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Survivor: D&D cover artists

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Darth Palpy

Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 21
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 23-2 = 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 17
Erol Otus -- 18
Wayne Reynolds -- 6+1 =7
Todd Lockwood -- 19
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 24
Emmanuel -- 14

I don't like LE. Period. I find his art uninspiring (at least for myself). Hell, I find Emmanuel art more interesting, in an "art naïf" sort of way.
On the contrary, it was Wayne Reynolds covers for Eberron which sold to me the setting. I do love his art since then ^^ - And it's the unique reason I ever bought Pathfinder books. The only ones I have are those with his covers...


Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 21
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 23-2 = 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 17
Erol Otus -- 18
Wayne Reynolds -- 5
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 24
Emmanuel -- 14

Could go either way on Lockwood/Elmore, WAR= meh.


Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 21
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 17
Erol Otus -- 19 Unlike the rest on this list, he was unknown and unskilled when he started. He sent in a picture of a remorhaz he drew to TSR and got the job. The rest was history.
Wayne Reynolds -- 5
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 22--LOVE LOVE LOVE his b/w work. But this is for covers only, and while iconic, it doesn't do it for me. I feel dirty for downvoting him though regardless...
Emmanuel -- 14

Going to give Parkinson some love this time. An artist that died way too early, his works were astonishingly detailed and technically skilled.

Downvote goes to Emmanuel. The Fiend Folio cover is a classic, and while it's gloriously weird, it's a static piece that doesn't hold up to the others.

Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 22
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 23-2 = 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 17
Erol Otus -- 19
Wayne Reynolds -- 5
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 22
Emmanuel -- 12
Last edited:


Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 22
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 17 + 1 = 18
Erol Otus -- 19
Wayne Reynolds -- 5-2 = 3
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 22
Emmanuel -- 12


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 22
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 17 + 1 = 18
Erol Otus -- 19
Wayne Reynolds -- 4 - I'll give Reynolds some love one more time. Say what you will about his incredibly busy works and at times oddly proportioned characters, but he had a distinct style in a field where most everyone else were trying to emulate the classics.
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 22
Emmanuel -- 10 - He also had a style, I guess, it's just kind of cartoonish and boring.


Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 22
Jeff Easley -- 20
Larry Elmore -- 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 19
Erol Otus -- 17
Wayne Reynolds -- 4
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 22
Emmanuel -- 10


Daniel Horne -- 21
Keith Parkinson -- 22
Jeff Easley -- 21
Larry Elmore -- 21
Clyde Caldwell -- 19
Erol Otus -- 17
Wayne Reynolds -- 2
Todd Lockwood -- 20
Tyler Jacobson -- 20
David Trampier -- 22
Emmanuel -- 10

1 Vote, one elimination c'mon.

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