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Swashbuckler - An exercise in basic class building.


This is a basic class design combining elements of the ranger and rogue, making a non-thief, non-nature martial striker with the secondary role of some minor defender traits. It will focus on two primary builds, either a One handed “fencer” which can include weapon and buckler, and a two-weapon style fencer. The one-handed style would focus more on defense and precision, while the two-weapon style would focus more on brute dual wielding tactics.

This came to me inspired by all the complaints in the Weapon Excerpt thread (and other threads) about the lack of a two-weapon fighting class other than the ranger which seems to be more heavily ranged then dual wielding. It is also is a mental exercise in how to “modify” current existing powers to give them a new flavor and use while not changing the mechanics, or mixing very basic concepts from existing powers. After putting it all together I figured I'd share it just for posterity and to see if it elicits any comments.


Primary Role: Striker. You concentrate on either precise single weapon attacks or two-weapon melee fighting to deal a lot damage to one enemy
at a time. Your attacks rely on speed and mobility, since you prefer to use hit and run tactics whenever possible.
Secondary Role: Defender
Power Source: Martial. Your talents depend on extensive training and practice, inner confidence, and natural proficiency.
Key Abilities: Strength, Dexterity, Charisma
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Light Shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, Military melee, Rapier
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex
Hit Points at 1st level: 12 + CON Score
Hit Points Per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges Per Day: 6 + CON Modifier
Trained Skills: Bluff or intimidate (your choice) and Streetwise.
…..From the class skill list below, choose four more trained skills at 1st level.
…..Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Insight (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis)
Build Options: Precision swashbuckler (one hand or one hand and buckler), Two-blade swashbuckler


Swashbucklers operate in a variety of ways. Some use their natural charm and cunning trickery to deceive foes. Others rely on speed and pure skill to overcome their enemies. Choose a bonus feat (from a restricted list based on the build).

When you wield a light blade, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

You boldly confront a nearby enemy, using taunts and jibes to disrupt its effectiveness if it ignores your challenge.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Minor Action - Close Burst 5
Target: One creature in burst
Effect: Once per turn , you mark a target. The target remains marked until you use this power against another target. If you mark other creatures using other powers, the target is still marked. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place. You do an additional +1d6 damage to a challenged enemy on a successful attack. This ability is a challenge and thus relies on the intelligence and language ability of the target.

Your powers are called exploits, since they are from the martial power source. Some of your powers require you to use a weapon. If a power does not state “weapon”, then you don’t need to have your weapon in your hand.

Level 1 At-Will Exploits

PRECISE ATTACK – Swashbuckler Attack 1
You study the enemy, looking for a gap in their defenses. Only when you find it do you strike.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: DEX +4 vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] damage (no added DEX damage).

FEINTING STRIKE – Swashbuckler Attack 1
You feint past your enemy’s guard to make your attack, or you make a feinting attack and then withdraw to a more advantageous position.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Special: Shift 1 square before or after your attack.
Attack: DEX vs. AC

LUNGING STRIKE – Swashbuckler Attack 1
A final lunge unbalances your foe and forces them to retreat.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Special: You can move up to 1 squares before the attack.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + STR damage, and you push the target 1 square if it is your size, smaller than you or one size category larger. You can shift into the space that the target occupied.

Level 1 Encounter Exploits

DODGING RIPOSTE – Swashbuckler Attack 1
Using the momentum from your enemy’s blow and a quick sidestep, you make a sudden retaliatory attack as they stumble to regain their composure.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Immediate Reaction - Melee weapon
Trigger: An enemy makes a melee attack against you
Attack: You can shift 1 square, then make a basic attack against the enemy.
Special: Gain +2 power bonus to your basic attack roll.

SWASHBUCKLER’S FAVOR – Swashbuckler Attack 1
With a calculated strike, you leave your foe exposed to an imminent attack from one of your allies.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + STR damage. One ally within 5 squares of you gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.

VICIOUS VERBOSITY – Swashbuckler Attack 1
Using your charismatic way with words to vilify the villain, you take them aback and off balance.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee Weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1[W] + CHA damage, and you slide the target a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.

Level 1 Daily Exploits

DOUBLE STRIKE – Swashbuckler Attack 1
You strike two foes at once.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Close burst 1
Requirement: You must be wielding two melee weapons.
Target: Two creatures in burst you can see
Attack: Strength vs. AC. Make two attack rolls, take the better result, and apply it to both targets.
Hit: 2[W]+ STR damage.

PINNING ONSLAUGHT – Swashbuckler Attack 1
No matter where your foe turns, your blades await.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action - Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Special: You can move up to 1 squares before the attack.
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 2[W]+ STR damage.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, the target cannot shift if you are adjacent to it.

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A swashbuckler as a striker adds yet another "lightly armored dex-based martial striker". Meh. Choosing a rogue or ranger for the swashbucker archetype might not be perfect but it works, kind of, especially if you take more liberty with the class skills. I don't like to see too many too similar classes.

