer Craghammer +1: Some puch into my charge!, Fighting Shield Light Shield (heroic tier), Spidersilk Mantle +1: To climb the unclimbable, Giantkind Gloves (heroic tier): Makes for a decent damage RBA, making those Javelins up there a lot more dangerous

I'm A Banana

GameDoc said:
Actually, I think the distinction is more based on primary and secondary stat match up more than power source or role.

That seems pretty true to me! As long as you still only have one or two ability scores to key attacks off of, you can do pretty nicely. The fact that most most Divine classes favor Wis and Cha, or that most Primal classes favor Wis and Con, kind of lead to an apparent power-source match-up. Role is kind of key if you hope to be the party's sole filler of that role, but some hybrid abilities almost do it right out of the gate, and some roles are more key than others. A party who has no pure striker or defender but has a striker hybrid or defender might still do OK. A party that has no pure leader, but has a leader hybrid? That's a little iffier. But really only a little, especially if you choose powers that grant healing surges or HP or big defensive buffs.


I have a human bard rogue who does full-on paragon multiclassing into sorcerer (for the feat to add Dex to damage with arcane powers). Using a rapier and having an even split of bard/rogue/sorcerer powers he's both versatile and stylish and dabbles a bit in every roll aside from defender. Still haven't gotten a chance to play him, though.

With a few exceptions, it sounds like the best hybrids are unified by either role or power source. Also seems like humans and genasai are leading the pack for races.

Nah. They're unified by stat. But stats and sources overlap; most divine and primal characters are Wis-based, all Int-based characters are Arcane or Psi. This is about surprisingly effective hybrids; I don't think anyone finds Warlock|Paladin or Swordmage|Wizard surprisingly effective any more. And being entirely stat-neutral, Lazy Warlord hybrids with anything.

IMO double-striker is seldom the way to go as you can't use your bonus damage features twice at once* (and can't use Sneak Attack with superior crossbows or greatbows). Rogue|Ranger in specific I consider highly overrated as the only reason you are outdamaging a straight twin-striking ranger is a level 7 encounter power that allows you to use a crossbow attack as a minor action. (You can't even use Sneak Attack on your action point if you want to use a superior bow/crossbow). On the other hand, Ranger|Lazy Warlord is gold. You get just about all the twin-striking goodness of the Ranger, interrupt powers (including Powerful Warning from the Warlord) and some healing essentially for free. Strikers and Controllers are mostly about their lead attack powers whereas Defenders and Leaders are as much about their other actions and so don't get in each others way so much.

* Assuming they fix the hybrid Executioner Assassin.


A Genasi Infernal Pact Warlock/Shielding Swordmage works well in theory, but the party around it has certain requirements to work optimally so I'm not sure it quite qualifies as surprisingly effective, probably more situationally effective.


First Post
Rogue|Ranger in specific I consider highly overrated as the only reason you are outdamaging a straight twin-striking ranger is a level 7 encounter power that allows you to use a crossbow attack as a minor action.


Melee rogue|ranger can get 3 minor action encounter attacks by 7th level. That means for 3 rounds straight, it can get both quarry and sneak attack in the same round.

Offhand Strike, Ruffling Sting, Low Slash.


I'm currently looking at Executioner|Rogue/Warlock for a few reasons:

Cunning Sneak + Shadow Walk = permanent hiding.
1-round Nova: Assassin Strike + Quick Lunge followed by a Low slash. Not sure if blowing all the 'encounter' juice in one turn is worth it though.

*edit: Dan'L caught my typo. Hybrid rogue|rangers can have all of their encounter powers be minor action attacks.
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First Post
Melee rogue|ranger can get 3 minor action encounter attacks by 3rd level. That means for 3 rounds straight, it can get both quarry and sneak attack in the same round.

Offhand Strike, Ruffling Sting, Low Slash.

Minor correction: A level 3 character can only have access to two class-based encounter attacks during an encounter, so there is no easy way to have a level 3 rogue|ranger will have more than two of these. In fact, given the rules of hybrid characters, they would need to be Off-Hand Strike & Low Slash.



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Here my level 8 Druid/Monk...

== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ==
Rolen - Copy (2), level 8
Elf, Monk/Druid
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid) Option: Centered Breath (Hybrid)
Hybrid Monk Option: Hybrid Monk Fortitude
Hybrid Druid Option: Hybrid Druid Reflex
World Walker (+2 to Nature)

STR 10, CON 13, DEX 20, INT 11, WIS 20, CHA 8

STR 10, CON 13, DEX 16, INT 11, WIS 16, CHA 8

AC: 23 Fort: 18 Ref: 22 Will: 21
HP: 65 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 16

Nature +20, Perception +18, Religion +9

Acrobatics +9, Arcana +4, Athletics +4, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +9, Endurance +5, Heal +9, History +4, Insight +9, Intimidate +3, Stealth +9, Streetwise +3, Thievery +9

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Elf Racial Power: Elven Accuracy
Monk Feature: Centered Flurry of Blows
Druid Feature: Wild Shape
Monk Attack 1: Steel Wind
Druid Attack 1: Pounce
Druid Attack 1: Call Forth the Spirit Pack
Monk Attack 1: Stunning Palm
Druid Utility 2: All-Encompassing Nature
Monk Attack 3: Twin Thunders
Druid Attack 5: Form of the Primeval Spider
Monk Utility 6: Purifying Meditation
Monk Attack 7: Grasping Tide

Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Accurate ki focus)
Level 2: Wasteland Wanderer
Level 4: Unarmored Agility
Level 6: Quick Draw
Level 8: Toughness

Adventurer's Kit
Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch (empty)
Everburning Torch
Fine Clothing
Flask (empty)
Stanching Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2 x1
Vistani Eye Amulet +2 x1
Cobra Strike Accurate ki focus +1
== End ==

Voidrunner's Codex

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