Swamp Trek III: The Search for Ter-raen


Gildrim turns and pauses. After several seconds, he says heartily, "Och aye, this is... Weel's guid freend, an', an' mah archaeological expairt. Wha coudna come wi' th' three ay us, acause ay... expairt somethins he haed tae feenish. But noo ye're haur at lest. Haur at lest. Aye."

Gildrim hastily turns back to Richard. "Thaur ye gae, ye're aw besmairtened," he informs him. "Dinnae leuk sae worrit!"

He leans over to Weel and mutters to him under cover of patting himself down markedly less effectively. "Ye're a strappin' fellae, wi' a beard a dwairrf wad be prood tae bear. Dae ye think ye coud dae a bit ay chairmin' ay th' lassie? She hasnae takken tae me, for reasons as plain as th' ears oan her heid."

"Aw daen!" he declares. "Shoud we gae oan in?"

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First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

He leans over to Weel and mutters to him under cover of patting himself down markedly less effectively. "Ye're a strappin' fellae, wi' a beard a dwairrf wad be prood tae bear. Dae ye think ye coud dae a bit ay chairmin' ay th' lassie? She hasnae takken tae me, for reasons as plain as th' ears oan her heid."

"Aw daen!" he declares. "Shoud we gae oan in?"

[sblock=OOC]Strapping, yes. But without a cha bonus or any ranks in Diplomacy, I'm not sure how well he'll be charming anyone. ;) Still, can't hurt to have a go:

Diplomacy check (1d20=8)

...about what I thought. ;)[/sblock]

Weel straightens up as if he's been goosed when Gildrim whispers to him. He nods very stoically and turns to make a go of it.

"Now, ma... sir," Weel stumbles, realizing as he's approaching that the elf isn't a lassie. "Apologies for our confuzzlement. It's just been a very long day for Gildrim, and the rest of us might be a bit off from imbib... that is, from imb..roglios. Yes. Imbroglios. Sparring, really. To, you see, limber up the muscles and ... perhaps the waiting inside you suggested?"


The elf stares, momentarily speechless. He opens his mouth several times before he manages to get out "Quite," through clenched teeth. He turns smartly on his heel and opens the door, not quite slamming it against its stop, and escorts you to a smartly-furnished sitting room not far from the door. He closes the door behind you with exquisite care.

From the hall, the sound of stomping feet can be heard, followed by distant sounds of a voice raised in anger. It goes on for some time.

Perhaps ten minutes later, the door opens and a harried-looking halfling comes in. "I'm Fewtrell. Which one of you is... Gildrim?" he says, consulting a thick sheaf of notes.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
before karl enters, he tries his best to remove any dried swamp signs and such from himself before entering. Hearing the heavy stomping he is about to comment when the halfling enters, making Karl wonder how such loud noises can be from this Fewtrell fellow.


"Of course, it's all written down here," says Fewtrell, nodding matter-of-factly. "Dwarf with accent, Gildrim. That means you must be Cyian," he nods to Karl, "and you Ter-raen," this to Richard, "Which means you must be Erf. But... weren't you a little green gnome when you left? Ah, but I digress. What have you discovered, regarding Master Thorne's noble ancestry?"


First Post
Weel Naxel, human cleric

"Of course, it's all written down here," says Fewtrell, nodding matter-of-factly. "Dwarf with accent, Gildrim. That means you must be Cyian," he nods to Karl, "and you Ter-raen," this to Richard, "Which means you must be Erf. But... weren't you a little green gnome when you left? Ah, but I digress. What have you discovered, regarding Master Thorne's noble ancestry?"

Weel opens his mouth to correct the halfling, but then looks back at Gildrim. Going sheepish as he recalls 'blowing cover' for the dwarf, Weel promptly closes his mouth again and lets his new companion do the talking.


"Eh, whit accent?" Gildrim mutters.

"Bide a wee, bide a wee, Maister Fewtrell. Ah'm Gildrim ay Clan Nurazak, shuir eneuch! But these fowk are - Dae ye happen tae hae written doon th' terms ay th' contractual agreement wi' Maister Thorne amang yer jottins?"

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