What I would like to see is a Swashbuckler as a defender. A lightly armored defender with a light blade in one hand and a dagger/cloak/bucker/nothing in the off-hand would make for an interesting class.

What this class needs is some inherent AC-bonus when unarmored or lightly armored, preferably the ability to add *both* Dex and Int to AC and Reflex.

As for a marking ability, their should be two variants:

A "Gentleman" that challenges his enemies to duels
A "Jester" type who taunts his enemies.

The other question is about tactics. You can't expect a swashing defender to stick to one square and defend it until death. Rather, the swashing defender should be highly mobile, like a rogue. But he has powers like jumping into the way of an attack or quickly switching place with allies to get them out of harms way.

And of course you need iconic powers like attacking from a swinging rope or by jumping from a balcony.


mkill said:
A swashbuckler as a striker adds yet another "lightly armored dex-based martial striker". Meh. Choosing a rogue or ranger for the swashbucker archetype might not be perfect but it works, kind of, especially if you take more liberty with the class skills. I don't like to see too many too similar classes.
This was the original intent. There are many people who want a "lightly armored martial striker" that doesn't also HAVE to have the nature of thief archetype tacked on. This particular exercise was to show how that is easily achieved simply be rearranging existing abilities. In many ways, this class doesn't have to be that similar to the ranger or rogue.

Rangers are more geared toward being rangers than they are melee fighters (from everything we have seen so far) and come packaged as terrain specialists (Nature or Dungeoneering as a pre-included skill training). Rogues automatically are shackled with thievery and stealth. A swashbuckler should be none of those but is still a martial striker. I personally have no problem with creating new classes to fit a specific style niche.

What I would like to see is a Swashbuckler as a defender. A lightly armored defender with a light blade in one hand and a dagger/cloak/bucker/nothing in the off-hand would make for an interesting class.
I did include defender as the secondary role of the class. However, it works just as well to convert the class the other way around with Defender as Primary and Striker as Secondary.

What this class needs is some inherent AC-bonus when unarmored or lightly armored, preferably the ability to add *both* Dex and Int to AC and Reflex.
Until I see the full rules, I wouldn't guess at this kind of class feature. We have no idea how broken the concept of giving the benefits of 2 ability scores can be yet. I would be more inclined to simply give them a class feature that grants them a flat bonus to AC defense to bring them up to par with a fighter in heavy armor.

As for a marking ability, their should be two variants:
A "Gentleman" that challenges his enemies to duels
A "Jester" type who taunts his enemies.
The problem here is that from what we have seen so far, classes have very limited access to 'core class features'. You can't simply keep heaping on more class features like in 3.5E. I do agree there that should be two styles (builds) of swashbuckler (or Duelist) for another name but that doesn't necessarily mean that each build needs its OWN unique challenge. The only real difference here is a change to the "flavor text" to indicate both styles. I do have some experience with designing this type of class (see the Duelist in my sig).

The other question is about tactics. You can't expect a swashing defender to stick to one square and defend it until death. Rather, the swashing defender should be highly mobile, like a rogue. But he has powers like jumping into the way of an attack or quickly switching place with allies to get them out of harms way. And of course you need iconic powers like attacking from a swinging rope or by jumping from a balcony.

If you didn't notice, most of their powers are already geared to movement. As for things like jumping and swinging from ropes, we don't have enough of the rules to see how these events are handled by the rules. I am pretty sure these kinds of events are handled by skills. However, once we see the full rules we COULD write new class powers that have the "fluff feel" of these styles of abilities.

Also, as I originally said, this was simply an exercise in tweaking existing class roles and powers to give a different feeling and flavored class to the same role. It also specifically looks at mixing and dabbling in dual class build - a "Striker" with "Defender" powers as well.

I look forward to delving into much deeper class design issues once we have the full rules.


Well put. The class looks very good as well. If you have no objections, I'm gonna put it in our updated classes OCC for the original creations thread to help keep it compilated and alive.


malcolm_n said:
Well put. The class looks very good as well. If you have no objections, I'm gonna put it in our updated classes OCC for the original creations thread to help keep it compilated and alive.
Not a problem. I'd eventually like to hammer it out into something useful rather than just a mental exercise.


First Post
My gut is to hack the fighter rather than create an entirely new class.

Give the class an inherent at will stance that gives them all the advantages and disadvantages of heavy armor no matter what armor they are wearing. This is not a power, but a general class ability, like fighter's combat challenges. (Also add a feat to upgrade this defense to an interrupt ability.)

From there, follow the fighter class.

In order for another class to get this ability, the character must be fully multiclassed into fighter.

