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SW Galaxies and other MMORPGs


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Now, I've played my fair share of time on FFXI and Everquest, and lost interest a few months in FFXI, and less than a month in EQ.

I've been thinking about trying out SWG, downloaded the 14-day free trial which failed to install, and all the reviews I can find are almost a year old. So, can anyone tell me how much has improved since it came out? Is it worth buying and paying the $15 a month?

I welcome any suggestions for other MMORPGs, as I'm tryng to find one that doesn't provide only mere kill it and take its stuff / craft and sell stuff so other players can better kill things and take their stuff gameplay. Tried NWN, but any so-called awesome Persistant Worlds I find sadly fail to live up the expectations created by the content described on their websites.

Suggestions...please? :D
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Angcuru said:
...I welcome any suggestions for other MMORPGs, as I'm tryng to find one that doesn't provide only mere kill it and take its stuff / craft and sell stuff so other players can better kill things and take their stuff gameplay...
While my MMORPG experience is limited to City of Heroes (See the appropriate threads Here, and Here) the various MMORPGs out there, the kill it, take its stuff, sell it, kill something bigger cycle is pretty durn prevelant. That being said there is a lot of fun to be had in Paragon City.


SWG was not worth it to me; there is no strategy involved in combat, and the missions are boring and cookie-cutter-like. There's just not anything really fun to do. It was my first real MMORPG experience and it didn't live up to the hype.


Yay! The City of Heroes Roll Call got plugged!

That silly moment aside, City of Heroes is also my only MMORPG experience--and I couldn't be happier with it. Sure, the main focus is killing ("arresting") things, but that's true in all MMORPGs I've ever heard about. The difference is that you aren't killing rats to get to level 2 or whatever. Instead, you get real missions, like arrest Inferno and his crew in the abandoned warehouse, from the word go.

Character design is amazing, it's outrageously fun (and potentially time-consuming). You can do anything from big bruisers to spandex to armor to chitinous exoskeleton. Check out my avatar for a look at Jonathan Powers' headshot.

I really like the gameplay too. It really does make you feel like a superhero. Particularly when you get your badass travel power at level 14. The only character I have that high took Superjump, and it's a blast to leap several hundred feet in one go. My new guy (the avatar) will be getting flight, hopefully that will live up to my expectations.


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Well I have played...let's see....Everquest, Asheron's Call (still have a subscription- hehe), Dark Age of Camelot, Asheron's Call 2 - Beta, and Star Wars Galaxies (up until about 4 months ago). After playing Star Wars I decided a hard and fast rule from now on, no more playing any MMORPG until it has been out at least 6 months (I am really itchin' to play City of Heroes though- hehe). Some friends and I were really looking forward to SWG and it really dropped the ball. They still have not completely added Jedi (they are still in the process of changing it from a random system, then it was a skill based/random system, and now they are going to change it to a quest system). The game was not ready, as so many of these games are always missing so much balance and gameplay that was originally promised, but did not make it due to the "Must ship it syndrome". The space expansion should be coming out and if you do want to be a part of that, you should start now because you will need money to buy a ship.

Unfortunately, my recommendation is no.
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Suggestions..hmm EQ2 and World of Warcraft are 2 big ones on the horizon. There are others but they seem to be the old same formula of MMORPGS.

2 games that intrigue me are Guild Wars(developed by several ex Blizzard employees) http://www.guildwars.com/ and Tabula Rasa (developed by Richard Garriott/Lord British) http://www.playtr.com/

Both have the potential to actually be revolutionary not just hype-y (IMHO).
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Well, I've done some research, and Decided that I'm going to go with Anarchy Online Shadowlands. Read the stuff on the official site and looked at IGN (very reliable reviews, IMO), and it seems as if it was custom-made to my specifications. :D A combo of Fallout, Deus Ex, Badur's Gate, and Phantasy Star, all wrapped up into one neat little package which I will go out and purchase forthwith as soon as possible! :]

EDIT: Damned 7-day trial installation didn't work. Ah well, buying it anyway. :p
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Dark Jezter

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World of Warcraft will probably be out in a few months, and it's looking extremely promising based on the previews and impressions from the beta testers that I've read. That's the MMORPG that I'm waiting for.

City of Heroes also seems to be getting a lot of praise.

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