You've now covered the martial artist, monk, native warrior, fencer, robed samurai, and any other lightly armored warrior that you can think of.


but why deal primarily in fluff? If you have a concept and can build an average of 3 features or powers from it, I say let it be a class. The rest can be twists on other powers, but if it's not identical, we can give it identity. :) And yes, when you get time to flesh it out more, by all means do so.


malcolm_n said:
but why deal primarily in fluff? If you have a concept and can build an average of 3 features or powers from it, I say let it be a class. The rest can be twists on other powers, but if it's not identical, we can give it identity. :) And yes, when you get time to flesh it out more, by all means do so.
I completely agree here. Just because the PHB has a Ranger, Fighter and Rogue, it doesn't mean that every possible type of melee fighting class needs to be shoehorned into them. I think there is a LOT of room for playing with class concepts in the 4E system. Even if some powers are identical to those in another class, as long as the types of powers available to the class isn't identical to another class, then to me, that defines a new class. In the example of the Duelist/Swashbuckler, I do not think it fits any combination of Fighter/Ranger/Rogue without having to seriously stretch the imagination and to give up the kinds of powers you you really need for the class to work since there is not "true" multiclass in 4E. The closest thing to a true multiclass is a class that is specifically designed to mimic aspects of 2 classes. In this case, the class is actually more a mix of 3 classes which is totally impossible in 4E as we know it.

However, I'll hold my final judgment till I have the books in hand and can see the full rule-set and the section of the DMG discussing class design.


I thought you'd enjoy this. I'm including one with each PHB II Class in our OCC is why I wrote it up. Next I'll be working on Epic Destinies, such as the Dead Sea-Farer (i think i spelled that right) *cough, pirates of the caribbean* :)

Edit* lol, forgot to paste it

Credit: Malcolm_N (EnWorld Member)
Of course I killed them… I have a reputation to uphold, after all.
Prerequisite: Swashbuckler

Sea Legs (11th level): Once per encounter, you may substitute an athletics or an acrobatics check for an attack roll if you could use either.

Canny Buccaneer (11th level): If you would gain bonuses from higher ground to attack an enemy in melee, you gain combat advantage against that enemy instead.

Dread Pirate’s Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you and your allies gain 1d10 + your Cha modifier temporary HP.

Reputation (16th level): Pi ck one of the following: You gain the benefits described
Cutthroat: You have a reputation for killing first and asking questions, well, never. Your allies gain a bonus to Intimidate checks equal to your Cha modifier if you’re around. In addition, once per day, you can choose to make one successful attack a critical hit instead.
Privateer: You have a reputation for clean stealing. If you can avoid a fight, you will. Your allies gain a bonus to Diplomacy checks equal to your Cha modifier when you’re around. In addition, once per encounter, you can shift up to ½ your speed as an immediate reaction and place yourself in the way of an attack that would target an adjacent ally.

Dread Pirate Powers

PARRY, PARRY, DODGE, THRUST Dread Pirate Attack 11
You turn your attacks on your opponent, frustrating them. At last, they make the crucial mistake you’ve been waiting for.
Encounter Martial * Weapon
Immediate Reaction, Melee, Reliable
Target: One creature
Trigger: The target misses you with an attack.
Attack: Melee + Cha vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dex + Cha damage.

I’M NOT LEFT HANDED Dread Pirate Utility 12
Just as things are looking down, you pull another trick out of your sleeve.
Encounter Martial * Healing
Minor Action, Personal
Trigger: Any time after you are bloodied
Effect: You may spend a healing surge and also gain temporary HP equal to your Charisma score. You and allies within 2 squares of you gain a +2 to attacks until the end of your next turn.

TAKE NO PRISONERS Dread Pirate Attack 20
Daily Martial * Weapon
Standard Action, Close burst 5
Targets: All bloodied enemies in burst
Attack: You and your allies can each make an opportunity attack against an adjacent target.
Cutthroat: A successful attack deals extra damage equal to your Cha modifier.
Privateer: You and your allies can allow the target to give up in exchange for not attacking it.[/sblock]


First Post
Khaalis said:
I completely agree here. Just because the PHB has a Ranger, Fighter and Rogue, it doesn't mean that every possible type of melee fighting class needs to be shoehorned into them. I think there is a LOT of room for playing with class concepts in the 4E system. Even if some powers are identical to those in another class, as long as the types of powers available to the class isn't identical to another class, then to me, that defines a new class. In the example of the Duelist/Swashbuckler, I do not think it fits any combination of Fighter/Ranger/Rogue without having to seriously stretch the imagination and to give up the kinds of powers you you really need for the class to work since there is not "true" multiclass in 4E. The closest thing to a true multiclass is a class that is specifically designed to mimic aspects of 2 classes. In this case, the class is actually more a mix of 3 classes which is totally impossible in 4E as we know it.

However, I'll hold my final judgment till I have the books in hand and can see the full rule-set and the section of the DMG discussing class design.

I agree. I think 4E will have many ways to accomodate different class concepts. I think this is part of the problem many are having with understanding how multi-classing works. I'm guessing that many concepts that previously required multi-classing in 3E will simply be new "base classes," in 4E (such as the Swordmage).
I'm hoping the DMG has plenty of rules on how to accomplish just what you've attempted in your post in simple elegant rules.

Not a bad first shot at a Swashbuckler, either :D

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